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Overwatch |OT6.99999997311%| Game of the Year

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I just hope they don't have it tied to non f2p games. Like I don't want to have to resub to WoW and level to cap to complete 5 raids to unlock Barbarian Reinhardt.



I just hope they don't have it tied to non f2p games. Like I don't want to have to resub to WoW and level to cap to complete 5 raids to unlock Barbarian Reinhardt.

Why did you have to give them the idea!? Kaplan is probably reading this right now and is so happy he is about to get a raise.

I cry for our future.


Been playing around with Sombra yesterday night (at least for the games where I had the chance to try her out).

I have to say that her sub-machine gun is super OP.
The fire rate combined with the insane range and precision just don't fit. Not only are her offensive capabilities pretty damn strong, she has insane mobility (transporter) and can pretty render opponents useless with her hacking skill.

At least one of those things has to be nerfed IMO. Other than that, it's a lot of fun to play her and I think she will become a nice addition to the roster with some changes.


Being the opponent of Sombra and being prevented from using your skills breaks the flow of the game...

There is a hidden design rule in Hearthstone which says "Don't mess with your opponents deck". You can add destructive cards to their deck, but it will never effect the fact that they will still draw the same card next turn as they would otherwise. And I liked that.

Sombra breaks that rule, but for Overwatch, and it sucks. Does that make sense?


the holder of the trombone
Been playing around with Sombra yesterday night (at least for the games where I had the chance to try her out).

I have to say that her sub-machine gun is super OP.
The fire rate combined with the insane range and precision just don't fit. Not only are her offensive capabilities pretty damn strong, she has insane mobility (transporter) and can pretty render opponents useless with her hacking skill.

At least one of those things has to be nerfed IMO. Other than that, it's a lot of fun to play her and I think she will become a nice addition to the roster with some changes.

Precision? Her spread is super... spready.


Do you see the genji skin progress in HotS when you do it?

from a certain range some pro's I watched on twitch killed stuff very quickly. Of course I will never had such aimbot skills...

click the exclamation mark on the bottom right of the main menu.

Precision? Her spread is super... spready.

exactly, I always go for body shots with her, just try in the practice room, her spread is a joke.


Been playing around with Sombra yesterday night (at least for the games where I had the chance to try her out).

I have to say that her sub-machine gun is super OP.
The fire rate combined with the insane range and precision just don't fit. Not only are her offensive capabilities pretty damn strong, she has insane mobility (transporter) and can pretty render opponents useless with her hacking skill.

At least one of those things has to be nerfed IMO. Other than that, it's a lot of fun to play her and I think she will become a nice addition to the roster with some changes.

Its funny, that the Overwatch community seems to be so split on everything including Sombra. Ive seen people complaining that she isnt strong enough to be attack and others like you who think shes OP lol.

I think shes somewhere in between and until people figure out how to play her and counter her it will continue to be divided. Right now I think shes fine the only thing I would change is the health pack hacks regenerating quicker for your own team on maps like Kingsrow those are big game changers.

I read someone on the pro scene tried using Sombra the other day and it didnt work out at all, he got destroyed by Ana.


Precision? Her spread is super... spready.

I can accurately hit people in the control point Nepal Shrine map from the bell tower to the enemies' choke point... Imo that kind of range should be reserved for other characters.

Being the opponent of Sombra and being prevented from using your skills breaks the flow of the game...

Yeah I agree with that statement. Not being able to counter or get yourself out of a tight spot is too big a disadvantage and goes against the idea that your character always has a set of options available.
As it stands I'm not entirely opposed to the idea just the implementation and duration are a bit too impactful.


I can accurately hit people in the control point Nepal Shrine map from the bell tower to the enemies' choke point... Imo that kind of range should be reserved for other characters.

By hitting people do you mean direct on hits where you can actually kill someone or are you praying and spraying and clipping people but not producing alot of damage?
I can accurately hit people in the control point Nepal Shrine map from the bell tower to the enemies' choke point... Imo that kind of range should be reserved for other characters.

