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Overwatch |OT6.99999997311%| Game of the Year


They really need to change the 3 vs 3 rules. Like once your team selects a hero, they can't select them again in the match. This would add an interesting degree of strategy imo. The meta for 3 vs 3 is going to stagnate with the Roadhog/Mei/Ana floods.


In the early stages of the Sombra meta, seeing that hacked skull icon on my screen just means, "turn around and start shooting NOW".

This is why you don't bother hacking people out of stealth btw. In most situations damage > hack anyways, and if you do hack you have to fight with her low damage which means you probably lose.

Hacking mid fight is p good though. It's especially good if people extend in then get hacked. I think Sombra is going to be a really good defensive DPS pick, if not just a good DPS pick in general. The attackers have to make the decision of extend into Sombra and risk getting hacked, EMPed, not having medkits, etc. or they just sit and poke while Sombra keeps picking the back line. Really kind of similar to why McCree tends to be a stronger defensive pick. Extending into McCree territory is a lot scarier than McCree trying to move in on you.


I think Sombra works best as a +1, jumping into fights that are already progressing and disrupting the opponent. If you try to initiate you'll just die.
They really need to change the 3 vs 3 rules. Like once your team selects a hero, they can't select them again in the match. This would add an interesting degree of strategy imo. The meta for 3 vs 3 is going to stagnate with the Roadhog/Mei/Ana floods.

I had a few awesome games last night with 2 randoms. we went Reinhardt, Mccree, Ana and stayed super tight to Rein.... We crushed everything!!


I think Sombra works best as a +1, jumping into fights that are already progressing and disrupting the opponent. If you try to initiate you'll just die.

Eh, if she initiates correctly she gets a free pick and can TP out to come back into the fight safer. EMP is also contender for one of the best initiations in the game.

Tbh the only thing she is bad at is actually dealing enough damage to kill things. So like, she isn't going to be damage carrying a fight but everything else she can do really well.


In my limited experience I found hacking Roadhogs and Reapers mid-fight had a dramatic effect on the outcome. No hooks, heals or running away for you. But yeah her damage is awesome and her gun is easy to use, so no point in hacking someone that you can just kill.


In my limited experience I found hacking Roadhogs and Reapers mid-fight had a dramatic effect on the outcome. No hooks, heals or running away for you. But yeah her damage is awesome and her gun is easy to use, so no point in hacking someone that you can just kill.

Yeah, Reaper is a good example of what I mean by extending. If you're playing Reaper and want to drop into a fight you have to plan for Sombra. Either you plan on potentially not having wraith walk and have to play it safe, or you plan to have Zarya push you through the fight, or you plan to fucking murder everything and not give a fuck. Same thing with somebody like Tracer(recall + blink) and Genji (reflect+dash). If they want to engage deep they have to think of those decisions. It's kind of obnoxious when there is an obvious dive in front of you, but you can't overcommit to it because you don't know if you'll get hacked or if Sombra has an out set up for them. It's even more obnoxious to be dealing with that decision then have Sombra just go murder your Ana.

None of that matters if your dive is good enough to to not need an out though >_>

Edit: She still has the worst DPS out of any of the offense heroes though. I don't understand where the sentiment comes from that her damage is good when she fails to kill 200 HP targets too often on a single clip even at high level while every other offense hero is killing half a team with a single clip. Like I'm not going to say it's bad but it's def not anything to be excited about.


It was mentioned earlier, but wow the comp games on PS4 have completely gone down the toilet. It's like I'm playing quickplay with the 4 instantlock dps, no one wanting to play healer and being constantly split up. Not to mention so many sore losers and sore winners. Even had a game where half the team threatened to throw the game if I played Symmetra. It's always the Zarya mains too I've noticed.


Btw I was right about Zarya. They did change the way her ticks work this patch and she is probably overall stronger than before.

