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Overwatch |OT6.99999997311%| Game of the Year


Played a few games.

Sym is a monster. Played a game as Mercy with a Torb and a Sym and we were just invincible. Having 325hp on top of the quick regenerating health is pretty nice.


Neo Member
Well, I'm taking a break until the next major patch. From SR 3400-4000, this is how the game has shaped up for me:

The roster is so limited at this point, and the meta picks are mechanically quite easy to play as well. You can play other heroes of course, but you will be at a disadvantage if the other team is playing the meta and you don't play the shield-n-hook game with them. Besides playing the same comp better than the other team, I don't see a lot of counters, although I am open to suggestions. 9 of my last 10 competitive games had mirror comps (swap Mei for Soldier sometimes, or Lucio for Zen). What a bore. I really want to see the flankers back in the game (Genji/Tracer), but they aren't getting much use with 3x tank comps and the healers being so difficult in 1v1 these days.

This is also a very slow meta, since both teams are generally doing the same two things now: (1) shoot at each others' shields waiting for a hook opportunity, and (2) stockpile ults to use when D.va is out of her mech.
Idk if it's a bug or something but I'm trying to complete the "disable old traps" mission but can't because there are some coerls over the last one, and I'm not a high enough level to take them out despite this mission being like level 12.

Edit: ...wrong thread


Idk if it's a bug or something but I'm trying to complete the "disable old traps" mission but can't because there are some coerls over the last one, and I'm not a high enough level to take them out despite this mission being like level 12.

Edit: ...wrong thread
You were blowing my mind for a second there
Just finished a match where we were put against a team whose SR was 400+ points higher than ours.

Why does this even happen ? We obviously lost and most of us had a terrible time getting our asses whooped. The defeat almost didn't cost me any points so I'm not that mad but this kind of matchup is a complete waste of time.


I had never played much competitive mode after placement in the earlier seasons, but I said to myself that this season I would try, and my friend said we should aim for platinum.

I was at 2426 this morning after spending the last few days crawling out from a terrible placement, after playing the game all day and having 6(!) AFK/disconnected player matches (all on my team of course) and then teaming up with friends to try and lower the chances, only to wind up with a guy who insisted on playing torbjorn even though we needed a second healer I'm sitting at a lovely 2068.

Blizzard needs to rework scoring, and lower the amount of time it takes a game to end once you've got a disconnect. 5 of those 6 games ended before the 2 minute timer was up.

I am so pissed right now, and feel stupid for wasting all that time.
Had some pretty great matches yesterday. Surprising amount of people who wanted to play the objectives, and stuck together. Really glad Mystery Brawl is still front and centre in the Arcade, since it's currently my favourite mode in the entire game. Sure, you sometimes get dealt a bad hand, but on the whole it makes for a more interesting game. The pressure of choosing a character is gone, and got exchanged with having to adapt to the hand you're dealt, and having to make unconventional comps work. When both teams are trying hard and doing their best, the game is so much more interesting than the rut of meta-compositions.

The Mei brawl is a lot of fun, and makes good use of the setting, character and event. I wasn't expecting them to add actually new mechanics for a brawl. Picking up ammo in this game feels weird, since it's never been a thing in this game before. Kind of makes you wonder if they added it just for this, or if they've got something in the works that shares the basic concept.

Finally, I'm pretty pleased with Symmetra's changes. She's still a situational hero, and wouldn't use her on mobile objectives, but that's ok since the range of applicable situations potentially has expanded. Her moving shield seemed effective to create space to pass through a choke, and is just generally a good disruptor against a well-set up team. Her new generator plays into her old strengths, but it does seem more welcome than the teleporter if you're set up well yourself. It seems especially potent on the final stretches of defence maps, since there was never a reason to use the teleporter there. I can't say I noticed too much of a difference with her increased beam range, but that probably hinges on my Symmetra play style of getting way up in their grill and clipping through the player models. It's nauseating, but it's too effective in 1v1s to not do. I'm eager to see where she's at in a few weeks from now after people got used to her.
I only just noticed Scrooge McCree creeping in the background of the main menu screen.

