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Overwatch |OT6.99999997311%| Game of the Year


Tagged as I see fit
I made level 25!!

Mostly based on Quick Play, but with some Arcade mixed in.

What should I be doing next? Continue on with quick play, or should I move into Competitive?


I made level 25!!

Mostly based on Quick Play, but with some Arcade mixed in.

What should I be doing next? Continue on with quick play, or should I move into Competitive?
Play some more and experiment with every class of hero until you have someone in each you are comfortable with, then jump into competitive.
When you lose your last ranked game of the night after having Junkrat and Bastion on attack.. you would think that diamond ranked players would know better.
Played with a group of 4 all ranked plat earlier today. Spent most of the game being the only one on the payload as Roadhog or Ana while everyone else was running around doing seemingly nothing. It happens everywhere apparently. They even decided to blame me for the loss too. All you can do is block people like that.


First game back . Get kicked off bnet/ow for no reason. Don't even have the option to rejoin the game :<.

Also doesn't seem like its going to matter. It's like the game never happened in the first place as I'm still sitting a 6/10 games done.

Shame. We were 2-0 on koth.
First game back . Get kicked off bnet/ow for no reason. Don't even have the option to rejoin the game :<.

Also doesn't seem like its going to matter. It's like the game never happened in the first place as I'm still sitting a 6/10 games done.

Shame. We were 2-0 on koth.

Unfortunately, it's still a loss for you. The system just doesn't track it as a loss until you finish your next placement match :/
Found myself trapped in 1400SR for the past week. Had an amazing set of games today though and now I'm at 1720SR.

The answer was to just play Roadhog.


I don't think they've fixed Symmetra's Shield Generator placement yet. On certain maps, it can be placed outside of the spawn but in an area where the enemy can't reach because their entry is blocked from there. That's the thing that makes the generator feel like it needs to be be on a timer.
I don't think they've fixed Symmetra's Shield Generator placement yet. On certain maps, it can be placed outside of the spawn but in an area where the enemy can't reach because their entry is blocked from there. That's the thing that makes the generator feel like it needs to be be on a timer.

omg, that's pretty evil

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I don't think they've fixed Symmetra's Shield Generator placement yet. On certain maps, it can be placed outside of the spawn but in an area where the enemy can't reach because their entry is blocked from there. That's the thing that makes the generator feel like it needs to be be on a timer.

Nah its already stupid that her teleport has charges


the holder of the trombone
It's real fucking dumb in design anyway. We don't need more stuff that makes it harder to kill people. Too much sustain in this game already honestly.
It's real fucking dumb in design anyway. We don't need more stuff that makes it harder to kill people. Too much sustain in this game already honestly.

but people were just complaining that the ult economy made it too easy to deathball and discouraged poke gameplay



the holder of the trombone
And they fixed that.

Thing is now you have ana making tanks impossible to kill and you want to add shields on top of that?

There needs to be a balance. Ult charge nerf is good but that just reveals a new problem. Which is fine. That kind of change is too big that you can't just leave it be without additional tweaks.


the holder of the trombone
Yeah that's true. I dunno. Her kit is so weird now on PTR and weirdly contradictory to me.

I think they should make her shield static instead of this weird moving thing honestly.
It's kind of amazing how much quality of comp matches jumps up after midnight. I don't have anything to bitch about! Everyone played smart, adjusted their hero to what the team needed, and there was zero toxicity. And that was like, across 3 games.

Solution to bad matches: stay up way too late.


It's kind of amazing how much quality of comp matches jumps up after midnight. I don't have anything to bitch about! Everyone played smart, adjusted their hero to what the team needed, and there was zero toxicity.

Solution to bad matches: stay up way too late.
That's mostly true, but the thing with playing late is that it's very likely you're gonna run into the same people again.



But seriously, I haven't really seen it in high plat/low diamond myself. I guess I should have continued to grind in S2 to get to Masters and see how it was lol. I find it way more consistent to just hook than try for for perfectly spaced secondary fire especially if you have multiple targets at different ranges.

I can't run around and find specific clips right now, but if you watch players like Taimou, Birdring, and even Harbleu it's not uncommon to see them specifically space M2s on people. A lot of the time they poke with the M2 looking for the cheap kill, and if it fails they have hook to fall back on. It's not too uncommon to see them go for the M2 and get it, then they land the hook off the following situation for a clean double.

I do agree that the OW community has been a bit too fast to call things broken and unbeatable. Many of the pros I've talked to have lamented about how bad we as a community were about it around S1. Ana stands out as an exception though because we knew how bad she was in S2, and they nerfed every counter strat to her in S3 so people are pretty (rightfully I'd say) pissed off about it. I have an article coming this week with some people talking about it a bit more.