They said they buffed Pharah even though she's directly nerfed. They said they nerfed Zarya even though she was directly buffed. Blizzard I need you to stop doing this.
Btw I was right about Zarya. They did change the way her ticks work this patch and she is probably overall stronger than before.

They said they buffed Pharah even though she's directly nerfed. They said they nerfed Zarya even though she was directly buffed. Blizzard I need you to stop doing this.

Can you explain what you mean?


Before I do the Nexus challenge tonight, could someone explain or link how I link my PSN account and my BNet account as I play Overwatch on console.


It was mentioned earlier, but wow the comp games on PS4 have completely gone down the toilet. It's like I'm playing quickplay with the 4 instantlock dps, no one wanting to play healer and being constantly split up. Not to mention so many sore losers and sore winners. Even had a game where half the team threatened to throw the game if I played Symmetra. It's always the Zarya mains too I've noticed.

Same thing happens on PC man. First comp game earlier this morning and everyone locked onto their fav hero and we actually had no healer. I had to beg in chat for a healer, and this is in ranked mind you, while we had no solid tank so I had to go Rein. Shit is not that much better on PC. Oh yeah, the sore winners and losers and trolls are here too.


Can you explain what you mean?

They buffed Pharah's mobility and some damage, but they nerfed the knockback. The knockback was a very important part of her being able to fight since it allowed her to disorient anybody from the first hit while she set up the follow up. Without the knockback, a lot of her hard match ups got harder and she's worse off in a lot of fights. Regardless, Blizzard communicated this as an overall buff and people are out there being all happy, only to find that there's a very high chance the mobility will not make up for her fighting ability being way lower.

As far as Zarya goes, they did nerf bubble so she gets less bonus damage from charge. But they also changed the ticks on her beam. Now if you pull the beam off a target it automatically gives you the damage that was calculated rather than waiting for the tick to happen. So it's actually way easier for her to stack on tons of damage compared to before. Despite saying she is nerfed, the beam change means that the loss of charge doesn't matter since she's more than likely dishing out more total damage than before.

I don't mind changes like this existing (I think Blizzard is fucking up in not understanding the implications of what they are doing), but I do not like how they are telling the people who don't know all this nonsense incorrect things about how they are balancing.

Edit: I will admit Zarya might be worse overall due to ult change stuff, but that's less of a "how they balanced Zarya" thing and more of a "secondary impact from a universal mechanic change" thing.


My imagination, or has everything about the game's loading sped up? From startup, to loading into a match, to loading new characters up on the hero select screen, etc.?

It's amazing.
They buffed Pharah's mobility and some damage, but they nerfed the knockback. The knockback was a very important part of her being able to fight since it allowed her to disorient anybody from the first hit while she set up the follow up. Without the knockback, a lot of her hard match ups got harder and she's worse off in a lot of fights. Regardless, Blizzard communicated this as an overall buff and people are out there being all happy, only to find that there's a very high chance the mobility will not make up for her fighting ability being way lower.

They only nerfed the "minimum explosion knockback". If you hit your targets directly or close to that, it still has knockback. I don't think it's that big of a deal.

On the other hand the buff she got is amazing, you don't even touch the ground anymore once you start flying.

I just wish that while in the air you could move left/right way faster.
It was mentioned earlier, but wow the comp games on PS4 have completely gone down the toilet. It's like I'm playing quickplay with the 4 instantlock dps, no one wanting to play healer and being constantly split up. Not to mention so many sore losers and sore winners. Even had a game where half the team threatened to throw the game if I played Symmetra. It's always the Zarya mains too I've noticed.

Blizzard acknowledging that Sym could use a rework (and then of course going ahead with it) must've really had some tetchy folks instantly assume her as dead weight, even if I think she can still be handy on some defense maps.

Absolutely silly that people will throw their toys out the pram because of one character selection, even if I see an attack Widow I grimace but consider that maybe just maybe they know they're doing and seeing how it plays out.

