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Overwatch |OT5| 15 Million Strong, None Are On The Payload

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I feel like I'm really bad with the shield timing and even I find myself at 70+ charge quite a bit.

Not shooting a shield is easy. Keeping a Zarya at no/low charge is almost impossible.


We had a Winston that was hunting down our Genji. Our Genji starts crying and I tell our Zenyatta to do nothing but debuff the Winston the whole match. Didnt see the Winston do anything but hop away and die the rest of the game. That nerf cant come soon enough.

In the next match our group had to split up and the enemy grouped mocked us for only playing our best in a group? Lol WTF? Thats obvious.

I was once mocked for picking Soldier 76 in competitive because he's apparently too easy. And this was from a guy on my team. People are weird.
I feel like I'm really bad with the shield timing and even I find myself at 70+ charge quite a bit.

Not shooting a shield is easy. Keeping a Zarya at no/low charge is almost impossible.
Well Definitely. I usually shield my teammates when they are walking into fire or currently getting damaged. Same for the self shield. I usually don't shield until I'm being shot at because I know they won't have the timing to stop shooting when I put up a shield. Also for self shield, be aware about how long they're shooting at you, you don't want to shield while they're reloading. Try and memorize how long it takes for most characters to go through a whole mag, except for the ones who have high ammo counts, like Winston or Mei. The point of Zarya is to take a few hits, then shield while you're taking damage for free energy. That's why she has 200 shields for health so that she can easily take some damage.

Hope this helps for your timing :)

Also, if you see a fire strike coming your way, put up a shield and walk into it. Free 50 energy. Same thing for certain ults.


I have a Nivida GEFORCE GTX 950 graphics card, and I want to utilize it to get the most out of it for Overwatch and Diablo III. Any suggestions?

Oh, and a thing just happened:

The argument wasn't ever that she is or is not a pick-up and play character... it went from an anecdote of Zarya vs Dva and the Dva winning and then xaosslug saying that decent teams can keep Zaryas at 0% charge, easy. If the Zarya is the same skill level as that decent team and also at similar levels of communications with their team, then no she isn't being starved of charge.

There's no way D.Va wins, that matchup is somewhat in favor for Zarya. Ever since the D.Va update, everyone tries to defense matrix everything. If they ever bring up the DM while you're shooting at them, they've already lost the battle (they either run or take the damage). Every once and awhile you'll get a D.Va that actually remembers they can't DM, so they just shoot you, but that's when I pop my bubble, that 2 seconds of protection is enough to bring D.Va to 1/4 health (even at 0% charge). If Zarya has 40+ energy, D.Va isn't of concern and should run away unless of course she has backup.
I was once mocked for picking Soldier 76 in competitive because he's apparently too easy. And this was from a guy on my team. People are weird.

Yesterday I was playing Quick Play with a few gaffers on the US servers (I usually play on EU cause I'm from EU), and like... so many people were doing the "ez" shit. The first 3 or 4 games we played had all of the enemy teams do it, even at actually really close games (one where the payload was less than a meter away from the goal and we were in Overtime, for instance).

I never encountered that kind of behaviour in such a prevalent fashion on EU servers.


There's no way D.Va wins, that matchup is somewhat in favor for Zarya. Ever since the D.Va update, everyone tries to defense matrix everything. If they ever bring up the DM while you're shooting at them, they've already lost the battle (they either run or take the damage). Every once and awhile you'll get a D.Va that actually remembers they can't DM, so they just shoot you, but that's when I pop my bubble, that 2 seconds of protection is enough to bring D.Va to 1/4 health (even at 0% charge). If Zarya has 40+ energy, D.Va isn't of concern and should run away unless of course she has backup.

Yep, I agree with all your points. I play D.Va more than I play Zarya, and I know I won't be able to deal with a similarly-skilled Zarya 1v1. My usual course of action would be to bait the Zarya bubble so it's on cooldown and fly out to retreat out of beam range.


Zari wrecks as long as tank melter edgelord isn't around. Pharah can really get after her too, especially one that knows how to fly. At least these are the characters that bug me the most.
Zari wrecks as long as tank melter edgelord isn't around. Pharah can really get after her too, especially one that knows how to fly. At least these are the characters that bug me the most.
Yep. Pharah's okay if she fucks up and gets close (plus she's relatively uncommon right now in comp), but Reaper's just a nuisance.


