fuck man I give up with this game, try to do my best and keep on losing. Teammates that can't do dmg as reaper, picking sym in the middle of the payload defense. fuck this shit, the 2,1k range is hell. I don't even know what to do.
Hehe thanks. Actually traveling again this week so I still don't really have time to get back in. Excited to once I'm finally back home.
Summer games happened on August 2nd, a Tuesday. Everything at Blizzard have been happening on Tuesdays for years.
The last Diablo season started on a Friday. Hearthstone: One Night In Karazhan came out on a Thursday.
so I don't know what you're talking about.
Do you guys have a moment to talk about our lord and saviour OasisOnOverwatch
A laugh/giggle that can bring Humanity back from the brink of destruction :3
Good LAWDHehe thanks. Actually traveling again this week so I still don't really have time to get back in. Excited to once I'm finally back home.
saw this on Twitter and almost passed out:
It's times like these I'm glad I'm not a girl on the internet.
Or am I?
Nice avatar
It's times like these I'm glad I'm not a girl on the internet.
Or am I?
Do you guys have a moment to talk about our lord and saviour OasisOnOverwatch
A laugh/giggle that can bring Humanity back from the brink of destruction :3
I'm getting frustrated with Ana players that don't warn me when they have their ult ready. I don't consider myself a great Reinhardt player (or a good one, at that), but good god did this one idiot kept firing at me at the most inconvenient of times.
I had the highest kill eliminations and damage block during the last match I was in, and he called me a subpar Reinhardt. :/
Do you guys have a moment to talk about our lord and saviour OasisOnOverwatch
A laugh/giggle that can bring Humanity back from the brink of destruction :3
I got kicked by the OW servers during the middle of a match and I couldn't connect back to OW for over an hour. I feel so bad.
Coming from the other side of this, it's frustrating as an Ana player when you announce that your ult is ready, and the Reaper jumps into the point by himself and gets destroyed mid death blossom without killing anyone.
The best one was the other day though attacking the first point at Volskya. I nano boosted a Mei who had her ult ready, who proceeded to run to just outside of the point, before putting herself in a block of ice for the duration of it.
Someone my team last night was apparently experimenting with using Ana as a tank. We did not win.
...how does that even work
Didn't end up capturing the pin on nano reaper's ult from last night's Kings Row match but here's some footage of a first point recovery that was pretty nice: https://my.mixtape.moe/llllam.mp4
Someone my team last night was apparently experimenting with using Ana as a tank. We did not win.
I don't wanna play CS:GO ;__;We need more skins and gambling for overwatch e-sports to grow.
I don't wanna play CS:GO ;__;
Man, I'm so close. Please let the next match be good.
Why would this affect how Esports is played?Me either, but without gambling or skins or stuff like that, I don't see OW esports going far.
Just something non-gameplay related.
Why would this affect how Esports is played?
Had this exact number on my match before my rank up to Platinum. Good luck, I got lucky and had the opposing team leave.
I didn't play CS so bear with me, but why would gambling up viewership for tourneys and such?It drives up viewership.
Well, I spoke too soon. My team and I got a solid gold ass beating, and I'm down to 2461. Anyone on PC, who's reasonably competent, care to join me?
Watch as no one replies to my request, as usual.
I didn't play CS so bear with me, but why would gambling up viewership for tourneys and such?
If you're fine with playing an aussie I'm game, but I'm not sure if you want to factor in latency on your way to plat.
You'll get there, don't worry.
Let me get some breakfast, and I'll send you a request. What is your Battle.net username, BTW?
Do you guys have a moment to talk about our lord and saviour OasisOnOverwatch
A laugh/giggle that can bring Humanity back from the brink of destruction :3
Probably go quick play first to see how it is haha.
Why would this affect how Esports is played?
Been trying out Overwatch on PS4 (I have played a ton on PC).
Now, I've played shooters on console before, just very rarely as I'm not a big fan usually. I played the hell out of Timesplitters 2 and 3. But I will forever not improve my aim on console, and I want to know what magic potion people drink that can reliably aim on these gamepad nightmares, haha.
Is it just being a fan since young that makes you a good aim? I do suck, of course. I just really hate aiming anything with a stick because I never stop flying *juuuust* past my intended target, back and forth.
Strafing is very effective, I hardly ever use right stick for horizontal aiming.
You know, I DID find that I was way better at using McCree, ironically, because I instinctively did this. My favorite is Pharah though, and my god I am hopeless.