Even so, I've never thrown a game, that just seems like a way to make an already struggle match even less fun.


we need the option to select brawls. I don't want to play through 5 trash brawls just to get to Total Mayhem!!! Blizz, pls. T__T


nano boost nerf still making me sad
While I understand the reason why they had to do it, it still sucks that you don't feel as powerful as before. Now you have no choice but to use the ult in close-quarter situations, as most of the characters (sans Genji or Winston) are too slow to properly utilize it.


They only nerfed the "minimum explosion knockback". If you hit your targets directly or close to that, it still has knockback. I don't think it's that big of a deal.

On the other hand the buff she got is amazing, you don't even touch the ground anymore once you start flying.

I just wish that while in the air you could move left/right way faster.

Having experienced it myself a few times, I can tell you that losing the set knockback from splash is rough. If I didn't have first shot on a Pharah before and I got caught by splash, I lost straight up (sometimes I lost even after I had first shot and got juggled). Now I just sit there like a moron standing in splash and just murder her. It's pretty huge since before even off splash she could start a juggle, and splash was reliable. Direct hits aren't nearly as reliable :/

I will say that only comes into affect once both players have good enough to aim to either kill Pharah with a clip or for the Pharah to be able to actually finish a juggle. If neither are the case sure, go crazy, but it does matter a lot once you have to worry about that.

While I understand the reason why they had to do it, it still sucks that you don't feel as powerful as before. Now you have no choice but to use the ult in close-quarter situations, as most of the characters (sans Genji or Winston) are too slow to properly utilize it.

Nanoboost is still stupid good on more targets than just that. Basically any DPS, any tank (it is way worse on Rein though tbh) and it works. It's kind of crazy how hard they nerfed it but it's still good. I was hoping that it would dumpster her some but the second I got on PTR I was like "oh wait nah still broke".


They buffed Pharah's mobility and some damage, but they nerfed the knockback.
Knockback's still very usefull and now she's way more fun to play. At least for me. The mid-air mobility allows her to be more suitable for me. I'm slightly better now with her but the most important thing is she's more fun. Well and "perfect" balancing aside–which is just an approximation and cannot be something absolute and perfect–it's still about the fun. I don't say it wasn't enjoyable to play with her but it definitely got better. And her being able to stay MUCH longer in air and being able to maneuver in air is a buff. When you say they nerfed the knockback it seems pretty break even.


Knockback's still very usefull and now she's way more fun to play. At least for me. The mid-air mobility allows her to be more suitable for me. I'm slightly better now with her but the most important thing is she's more fun. Well and "perfect" balancing aside–which is just an approximation and cannot be something absolute and perfect–it's still about the fun. I don't say it wasn't enjoyable to play with her but it definitely got better. And her being able to stay MUCH longer in air and being able to maneuver in air is a buff. When you say they nerfed the knockback it seems pretty break even.

Air mobility doesn't matter in most fights. Again, I don't care that they buffed the mobility tbh. It's nice, it's fun, that's good. I care that they dumped this nerf on her that severely affects her fighting power, and then said "Pharah's buffed" when the consensus is that she's still underwhelming.

I'm not anti fun, I'm anti "Blizzard not understanding how balancing is working and then telling players things that are flat out wrong". They need to up their communication game big time. It's not like people weren't saying beforehand that this was a large trade off that probably won't work out for her. At least point out how it works to people.


My imagination, or has everything about the game's loading sped up? From startup, to loading into a match, to loading new characters up on the hero select screen, etc.?

It's amazing.

It says in patch notes they have a new file system that helps things.
As far as Zarya goes, they did nerf bubble so she gets less bonus damage from charge. But they also changed the ticks on her beam. Now if you pull the beam off a target it automatically gives you the damage that was calculated rather than waiting for the tick to happen. So it's actually way easier for her to stack on tons of damage compared to before. Despite saying she is nerfed, the beam change means that the loss of charge doesn't matter since she's more than likely dishing out more total damage than before.

