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Overwatch |OT5| 15 Million Strong, None Are On The Payload

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The problem is that at 25 unless someone is actually experienced in an fps game previously, the rank system placement can stick them in the 40's hell (or the new equivalent). They aren't really going to learn anything there other than contempt for their teammates. We got people in the thread that have to deal with that rank and the people there and can attest to what it's like.

What? Ths logic makes no sense. If a player has no experience in FPS gamed and OW is their first shooter, odds are they will be matched below 50 no matter what level they are. Why should anyone be worrying about that? That is their skill level. Raising the level requirement doesn't raise the skill floor of competitive at all. It just forces players who want to play with their friends to grind more Quick Play. Zzzzzz.




I know it's just a brawl and it doesn't count for anything but it's fucking annoying playing 3 minutes of a Lucioball match only for someone to leave and it reinstances and ends the game. Complete waste of time.


see update about loot boxes

During the month of August, players have been enjoying Overwatch's first seasonal event. With the festivities winding down, we wanted to give you a few details about the end of Summer Games.

After 4pm PT on August 23, the Summer Games collection will head back into the vault, and our standard Loot Boxes will reappear. Anyone who has unopened Summer Games Loot Boxes after this time will still be able to open them and get Summer Games loot, while Loot Boxes that are earned or purchased after 4pm PT on August 23 will contain items from our standard selection. (Note: the Loot Box transition will happen at 8pm PT today for PlayStation 4 players in Japan.)

The Estádio das Rãs, home of Lúcioball, will also be closing its doors at 4pm tomorrow, so be sure rack up a few last-minute goals before then.

We hope you’ve enjoyed the Summer Games, and we're looking forward to the future of seasonal events like this. Thank you for all of the feedback you’ve provided us, and we hope to keep improving season after season.

Thanks for joining us in Rio, heroes!
So I've been thinking of interesting ranged weapon types they haven't utilized yet that would be cool to have, and some I thought of are: Boomerang, javelin, some sort of seismic wave/pulse (could be cool for Doomfist!), crossbow, flamethrower, slingshot, some sort of rebounding weapon that bounces between enemies like Captain America's shield or a sort of chain lightning attack.


The Vault, eh? Going the Disney route perhaps?

probably won't hide this away for 30 years, heh

going to be like WoW, events are annual. i've said it before but it would really be cool if (for a theoretical Halloween event) the maps get Halloween touches like in WoW, just simple things like jack o lanterns here and there.


If you're on PS4, there's always room for more in our group.

Actually, that's a lie and spots usually fill up quite quickly, but I can add you to the list of people to be potentially invited.

Ha okay awesome. My PSN is: kashif_786. Or you can give me your PSN and I'll add you.


the holder of the trombone
Motherfucker, got the high noon achievement while playing eichenwalde so that didn't count. :*(

Eichenwalde has so many high noon flanking spots though. So many.
Motherfucker, got the high noon achievement while playing eichenwalde so that didn't count. :*(

Eichenwalde has so many high noon flanking spots though. So many.

Had that happen with both Undying and Game Over. I ended up getting them with little problem after a bit on live, though.

after they pass the bridge before the castle is the absolute best for High Noon. There is little counter if Rein is down. I love it.


the holder of the trombone
Had that happen with both Undying and Game Over. I ended up getting them with little problem after a bit on live, though.

after they pass the bridge before the castle is the absolute best for High Noon. There is little counter if Rein is down. I love it.

Got the high noon at the last part. There's a little side route and I just took advantage of team fights. :p


Motherfucker, got the high noon achievement while playing eichenwalde so that didn't count. :*(

Eichenwalde has so many high noon flanking spots though. So many.

That part right after attackers get the payload and are going up the road to the castle. Holy shit a mccree on top of the castle is deadly as fuck. Going to get so mad.

I've been thinking about maps again, wishing there were day and night versions for all of them. Cause a night time castle map would be awesome for Halloween
probably won't hide this away for 30 years, heh

going to be like WoW, events are annual. i've said it before but it would really be cool if (for a theoretical Halloween event) the maps get Halloween touches like in WoW, just simple things like jack o lanterns here and there.

I'd love to see something akin to the Horseless Headless Horsemann.
Had plans to get in on some good last minute loot grinding last night and then things came up. Didn't get a chance to get on at all.

I wanted the British flag Tracer but no dice. I did pull the red suit Zarya, Swedish Torb and Symmetra's killer emote.

Speaking of her, is there any word at all about reverting her turret nerf?
So they're going to have summer games loot boxes next summer as well, even though the olympics aren't happening? It'd be kind of cool to have some of the items be unattainable in the future, but I understand letting everyone get a chance at the stuff they want.
Hopped into a friends game who clearly has much higher MMR and holy crap is this game enjoyable when everyone is performing well and pick decent comps.
Had a similar game yesterday with great players and we were going back and forth on team kills on control, it's hard to describe but it just feels so much better when a team 'works'.


I barely play as Zarya on defend points even tho she is my "main" but decided to start

Good lord on Route 66 I used her and had a roadhog random on the team and it was just us on the front line...they never made it past the train. This was like some team usa basketball vs the world shit.

Just disgusting
I barely play as Zarya on defend points even tho she is my "main" but decided to start

Good lord on Route 66 I used her and had a roadhog random on the team and it was just us on the front line...they never made it past the train. This was like some team usa basketball vs the world shit.

