I always vote for myself and if I can't, I downvote the whole game.
Actually I vote objective time or objective kills. Or support. They need more love.
I always vote for myself and if I can't, I downvote the whole game.
Actually I vote objective time or objective kills. Or support. They need more love.
It seems like every time I play, Support characters barely gets any votes. Unless they get a POTG.
Like others have said this doesn't happen very often, but when it does to me it feels like a fun change of pace. For me anyway.
Man, no one ever seems to vote for objective time/kills. I actually get kind of self-conscious if I get the objective time card specifically (which I do a lot, since I play tons of Lucio). It feels like the participation award of Overwatch, even though it's actually super important.
Being forced to use roadhog in brawl I see why I get hooked so much, you don't even have to be slightly accurate with it...
It would have been fun if it wasn't a complete bloodbath. All I heard all game was PEW PEW ARGH!!
My favorite card is the McCree fan the hammer card, like LOL you're proud of that? It's like being proud of your bumper bowling score.
As for overall match rating I always go 2 stars unless it was an extremely close most epic game ever or if there was a troll or major shit talker.
Wait where the hell are these features? I've never noticed them.
I've probably rated 1% of my matches played. I forgot that feature existed. I use avoid player pretty heavily though.
Wait where the hell are these features? I've never noticed them.
It could but since they've said they tuned some damage values and other gameplay mechanics things differently on console it's very unlikely. They would have to patch both platforms to meet in the middle if they did crossplay.
Bastion's weak spot in turret form clips through the wall![]()
Someone earlier in the thread stumbled upon this as well, apparently if the payload is in the area Tracer recalls to she gets stuck in the payload. You can recall out of it though.Saw someone who appeared to have glitched into the actual Payload item earlier today, on Xbox One.
Understood. Thanks!Someone earlier in the thread stumbled upon this as well, apparently if the payload is in the area Tracer recalls to she gets stuck in the payload. You can recall out of it though.
Whenever I see a 50% or more total team damage healed, I vote for that person.
Supports need love too!
Someone earlier in the thread stumbled upon this as well, apparently if the payload is in the area Tracer recalls to she gets stuck in the payload. You can recall out of it though.
No thank you blizzard and thanks goodbye"Widowmaker is on our radar. We are discussing her. We have some internal experiments going to see if we can keep her viable while lowering the frustration threshold a little bit. Right now, this is just exploration. If something more comes of it, we'll let you know."
It's astounding how many people seem to ignore the big fuck-off Reinhardt shield that's right there in front of them. So many people just run through it and die or sit behind it doing nothing while you inch forward until it breaks.
It's the worst with Bastions because they shred the shield so fast that every second counts, but no one seems to get that they can fire through it to force the Bastion to move.
When I see that it's almost an automatic commend. That person healed their ass off and tried their best to keep everyone alive. They deserve to be complimented for their hard effort.I'd hope anyone would vote for more than 50% healed. That's really good.
Is there a list of PS4 guys who are looking to group up? Hardly of my the people on my friends list have the game of if they did, they stopped playing. For me though, this is the most fun I have had in a shooter in a long time. Playing with randoms has been fine for the most part, but I know grouping up would make it a lot better.
No thank you blizzard and thanks goodbye
really though I think Widow is fine... She's definitely up there as a really good character but she's not broken - instead of nerfing the effective characters they should make the less effective characters more effective
Can you hit it?
I've been pitted against 6 Symmetras before. It wasn't too hard to adapt to, but it was pretty intimidating to wander in a place and your entire screen lights up with laser turrets. It's all in good fun though, so I don't mind people playing around like this. Sometimes gimmicks like that mix up the game in interesting ways.Never had that happen when going solo. You guys have some luck.
Yup, fighting against anyone with really good aim is going to be "frustrating".Yep Widow is totally fine. Pro aimers are in every FPS
yeah, I don't get why you wouldn't. It doesn't mean anything anyway.if my card appears I vote for myself everytime lol
I've been pitted against 6 Symmetras before. It wasn't too hard to adapt to, but it was pretty intimidating to wander in a place and your entire screen lights up with laser turrets. It's all in good fun though, so I don't mind people playing around like this. Sometimes gimmicks like that mix up the game in interesting ways.
yeah, I don't get why you wouldn't. It doesn't mean anything anyway.
Yup, fighting against anyone with really good aim is going to be "frustrating".
Thinking of heroes they can add and I'll be pissed if they ever add a character like the Spy from TF2 that can go invisible.
My favorite card is the McCree fan the hammer card, like LOL you're proud of that? It's like being proud of your bumper bowling score.
As for overall match rating I always go 2 stars unless it was an extremely close most epic game ever or if there was a troll or major shit talker.
Like others have said this doesn't happen very often, but when it does to me it feels like a fun change of pace. For me anyway.
Don't worry, they won't. They tried to have a hero that could go invisible, but found it to be OP and couldn't find a way to balance it, so they scrapped the idea instead.
OT3 so close I can taste it.
There's a new game mode, how did I miss that announcement?The new game made is really good for getting a grasp on many of the heroes. It'd be interesting to see the split between that and Quick Play; it seems like I'm getting games marginally quicker in the latter.
Check out the the OP, there's a google doc there that lists people on each platform you can add.
add me
How do you "buff others" when the problems with widow are things like quick recharge time and a powerful secondary fire that allows a long range specialist to go up against other primaries in close combat ?No thank you blizzard and thanks goodbye
really though I think Widow is fine... She's definitely up there as a really good character but she's not broken - instead of nerfing the effective characters they should make the less effective characters more effective
I still do the thing where if my team was utter shit, I'll vote for the enemy player that fucked us the most (assuming they got a card, which usually yes) and downvote the match itself. I do it partially because the person who shut us down generally does deserve it, but I admit there's a bit of "F U TEAM" behind it as well.