I had the most frustrating comp match ever tonight. First, I get put on a team with people on their mics, defending on Volskaya. Really good - except a guy on our team leaves ten seconds into the match and it's cancelled. So I request and end up at Nepal - against the people (minus the quitting guy) who were previously on my team. Twice as D.Va on the first two points I cleared 3 people by myself on the first push. Except I then died due to taking people 4 on 1, and discovered not a single other person on my team had been on the point helping me the entire time. Proceeded to get no more kills because the team grouped up on the point and my team kept running in solo (our Zenyatta and Lucio both thought they could take on a team of six solo, for some reason).
So I said fuck it, became that guy, switched to Bastion and sat at the spawn point and watched my team run off. Waited thirty seconds for the control point to unlock, and the enemy team had 4 guys on it and I could see all my friendly arrows running around nowhere near the point. They took the point completely uncontested. I joined the fight and got a few kills as Bastion, but we lost as they never managed to take the point once because nobody ever went to it. I don't think I saw a single "contested" once that entire match. Ended the match with 9 eliminations (gold) along with gold in objective kills and time. I just did not understand what my team was thinking.
Decided to just do all my placement matches tonight - after a promising 3-0 start, ended up going 4-6 because I ended up teamed with some straight up idiots. Placed at 2288, despite having a season high of 2580 last season and finishing at 2506. Last season I started at 2380ish, so I guess the "start you lower" algorithm is in effect...or I just suck.
Tried to play one more game, just to see if I'd get a decent score or not with a win, but got teamed with a bunch of solos who all wanted to play DPS and no healer, and I was leading the charge with gold in eliminations as Lucio (6) defending the final point on Gibraltar when I got disconnected from the server for no reason and then when I came back my team had lost the point (of course) and we proceeded to do okay on attack...and in the middle of overtime at the third point it disconnected me AGAIN from PSN so I lose 50 SR points and get suspended from my account so I guess fuck it. I guess I'm just not going to do any more comp unless I do it with GAFers in a group.
It really sucks because I've put over 200 hours into this game, more than I've probably put into any multiplayer game, and I feel like I do everything mechanically right and know what I'm doing. I don't think I suck that bad, and I'm trying to have fun, but man. I don't know what else I'm supposed to do.