A while ago, they changed projectile hitboxes to be about as big as hitscan hitboxes (if not exactly as big?), which made hitting headshots with Hanzo a lot harder.
Now he's back to shooting logs.
super fast logs
A while ago, they changed projectile hitboxes to be about as big as hitscan hitboxes (if not exactly as big?), which made hitting headshots with Hanzo a lot harder.
Now he's back to shooting logs.
If you're in overtime and Mei's ult is what worries you the most, then your team already has problems. Tanks can easily survive on a point inside a Blizzard if they're getting healed by support heroes outside the Blizzard, which any good support should be able to stay out of range when they're positioning themselves to account for upcoming ultimates. Before this buff, Mei's ultimate was pretty easy to avoid or survive through if expecting it.
The size increase makes Blizzard's usefulness about equivalent to other spacing ultimates from the tank heroes.
Animation cancel was a bug, I don't think they will listen to them. Triple jump maybe they'll add it back.
Regarding Genji, I think we can all agree that Blizzard is trying to balance the overall power levels and pick rates of certain heroes. I don't know about your matches but I have had at least one Genji in almost every match I've played in the last couple of weeks. He is pretty much the "go to" flanker now for most situations and in a game with 20+ characters that's not really healthy balance. Something needed to be done and I'm not sure if just the ult change would have changed much.
Speaking of specifics I have to wonder if the Swift Strike melee cancel was intended (I don't think it was) and if the wall climb resetting double jump was likewise intentional (I honestly have no idea). I sort of feel like they should give the wall climb double jump combo back just because it's fun and helps keep Genji alive but the SS melee cancel should stay gone. I really don't think it was ever intended for Genji to be able to do upwards of 200 dmg in a quick combo but that is just my opinion.
Hanzo mains DDOS'ing the servers.Does anyone know what the 'unintended consequences' were that forced them to switch back?
They had fixed flagrant issues with the hitboxes so you actually needed to hit the body to register hits, rather than hitting like a foot off the body to register. It was actually the right call as bullshit headshtots were all but gone and no one was complaining about them. Instead we get to go back to that world
Read the PTR notesWhere's Lucio's nerf?
But they removed Torb's animation canceling.I thought they said everything regarding animation canceling was intentional. I definitely remember hearing that in a developer video from blizz
I've had Zarya in >80% of all my games since launch. And it looks to be the same in tournaments.
where's Zarya's nerf? Where's Lucio's nerf?
btw, those wondering
that's where you can get a headshot on now. That's bullshit
They just nerfed speed boost and buffed Mercy's healing.I've had Zarya in >80% of all my games since launch. And it looks to be the same in tournaments.
where's Zarya's nerf? Where's Lucio's nerf?
Tree trunk indeed.btw, those wondering
that's where you can get a headshot on now. That's bullshit
Where's Lucio's nerf?
wait....this is too good.
btw, those wondering
that's where you can get a headshot on now. That's bullshit
Zaryas a high pick because zencio
Same way pharah doesnt need a buff- shes useless because zencio. Fix zencio and both pickrates adjust.
Wait...did the change to Roadhogs hook nerf it or buff it? I honestly can't tell.
Or is there no difference?
watching PTR mercy get gold healing over lucio brings tears to my eyes, so good
Wait...did the change to Roadhogs hook nerf it or buff it? I honestly can't tell.
Or is there no difference?
They had fixed flagrant issues with the hitboxes so you actually needed to hit the body to register hits, rather than hitting like a foot off the body to register. It was actually the right call as bullshit headshtots were all but gone and no one was complaining about them. Instead we get to go back to that world
I would have been fine with the ult duration being shortened, but boy, they really chipped away at the things that make Genji fun and unique to play.
Yes, Hanzo shots are ridiculous and Junkrat fires basketballs. But there's a reason projectiles use different hitboxes than hitscan. Overwatch's could use more tuning since attacks in this game typically do more damage than in other shooters of similar styles, but making them the same as hitscan was a stupid idea. In the current hitboxes, you can miss headshots as Zenyatta because each hand actually fires at a slightly different angle, even if your crosshair is locked dead-on to their head.
Probably shit like Mei's Icicle not hitting when you're clearly aiming at someone's headSo I really want to know what these "unintended consequences" they refer to are.
wait hanzo got his old hitscan boxes back?
Probably shit like Mei's Icicle not hitting when you're clearly aiming at someone's head
Yes, Hanzo shots are ridiculous and Junkrat fires basketballs. But there's a reason projectiles use different hitboxes than hitscan. Overwatch's could use more tuning since attacks in this game typically do more damage than in other shooters of similar styles, but making them the same as hitscan was a stupid idea. In the current hitboxes, you can miss headshots as Zenyatta because each hand actually fires at a slightly different angle, even if your crosshair is locked dead-on to their head.