Thing is your talking at a level that has way too many variance in skill level. Obviously very few of us can actually play at pro level but it's obvious why we discuss characters at their peak potential vs others at peak potential because anything else is just anecdotes that's more about player skill.

again, so? Read back through the conversation string, plz.

No one's saying she's "some pick up and play character," they're saying she's really powerful and crushes D.Va one on one. It is not difficult to stay alive as Zarya. In fact, she has more durability than almost any hero in the game.

yeah, in the right hands Zarya's powerful and super hard to stop... which is true of nearly every OW character. And are you kidding? Once any decent player/team catches sight of a Zarya on the enemy team she is most def. targeted, because if she's left alone she becomes an issue. It's very hard to stay alive as Zarya.

anyway, Data West asked how a Zarya could lose to a D.Va w/ half her life gone, and a no-low charge Zarya is one such

y'all are the ones that started bringing special circumstances into the discussion to (I guess?) defend Zarya's viability? IDK


trying to break into the top 500 PS4 on the last day for those rewards

I'm SR 71.5 so I guess I need about 1.5 lvls, I keep running into trolls though who despite being rated 65+ are intentionally throwing games for some strange reason, wondering if a popular streamer made a video doing the same lately or something


I'm sorta back for 10m

Ranked in the upper 50s, people still don't pick tanks.

This applies all the way to 70s on console.

trying to break into the top 500 PS4 on the last day for those rewards

I'm SR 71.5 so I guess I need about 1.5 lvls, I keep running into trolls though who despite being rated 65+ are intentionally throwing games for some strange reason, wondering if a popular streamer made a video doing the same lately or something

Rank doesn't matter. You can be 76 and not top 500. Just focus on improving, it's all based on your internal MMR, not your rank.


So hype about the new map. No Sombra yet, huh? Feel like I might be right about them holding back the reveal but let's see I guess.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Hell yes, got Sprinter Tracer.

I mean i have T.Racer which is awesome but that is nice for a change.


I'm sorta back for 10m

This applies all the way to 70s on console.

Rank doesn't matter. You can be 76 and not top 500. Just focus on improving, it's all based on your internal MMR, not your rank.


I have heard that before, but I haven't seen anyone ranked 73 or above on PS4 that wasn't in the top 500 which I found odd and I've played a lot of games



I have heard that before, but I haven't seen anyone ranked 73 or above on PS4 that wasn't in the top 500 which I found odd and I've played a lot of games

They exist. I'm 73 and fell out of top 500 solely by screwing around in solo and with friends (I was ~150 when they turned on top 500 so I don't have to care about the rank at all anymore). I also have seen 76 and not top 500, proving it correct.

The idea is that they'll overlap- after all, if the system believes you're #400 and rank 73 and hes #600 and 76, the win or the loss and the effect of that on your MMR will eventually even out to what you should be, so there shouldn't be too many people out of the range for that.

I've seen it at 72, never lower. The only time it would have applied lower was when people were having the MMR of 80s as they mass ranked up by all-but-smurfing on level 60s as they got to 70, but that was usually earlier in the season, because top 500 didn't exist back then. Back then, you probably could have triggered it by mid 60s.



I have heard that before, but I haven't seen anyone ranked 73 or above on PS4 that wasn't in the top 500 which I found odd and I've played a lot of games

At least on PC I've seen people been lower SR than others while still being top 500. There's another individual performance stat that also determines top 500 which most people think is the hidden MMR number.


Yup. Had a 72 v 72 game. I went Lucio and everyone else went DPS. Didn't even capture the first point of kings row.

You didn't even have a tank why didn't you switch to tank gosh, you could have done so much for your-zzzz

you see, I call out "wow my teammates suck aaa!!" that I see often, but this? Nope, nothing you could've done really >_> Hope the next ones better.
I'm gonna laugh of Gamescom ends without Blizzard announcing Sombra and just throwing another ARG at the fanbase.
I like that better tbh. Keep us figuring out the hidden secrets instead of just flat out releasing her. If she's a stealth character, it makes sense that they would make figuring her out a puzzle because a stealth character is supposed to, you know, be hidden.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
No one tried to decrypt Kaplan's shirt in the last dev update yet?

Well it's old, they had this even before Overwatch's launch.

I remember seeing that shirt when they haven't announced D.VA yet.
No one tried to decrypt Kaplan's shirt in the last dev update yet?

They're still trying to figure out if he blinked in Morse code or if the Overwatch theme fanfare at the end of the video was containing a hidden message cause it sounded different according to some.
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