You might think you can accurately hit them, but it's very likely plenty of your shots are missing due to her spread. It's even harder to land headshots with her. Her SMG is only good at close range, and already starts falling off at medium range (albeit not as badly as Reaper's shotguns do of course). Her spread is about as awful as Widowmaker's assault rifle, and that has some terrible spread.

Yeah I agree with that statement. Not being able to counter or get yourself out of a tight spot is too big a disadvantage and goes against the idea that your character always has a set of options available.
As it stands I'm not entirely opposed to the idea just the implementation and duration are a bit too impactful.

I believe that the strength of Sombra's hack on other players is getting exaggerated a lot. It's 6 seconds, but she has to channel it first, not get interrupted (and it's really easy to interrupt her - she needs straight line of sight and to not be taking a single point of damage), and if she does it to an enemy backline, she also risks exposing herself if she doesn't have a teleporter set up or takes too long to disable an enemy. And even when she has muted someone, they can still hit her. A hacked McCree might not be able to flashbang her, but he can still take her out easily.


By hitting people do you mean direct on hits where you can actually kill someone or are you praying and spraying and clipping people but not producing alot of damage?

I mean accurately hitting as in.... accurately hitting people resulting in kills.

I think the main drawback is that you don't have to fire in short bursts as is mostly the case with SMG type weapons, because the aim doesn't climb during long held bursts.


Won 2 games and got 20 sr. Lost a game and lost 30 points.


Also, wtf is wrong with this game giving Just two points for winning certain games???


So I played some games last night and today for the first time in a while.

I feel like Sombra is very close to well balanced, her abilities aren't game breaking, but they are extremely good. However, I feel like she just does a little too much damage. I understand she's an attack class, but with the sheer amount of utility she has, I feel that doing so much damage also makes her a mandatory pick.

You can control opponent ult usage, you can shut down defensive cool downs to almost guarantee a kill, and you can dish out shit loads of damage.

Maybe I'm wrong, since I've not played that much, but I feel like she does a tad too much dps.


Won 2 games and got 20 sr. Lost a game and lost 30 points.


Also, wtf is wrong with this game giving Just two points for winning certain games???
From what I was told matchmaking takes into account lots of things. Where you were originally placed, where it thinks you should be, losing streaks, winning streaks, the average sr of opponent etc.

So if you beat a weak team, you're not going to get alot of points. If you're not on a winning streak you're also not going to gain alot of points. Lots of people started at gold or Plat when they should have been placed lower.


I'm trying to figure out why Blizzard hasn't gone completely insane with skins yet. There are so many good ideas out there, I'm sure Blizzard has great designs as well but I don't understand why new skins have been limited to events (or at least a new map).

Do they want to trickle them so there aren't moments where players don't recognise an enemy in a match? I really don't see the harm of releasing new legendaries or even colour-ways every month or two.


I'm trying to figure out why Blizzard hasn't gone completely insane with skins yet. There are so many good ideas out there, I'm sure Blizzard has great designs as well but I don't understand why new skins have been limited to events (or at least a new map).

Do they want to trickle them so there aren't moments where players don't recognise an enemy in a match? I really don't see the harm of releasing new legendaries or even colour-ways every month or two.

Limited event skins, means people probably shell out real money for loot boxes than during non events, the purchase of loot boxes is minimal compared to these events.

If they just release skins on the regular, it wont motivate any one to purchase loot boxes. I also doubt there is a single overwatch player, who has played the game from day 1 and has never purchased loot boxes that actually has every single unlock for every character in the game.


I'm not a fan of buying loot boxes, but at the current rate the going is way too slow.

Constantly getting duplicates (and only receiving like 5-20 credits) becomes annoying quite fast.
This is all part of Blizzards master plan i'm sure, and I have to say even I am starting to lean towards purchasing a loot box every now 'n then.
I mean it's a good game and I'd like to support their revenue stream and ongoing support for the game.


I want at least one skin every week

for genji

I'm not a fan of buying loot boxes, but at the current rate the going is way too slow.