Winter Mystery is pure garbage. 3 hours and no wins... I just want my one loot box for a win this is terrible.

I was using it for the additional weekly boxes as well.
It's absolutely amazing that I got most heroes 2-3 times in total, some characters I didn't even get to play like Zenyatta, but Widowmaker, about 20 times, and Hanzo a lot of times as well, with one sequence being, and I shit you not:
Widow Ana Widow Ana Widow Widow Hanzo Widow Hanzo Widow Widow Hanzo Widow

I had been given Widowmaker at least once in every match but one, usually twice, and Hanzo once in most of them as well.
I have maybe 5 minutes of playtime on Widow, by the way.
really goes to show how dead set on one or two heroes people are.

Or, you know, random team comps are usually garbage. I usually do horribly with Mei in mystery heroes even though I play her just fine in other modes. Same goes for a bunch of other characters I play regularly.

If you haven't been able to win for 3 hours, you're either really unlucky, or you might just be bad or on tilt.

I only just noticed Scrooge McCree creeping in the background of the main menu screen.




Wish I knew how to use Torbjorn better

His short range burst weapon is a beast, get in close or behind your Rein and build your ult up, with Torb I can get his Ult up quick.

If they have a Genji or a Solider, which they probably will, Torb will be rendered useless unless you have a good Rein and use his shield properly.
Torbjörn is a fairly competent mid-range skirmisher type of character. His left-click deals so much damage and has no fall-off, though it's a projectile and travels in a slight arc, so it's a little difficult to hit. But if you can land headshots reasonably reliable, your damage output is massive.
His right click is mostly great to get someone off of you because it does deal a lot of damage and Torb can potentially win a lot of 1v1 engagements at close range that way, but it's not a position he wants to be in. It's Reaper shotgun lite.
Turret should be mostly considered as a distraction and area denial rather than a reliable source of damage, and you'll have to prepare yourself for losing it very often. You'll also want to move its position and not just set up shop in the same place every time. Also, don't just constantly stand behind your turret and hammer it, your damage output and armour are needed in the engagements.

Other than that I feel like playing Torb is fairly easy. Don't overextend trying to grab scrap, throw down armour whenever you can and target the squishies in particular with it, and only repair your turret if your team definitely has the upper hand in an engagement. Also know when it's time to switch off of Torb.

Also, Nano Core is a sleeper ult combo.
Wish I knew how to use Torbjorn better
The best tip I can give you is to move your turret with every moment of downtime you have, or after each couple of kills. Your turret can and will get countered if people know where it is. What I like to do is placing my turret down in one spot, and then positioning myself on the opposite side of the room. If someone is advancing in on that turret, you want to be in a place where you can target their sides or backs. You'll also be in a good place to put down a new turret if the old one is drawing too much fire.

Another thing is to don't be a passive Swede. Turret upkeep is good and all, but you have a pretty potent gun at your disposal for both short and long range. If during pushes, you'll want to be right there, and handing out armour packs like the grimiest pseudo-healer that he is. In a pinch, it's also better to plop down a level one turret and making up for the lacking firepower yourself, than trying to hammer it to level two in vain.

As for position the turret, you'll want to have a spot where no one except maybe a Pharah or a launched Widow can poke at it. If people can target it from behind the choke points, it's a bad spot. Ideally the turret punishes pushes and over-extenders. That way your turret won't be getting continuous damage without putting the assailants at risk themselves.

At the end of the day though, Torb is a character that a lot of players have had to deal with at one point or another. It's usually one of the first characters people have learned to counter out of necessity, and this early advantage morphs into a disadvantage the higher level you are, and it doesn't really go away.
First Christmas box: Mei's Legendary skin. Woo!

Second Christmas box: Another Legendary drop. Oooh what will it be? What will it be?!? A shitty Sombra skin. Boo!

Loving that Snow Brawl game. Also loving the snowy maps, the music, and just the whole jolliness of it all. My only complaint is the skins are a bit pants. I was well disappointed when I saw Mei's was Legendary, couldn't quite fathom it, it looks exactly the same as her normal skins. Then I played a game with her...
Yeah, like Zarya and Tracer!