Roadhog is another thing where I'm not terribly upset by it, but we've always known he has potential to get nuts fi the game ever came down from crazy ult fights. I just think it makes sense for a slightly longer CD with the new direction of the game. It's just a bit too valuable on an already devastating kit. D.Va is also a thing we know a bit about, but if we just wanted to nerf Ana before messing with her that's fine too. I think splitting the armor/health pool to 300/300 would be a way to go eventually? Idk, something about her as is is ehhh.

Rest of the game is pretty fluid with lots of stuff to explore. So many interesting strats exist that we know about, could name a few that I think are strong, but at the end of the day many top level players and analysts all are at a stage where Korean tank comp is just too strong and stable. Even if we had a major breakthrough it might turn out like S2 where it was just variations of the same Ana comp playing RPS with each other.

Edit: Also I never expect the game to be perfectly balanced, I just wish that enough different strats existed with wiggle room for variations. We've been inching closer and closer to it but we're not quite there yet.


Her new shield is clearly a tool to help your team through a chokepoint or coordinate a push, something to say "Hey she's not just a defense hero!". It's not good enough to force people not to run Reinhardt though. A lot of people also agree that it moves too fast.

Turret buff is insanely good for her though, 6 turrets that recharge faster means that I can be a sneaky Symmetra and set up all 6 of her turrets on the attackers turf on say Eichenwalde, then place 3-4 more at the bridge by the time they are destroyed and be much more closer to generator. Also makes her pretty good for KotH, I always thought her turrets were decent tools to place around the objective, the problem being teleporter isn't really suitable for that mode. Her new ultimate fixes that.

Range buff on her primary is great. Increased health on her ultimate basically means you have to wipe the team before you can destroy it. For generator, it needs to have 75 shields, maybe 50 at least to be worthy. I don't think Blizzard really thought out all the 'possibilities' with her generator though. What happens if Torb becomes good? The fact that these abilities stack is just unhealthy for the game, they should have never been stackable.


the holder of the trombone
Problem is that sym's shield vs rein's shield is the lack of maneuverability and survivability. It's just on this set path unlike a rein which can give you better flexibiity in positioning and setting up poke, and if rein's shield is getting shredded nowadays sym's shield will be destroyed way faster.

So she can't a rein replacement, so what do you run her as? Like, she's pretty much an off-tank. I can't really see her as anything else but.

I dunno, I'm not head over heels for the new sym like most people seem to be.


I can't run around and find specific clips right now, but if you watch players like Taimou, Birdring, and even Harbleu it's not uncommon to see them specifically space M2s on people. A lot of the time they poke with the M2 looking for the cheap kill, and if it fails they have hook to fall back on. It's not too uncommon to see them go for the M2 and get it, then they land the hook off the following situation for a clean double.

I do agree that the OW community has been a bit too fast to call things broken and unbeatable. Many of the pros I've talked to have lamented about how bad we as a community were about it around S1. Ana stands out as an exception though because we knew how bad she was in S2, and they nerfed every counter strat to her in S3 so people are pretty (rightfully I'd say) pissed off about it. I have an article coming this week with some people talking about it a bit more.

Roadhog is another thing where I'm not terribly upset by it, but we've always known he has potential to get nuts fi the game ever came down from crazy ult fights. I just think it makes sense for a slightly longer CD with the new direction of the game. It's just a bit too valuable on an already devastating kit. D.Va is also a thing we know a bit about, but if we just wanted to nerf Ana before messing with her that's fine too. I think splitting the armor/health pool to 300/300 would be a way to go eventually? Idk, something about her as is is ehhh.

Rest of the game is pretty fluid with lots of stuff to explore. So many interesting strats exist that we know about, could name a few that I think are strong, but at the end of the day many top level players and analysts all are at a stage where Korean tank comp is just too strong and stable. Even if we had a major breakthrough it might turn out like S2 where it was just variations of the same Ana comp playing RPS with each other.

Edit: Also I never expect the game to be perfectly balanced, I just wish that enough different strats existed with wiggle room for variations. We've been inching closer and closer to it but we're not quite there yet.

I'll check them out when I get a chance.

Yeah, I definitely think folks are jumping the gun with Ana being the exception. I think the big thing is that the cycles are so quick that I think exploring everything isn't really an option. That's not necessarily a bad thing because we're getting changes but at the same time, it feels a little much at times.

I think the big thing I want to see next aside from character changes is really a new maps or map type that emphasizes different things than we've seen now. The types we have currently aren't different enough that to provide room to explore strats and character combinations that we haven't seen so far.