Constantly getting duplicates (and only receiving like 5-20 credits) becomes annoying quite fast.
This is all part of Blizzards master plan i'm sure, and I have to say even I am starting to lean towards purchasing a loot box every now 'n then.
I mean it's a good game and I'd like to support their revenue stream and ongoing support for the game.

After 125 rank I'd imagine you already have the things you want most.


I'm trying to figure out why Blizzard hasn't gone completely insane with skins yet. There are so many good ideas out there, I'm sure Blizzard has great designs as well but I don't understand why new skins have been limited to events (or at least a new map).

Do they want to trickle them so there aren't moments where players don't recognise an enemy in a match? I really don't see the harm of releasing new legendaries or even colour-ways every month or two.

The game is barely 6 months old, we'll be flooded with skins anyway, it's all the rage these days.
I'm just surprised summer games' epic skins were outsourced though, I expected the art team to deliver every single item in this game.

This is way too good for Overwatch, no mohawk hair?rejected.


Sombra really shuts down the Reinhardt shielding the first choke on Kings row. Sneak in and disable and they are going to get mowed down.


Sombra really shuts down the Reinhardt shielding the first choke on Kings row. Sneak in and disable and they are going to get mowed down.

It's okay. Usually it doesn't do that much, she's better off looking for a pick or damage. The Sombra gameplan in general doesn't involve hacking people too oftn right now, which will eventually change but that takes a lot of coordination.


Sombra really shuts down the Reinhardt shielding the first choke on Kings row. Sneak in and disable and they are going to get mowed down.

the team with Reinhardt is doing it wrong if they allow Sombra to do that.

I am really enjoying the Ult nerf. A lot more games feel like it is based on skill rather than an Ult spam fest.
Agreed, but now people are saving their ults more often and are not using them in situations when they probably should have. That was an issue in my experience before especially with Mercy, Hanzo, hero picks where they would save their Ults until the very end when the opposing team was making a final push which is a complete waste.

I really hope people saving their ults, other than for team coordination, doesnt become more of a thing.


Sombra should only really be hacking the Ana and getting the confirmed kill before retreating. No real need to hack Reinhardt. Any decent team will instantly start to push when they see the most important pick has been made.

Even against Zen, you don't need to hack. Just kill and get out of there.


Sombra is fun as fuck. Really finding the flow to her kit.

I still vehemently disagree about health pack hacking being an issue. Dunno if the pros are doing that, but I find she's much better when you ease up on that. If you're popping around the map just hacking packs, you're not really helping your team. The cool down isn't very long, but I noticed I got in the habit of hacking health and then immediately trying to creep enemies, obviously without the hack I literally just used. Now I'm hacking one or two packs and bring more conservative with my hack from there on out to make targets easy to kill. It's going much better and it's way more fun.

Being the opponent of Sombra and being prevented from using your skills breaks the flow of the game...

There is a hidden design rule in Hearthstone which says "Don't mess with your opponents deck". You can add destructive cards to their deck, but it will never effect the fact that they will still draw the same card next turn as they would otherwise. And I liked that.

Sombra breaks that rule, but for Overwatch, and it sucks. Does that make sense?

You're asking one game to adhere to the design philosophy of another.

Here's what folks have to come to grips with: Denial has always been an element in Overwatch. Always. In various ways. Sombra just leans into that and further twists it into debilitation via hacking enemies.

Where Mercy can buff, Sombra debuffs and a good team should be communicating and focusing her down the same way because of it. It's doable too, since both of her escape options have visual signposts (discouraging her from using them in plain sight to begin with) and hacking can be interrupted with any damage.

I really think the hysteria over her supppsedly being so OP will die down once people can play with her regularly in QP/Comp.
Guys, I am fucking fuming right now. Numbani competitive. First round we're on attack and we do well to capture all three points. Next round we're on defense and I pick Symm because she's viable and my best character. A guy on our team named Oliver told me to pick someone else and I told them I was good with her and our team comp looked decent. Then he said if I don't he will troll our team...