Gotcha so you're talking about how the server calculates damage etc. vs an actual modification to her hard-coded output numbers.


Gotcha so you're talking about how the server calculates damage etc. vs an actual modification to her hard-coded output numbers.

Yeah. In practice her raw damage numbers are down due to less charge available, but her ability to consistently deal damage to smaller/mobile targets is much better. It's another trade off that might invalidate the nerf. The only time it's going to suffer is her melting tanks by a bit or in the case where Zarya could easily get all ticks correctly regardless.


nano boost nerf still making me sad
Yeah, but it was way too strong before. I'm glad they adjusted ult build time, though. They are still available a lot, but I feel like it's made people really think about when they'll use it.

I'm also enjoying the Pharah changes. I feel like she's in a much better place versus Widowmaker, McCree and S76. They're still hard counters, but she's able to evade much more easily than she was before. She's always been one of my favorites, so I'm glad she got some adjustments, I hope she gets to keep them.
Yeah. In practice her raw damage numbers are down due to less charge available, but her ability to consistently deal damage to smaller/mobile targets is much better. It's another trade off that might invalidate the nerf. The only time it's going to suffer is her melting tanks by a bit or in the case where Zarya could easily get all ticks correctly regardless.

Another way to phrase is that the patch nerfs great Zarya players and buffs average-to-below-average Zarya players. :)


Another way to phrase is that the patch nerfs great Zarya players and buffs average-to-below-average Zarya players. :)

Ehhh, even for good Zarya players it ups the reliability of damaging some things by quite a bit. You could be based god tier but still not predict a double jump or ADADADADADADDDAD correctly. It's much less appealing if you had that level of aim though, I'll admit that.


The cross promotion is interesting for Blizzard. They've mostly stuck with small bonuses for owning another game up until now (eg. getting a Diablo hero in HotS if you own Diablo 3.) I've seen it done the "nexus challenge way" in Nexon's games when they want people to branch out and play their other stuff. Seems to work okay especially when it's a F2P game (like HotS is). People technically have "nothing to lose" because the game is free, and you might make a few new fans when they are "forced" to play it for the rewards. Although tons of people I've talked to who played just for Genji actively disliked the game and are not sticking with it.

I will agree that 15 games feels like a TON. That's more than just "trying it", that's a moderate commitment to get through on a game you may potentially dislike playing a few times. Plus, if you do get someone who's interested even 30 games is a lot of games for them to get that jump start of 4 more unlocked heroes.

They should have required much fewer matches but had us play against people or something like that. Blasting through bot matches as quickly as possible for your introduction to the game is unlikely to be the best way to experience it, since you're basically ignoring the objectives and just steamrolling bots with basically no strategy.

Plus I think most people viewed it as this annoying thing they "have to do" for a skin (which is technically what it was if you have zero interested in HotS or already know that you don't like it) so that doesn't really start you off with a positive experience.

I think I've said it before, but I'm very interested to know if anyone sticks with HotS thanks to this. I mean I guess they can say "we've had X more downloads" now, lol.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
So what's the quickest way to do the Genji skin? Aren't the games like 30 minutes each? I really don't want to play HotS for 7 hours.


See, Blizz made a mistake. QP should allow limit and no limit modes. Putting no limit to Arcade only was a mistake.

So what's the quickest way to do the Genji skin? Aren't the games like 30 minutes each? I really don't want to play HotS for 7 hours.

6-13 min each on Beginner depending on map and the randoms you get matched with with a friend.


something must be really wrong if it takes you 13 min. 5-6 is like the most it takes if you know what you're doing. 3min for most of the map pool. I did all 30 games in less than 2 hours total.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Do I need to do 15 games with the same friend or can I do it with 15 different friends?



Mind you, they actually had an exclusive spray that was available only to people who bought Legion, they eventually made it available to everyone though.

Let's hope they don't go beyond sprays :p
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