Just disgusting

Yeah, I love seeing another player pick Roadhog when I'm Zarya. A nice big target for me to stick my bubble onto and build my charge, as the two of us take turns soaking up damage on the front lines while the DPSers in the back whittle the enemies down.


Yeah, I love seeing another player pick Roadhog when I'm Zarya. A nice big target for me to stick my bubble onto and build my charge, as the two of us take turns soaking up damage on the front lines while the DPSers in the back whittle the enemies down.

Never seen something so nasty of a tank combo like this. Thought Winston was a good one but big boy takes the cake.


Just played as Genji on Hanumura defence and the Ana we had was just so bad. She nano boosted me twice whilst there was absolutely no one on the first point or at best, a Tracer. So when it came to the final 20 seconds, they made a big push and everyone died except me and I only managed 3 kills with Dragonblade before being taken down. I probably would've wiped the Roadhog and Reinhardt with the nano boost.

Luckily we still won the game. Reaper came in clutch as usual. He's just so good against everything that isnt McCree lol.

Ooh I have you on psn. Didn't realise was a gaffer.

Yup. I wish I could change it to Skii but I guess I'll be eternally stuck with a name I made almost 10 years ago haha.

What's your PSN name? Either way, lets try to group up when we're online next time :)


How is an algorithm going to predict what hero players decide to choose after the matchmaking when they are also free to change heroes in the match as often as they want?

Hehe, this is what I get for posting while trying to fight off a migraine headache while at work. Now that I go back and read what I wrote it really doesn't make a lot of sense, does it? My apologies. Yesterday afternoon and evening were just bad.

People keep focusing on genji getting 3-4 kills occasionally but ignore the part where most times it's actually zarya's ult that decides whether a point is broken through or not.

There's no question that zarya's ult is the most powerful ult in the game.

I don't agree. I think it has the best synergy with other ults but I think Mercy's ult (which can undo anything an offensive ult might do as long as she is alive) is more powerful overall.

The thing with Zarya is, she isn't powerful on her own. She is an enabler. She can make plays happen but requires constant line of sight and attention to everything that is happening around her. She has great synergy as long as she has at least a few teammates that are sticking fairly close.

So on a good team she's at her best but with new, bad or just plain disorganized players your mileage will vary greatly. In such situations you would be better served with a Roadhog who is able to "solo" more effectively as a tank or just pick Tracer and dictate every encounter.

I've lived on pixiv for far too long to worry about this now.

Telling you Harambe x Zarya just straight ends any pretense of fun. Shit is disgusting.

I'm not picking on you Anne but I find the whole "Harambe" thing to be really offensive. I've seen it show up in games recently and I think it is hugely disrespectful considering the outcome of that situation. I know the internet is going to internet but we don't necessarily have to stoop to that level do we?


I'm not picking on you Anne but I find the whole "Harambe" thing to be really offensive. I've seen it show up in games recently and I think it is hugely disrespectful considering the outcome of that situation. I know the internet is going to internet but we don't necessarily have to stoop to that level do we?

Really dude? Come on now.


I'm not picking on you Anne but I find the whole "Harambe" thing to be really offensive. I've seen it show up in games recently and I think it is hugely disrespectful considering the outcome of that situation. I know the internet is going to internet but we don't necessarily have to stoop to that level do we?

I personally can be aboard some of the internet stuff with this one for reasons, but if you're sensitive to it I won't use it.


the holder of the trombone
PTR, my man. Smaller player pool but it's good practice.

Not sure which of the new Rein skins I want to get. The weathered one is neat but gold is gold...

But with the weathered one is more appropriate when you do the kneeling animation when the final stage starts.

*Banging on the door*

*Souls music intensifies*


Really liking Widowmaker, I try to pick her when I can because sniping people from above is really fun. Just hope they don't have a Tracer though, she is the bane of my existence as Widow.


Was playing a match with Hanzo where an enemy Junkrat did his annoying panic mine defense thing where he blows us into the sky, unfortunately for him it blew us parallel to eachother so I just shot him in the head as we were flying in the air heh heh.

It was funny cause its like he KNEW it was coming as time kind of froze for that split second we were staring at eachother in the air. In the same round I made a Tracer quit the match. I really wish I had recorded that. I should have never put Hanzo down but it was getting way too toxic. Hell the first time I picked him up again after a good month and a half of not playing him I got some toxicity despite saving my team from a Genji ult and a Rein charge.


Really dude? Come on now.

If I'm being overly sensitive I apologize. It isn't my intention to rain on anyone's parade.

I personally can be aboard some of the internet stuff with this one for reasons, but if you're sensitive to it I won't use it.

I appreciate your consideration. For some reason when I think about "Harambe" I get mad and sad at the same time.

Also, Winston is one of my faves. =)


Ha okay awesome. My PSN is: kashif_786. Or you can give me your PSN and I'll add you.

waiTT, I thought that was a GAFfer! LMAO We were WRECKING shop in that group up. Some tight games, but we kept pulling out wins. :D

(this is rest1vih, btw)


Yup. I wish I could change it to Skii but I guess I'll be eternally stuck with a name I made almost 10 years ago haha.

What's your PSN name? Either way, lets try to group up when we're online next time :)
I know the feeling. Psn is undignify. Probably got added through the overwatch gaf community? I'll be on after I eat dinner probably.
If there's any gaf ps4 groups going in the next few hours feel free to add me, psn: Sonovabiscuit as I'm grinding out my last few summer boxes!
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