...When I said I'm not changing he switched off Mercy to Widowmaker and literally just did fuck all the entire game EVEN THOUGH WE WON THE FIRST ROUND BY GETTING ALL THREE POINTS.

Holy fucking shit this is the most insane thing I think I've ever come across in this game and that's saying something. This was competitive mode and we ended up losing because he did nothing but troll the game and the text chat, openly saying he's trolling because I picked Symmetra.

WHAT THE FUCK. This person didn't even give our comp a chance. I'm actually fucking gobsmacked. Everyone on our team was sticking up for me and we all told the other team to report him too. The most childish thing I think I've seen in Overwatch. Platinum competitive for those curious.

Would appreciate it if you could all give me a "fuck that guy" in response to this.


Just got insulted and called a little cunt in the voice chat because of a bad round I played with tracer.

Jesus some people in this game...


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
After 2 days i finished downloading the patch:
Friggin' Blizzy man, load times are super short now, several new game modes, a new character and Pharah and Mercy buffs!!!
Im really liking 3V3... though i went 0 - 6 last night lol
Props to the Dev team for their work.


Guys, I am fucking fuming right now. Numbani competitive. First round we're on attack and we do well to capture all three points. Next round we're on defense and I pick Symm because she's viable and my best character. A guy on our team named Oliver told me to pick someone else and I told them I was good with her and our team comp looked decent. Then he said if I don't he will troll our team...

...When I said I'm not changing he switched off Mercy to Widowmaker and literally just did fuck all the entire game EVEN THOUGH WE WON THE FIRST ROUND BY GETTING ALL THREE POINTS.

Holy fucking shit this is the most insane thing I think I've ever come across in this game and that's saying something. This was competitive mode and we ended up losing because he did nothing but troll the game and the text chat, openly saying he's trolling because I picked Symmetra.

WHAT THE FUCK. This person didn't even give our comp a chance. I'm actually fucking gobsmacked. Everyone on our team was sticking up for me and we all told the other team to report him too. The most childish thing I think I've seen in Overwatch. Platinum competitive for those curious.

Would appreciate it if you could all give me a "fuck that guy" in response to this.

I understand your anger. Had that happen to my team where someone went Bastion and one guy decided to camp in spawn the entire match. Some people want to just turn into babies when things don't go the way they want. Fuck all these type of players.


...When I said I'm not changing he switched off Mercy to Widowmaker and literally just did fuck all the entire game EVEN THOUGH WE WON THE FIRST ROUND BY GETTING ALL THREE POINTS.
It was at this point you lost the game. If your end goal in comp is to win then you should have switched. Tilting your team = loss. I'd rather take a chance playing another character than call someones bluff and have them intentionally throw the game.


No, please dont add this to Overwatch because it will be abused.

People are abusing the lack of a system like it at the moment.

Nothing is more annoying than some butthurt ten year old that can't play his preferred character and just sits there doing nothing...
Happens too often tbh.
Guys, I am fucking fuming right now. Numbani competitive. First round we're on attack and we do well to capture all three points. Next round we're on defense and I pick Symm because she's viable and my best character. A guy on our team named Oliver told me to pick someone else and I told them I was good with her and our team comp looked decent. Then he said if I don't he will troll our team...

...When I said I'm not changing he switched off Mercy to Widowmaker and literally just did fuck all the entire game EVEN THOUGH WE WON THE FIRST ROUND BY GETTING ALL THREE POINTS.

Holy fucking shit this is the most insane thing I think I've ever come across in this game and that's saying something. This was competitive mode and we ended up losing because he did nothing but troll the game and the text chat, openly saying he's trolling because I picked Symmetra.

WHAT THE FUCK. This person didn't even give our comp a chance. I'm actually fucking gobsmacked. Everyone on our team was sticking up for me and we all told the other team to report him too. The most childish thing I think I've seen in Overwatch. Platinum competitive for those curious.

Would appreciate it if you could all give me a "fuck that guy" in response to this.

Curious, is this reportable?
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