I wouldn't count the variations of the summer skins as unique. Mind you, that was still in Blizzard's first iteration of seasonal lootboxes, and it seems people didn't like the variations (and there being 6 legendaries in total), so we've been getting 4 unique skins, one for a character each, with Halloween and Winter, instead of 3 pairs.

If Mercy would've gotten a skin, she would've been getting a skin in 3 out of 3 seasonal events, while some characters only got 1 seasonal skin or none at all.
Probably because Mercy already got 2 seasonal skins, so maybe some other characters could get some for a change?

No, you're right but I thought this one was just too obvious for it not to be there.
I have had no luck getting any special event Mercy skins and thus resent not getting another opportunity

How would you make the Angel skin any different than the Classic or the Celestial skin which are pretty much "Angel" skins anyway?

This, your classic Christmas Angel.

This, your classic Christmas Angel.


In Central Europe, including Switzerland, Santa Claus is not the traditional bringer of gifts, but it is the Christkind (which translates to "Christ Child"). It's basically Baby Jesus as an angelic presence.
It would be kinda weird for her to assume that or a very similar role since the Christkind is usually either given no gender or male (since it's based on Jesus after all).

On another note, I'm disappointed there's no Krampus costume. Maybe next year.


And again, it's just..a...video game lol I mean christ. You make competitive sound like some holy grail of talent. The goal should be for people to have fun. Not like you actually gain something other than maybe some useless internet bragging rights? I get people trying harder in that mode versus others. But if the picks other players make is frustrating you and you start feeling like it's wasting your time or joy or whatever..maybe it's good to step away from that mode for a bit.

If you're not interested in winning or playing your best then competitive isn't for you. Fun = good competition for a lot of people and competitive is a mode for more competitive play, and if you're not interested in playing around your team's picks and picking the character that works best for the team then you're not being competitive aka not fun.
One character I hope Blizzard NEVER buffs is Pharah and I say this as a guy who loves playing her in QP.

Just had two comp games from hell playing the exact same Pharah on Anubis and Watchpoint while I was on his supposed counter Soldier.

This guy always made sure to have an obstruction in the way of him when he was in the air and made a real point to stay just outside Soldier's point of damage drop off while hitting nearly every rocket at my feet. I could get maybe half his health down before he would fall behind something meanwhile I would be at 30 HP or less. The insane damage he was doing to the team was one thing but the fact that I constantly had to be vigilant for him so I could scare him off while neglecting the real team fights happening on the ground was draining as shit.

In the end I only won both games because he decided to switch off Pharah for whatever reason in both matches even though he was pushing my teams shit in.

Maybe he was just as annoyed by me as I was him that he couldn't fly around wrecking shit freely without me peppering him lol. Felt good as shit the couple of times I caught him in the open or hit him with a nano visor.
In Central Europe, including Switzerland, Santa Claus is not the traditional bringer of gifts, but it is the Christkind (which translates to "Christ Child"). It's basically Baby Jesus as an angelic presence.
It would be kinda weird for her to assume that or a very similar role since the Christkind is usually either given no gender or male (since it's based on Jesus after all).

On another note, I'm disappointed there's no Krampus costume. Maybe next year.

And in other parts of the world you traditionally have male/female adult Angels or children dressed as them, what's your point? I just thought her general get up and character would have been an easy set up for that outfit. Ah well, there are plenty of other skins I will fail to get in loot boxes. Yay!

How does REINhardt not get a REINdeer based skin? How?!? It literally writes itself!


This is also a very good point.
And in other parts of the world you traditionally have male/female adult Angels or children dressed as them, what's your point?

My point is that, being from a country where the Christkind is celebrated rather than just generic angels, it might seem a little weird for Mercy in particular to be dressing up like what's essentially Baby Jesus. Even if that isn't intention, the connection would be very easy to make, and I think it'd be a bit awkward.
I dunno.
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