And if we are subscribing to the thought that all 22 characters get a new legendary before someone gets two then I'm pissed that Tracer was part of the lamest set of legendaries ever, gonna be over a year before she gets another.
Although the epic skins can toe the line, Reinhardts Halloween is a pretty drastic change for an epic. So maybe they will decide that an elf hat and a green suit is just worthy of a purple.
Mei definitely needs a winter skin, I don't really care what it is as long as her ice block turns her into a snowman while she is using it.
I like both of Tracer's summer games skins. They fit the aesthetic of the Summer Games and play up the "goofball" side of Lena Oxton fairly well. They weren't my favorite skins from that event, not by a long shot, but I do think they fit her pretty well.
That being said, most of the Halloween skins are a step up over and beyond most of the Summer Games skins. Blizzard did a great job all the way around with the Halloween event.