So I played one 1v1 match, one 3v3 match, one 6v6 no limits match, a few regular quick play matches, and one comp match, just to test out all the new patch buffs/nerfs. My thoughts after two hours of playing:
-Zarya still feels fine. I didn't feel super OP anymore using her, but anybody who plays Zarya tactically/strategically will probably still do great with her. Playing against her didn't seem too different although she's slightly easier to kill now.
-D.Va feels great. I'm not sure if the extra 100 HP was really needed but I was able to go toe-to-toe with a few people I shouldn't have and still won the matchup, so I'm all for it. Also she has a new voice line after she dies where she says "Hear me baby? Hold together." Which is adorable. (At least I think it's new - I've played a lot of D.Va and never heard it before.)
-76 is crazy good now. Good Soldiers are going to be complained about so hard - he's going to be able to carry more successfully now. Mediocre Soldiers aren't going to be a threat, but anybody with any skill is going to be a nightmare.
-Pharah goes to the moon now and I love it.
-Sombra feels okay, but I didn't really get to test her much. Going to have to wait until people stop instapicking her immediately before I can test her out.
-Torb is sort of useful now. Still a little underpowered on console but I won't roll my eyes as heavily if someone picks him now, especially if they're good at handing out armor.
-Junkrat says "Get ready for a shock!" when he uses his Rip-Tire with the Junkenstein skin now, which I like a lot. I guess they added his line too when they updated Witch Mercy's rez.
-1v1 is fun. It'll probably be the mode I play when I'm cooling down after a rough comp match. Certain matchups are terrifying (Sombra), some are hilarious (D.Va), and some are just bad (Symmetra). My favorite was me bodyshotting my opponent as Widow and him panicking and running right into my mine and dying from poison.
-3v3 is mediocre. Right now it feels like whichever Roadhog gets a pick first wins the match for his team. It could be fun with more map variety but I don't think I'll play it too much over 1v1.
-Comp is probably going to be whichever team has a person that picks Sombra loses for the last week of season 2. Played one match on Lijiang KOTH, where an enemy player played as Bastion for 2 rounds, and when we won both he switched to Sombra for the final round. So -those- players will probably be picking Sombra in comp.
All in all most of the changes seem pretty fair, although I wouldn't be surprised if through Blizzard balancing they change something of Soldier's to make up for how crazy he's going to be in good hands.