Anyway on to other things. It's quick play but this is the first time I've ever gotten 5/5 medals, lol. It's only quick play but I guess that Zenyatta practice has been paying off.

when you were going to grind out your weekly loot boxes but blizzard's the devil and reset them on monday


well i guess i'm not going back to OW until tomorrow


Problem is that sym's shield vs rein's shield is the lack of maneuverability and survivability. It's just on this set path unlike a rein which can give you better flexibiity in positioning and setting up poke, and if rein's shield is getting shredded nowadays sym's shield will be destroyed way faster.

So she can't a rein replacement, so what do you run her as? Like, she's pretty much an off-tank. I can't really see her as anything else but.

I dunno, I'm not head over heels for the new sym like most people seem to be.

Sym is my favorite support, so honestly she can be OP for a bit :)

Serious mode: Her base kit improvements are really good and I like them, so that's enough for me. Just tinker with the shield a bit more, maybe a stationary variant or something. It also doesn't cover very much and has weird pathing issues (if you throw it along the ground and it hits a slope it stays at that trajectory).

You could probably run her as 3rd support, or drop Lucio and run Ana for healing. You have more leverage to drop Lucio on defense, so it makes me think that offensively she may not be worth it despite how good her generator is. That issue goes for KotH as well.

EDIT: Part of me wants to get remove Lucio's Amp it Up entirely as some sort of rework for him. Raise his healing to 20-25 HPS. Buff his damage so he has the fighting capabilities of Zen or Ana. Lucio is a problem for supports, because it is really hard to justify running a Symmetra instead of him, and you can't really run both unless you don't want adequate healing.
Apparently I've had aim assist off on console for the last month and a half. God dang, no wonder I suddenly sucked with my normal attack characters. I don't know how I didn't realize it until now, but hey, now I can actually try Sombra without feeling entirely useless, and maybe I can finally play someone other than Mercy in 3v3!

Made it to 2500 this season like this, at least. Mei/Sym/Mercy when solo-q, Winston when duo with my buddy's Zarya. Winston's surprisingly fun, never really gave the guy a chance before, so at least something good came from my idiocy. xD


Had the most frustrating draw ever. Playing Lucio on Hanamura, team over extends on over-time and we ultimately end in a draw because we can't take the second point.


erotic butter maelstrom
when you were going to grind out your weekly loot boxes but blizzard's the devil and reset them on monday


well i guess i'm not going back to OW until tomorrow
Arcade was fun at first but I can't handle more than three wins worth of matches per week. Especially when it's hard to find activity outside of the elimination modes. Mystery heroes is the only one I come back to but it's usually dead.


I feel like I'm not having fun this season. Or I'm just salty about my losing streak tonight. Probably a bit of both. Doesn't help that I've been playing Overwatch exclusively these last few weeks. I'll probably go back to playing a little bit throughout the week while focusing on other games. Lord knows I need to finish Watch Dogs 2 and start Hitman.


how is it it's been 7 months and people still have trouble with checking behind them or something as simple as looking to their sides and covering the healer. I swear i think people play with no sound because footsteps are so easy to hear

also, doing the mystery hero for the weekly boxes, i would love to see the self kills numbers. I know when i get bastion or sym i instantly go find the nearest cliff, and I know a lot of other players do the same with characters they might not like. those numbers would be fun to look at
I already play a symettra a ton so I'm really excited for this buff, but does anyone know if the shields the generator gives a teamate are shot down, do they regenerate over time or reset by the generator? I think that's how it should work right? Armour is the only temporary buff?


I made level 25!!

Mostly based on Quick Play, but with some Arcade mixed in.

What should I be doing next? Continue on with quick play, or should I move into Competitive?

Play comp for serious stuff, but don't expect too much in terms of ranking. It's not a knock against you, just that none of us were actually good at level 25 either.
I feel disheartened whenever I see someone who hasn't spent enough time learning a huge majority of the nuances of the maps and characters and try out comp for the first time at level 25 and just give up on the game because they placed at silver or something.
I already play a symettra a ton so I'm really excited for this buff, but does anyone know if the shields the generator gives a teamate are shot down, do they regenerate over time or reset by the generator? I think that's how it should work right? Armour is the only temporary buff?

As long as you are in range of the generator, you gain the shields, which regenerate over time if you aren't shot at, yes.


4-0-1, back to 3320. I don't know what that crazy loss streak down to 2880 the other day was all about, but I'm glad I climbed back quickly.

Good teams today, good communication.


the holder of the trombone
I mean if this game really wants to represent multiple cultures it's probably better to make it generically winter.

Though that's also bullshit because there're 2 australians on the roster and it's not winter down here.

Gawd blizzard. Get with the program.
I mean if this game really wants to represent multiple cultures it's probably better to make it generically winter.

Though that's also bullshit because there're 2 australians on the roster and it's not winter down here.

Gawd blizzard. Get with the program.

Yet the Summer Games are totally fine.

Northern hemisphere best hemisphere.
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