We needed you Owzers. Literally didn't win a single game.
I'm blamming lag for the one I was in.
Couldn't concentrate on shit there.
We needed you Owzers. Literally didn't win a single game.
We needed you Owzers. Literally didn't win a single game.
When: This Sunday 5PMEST/10PMGMT+1
How to join:[/U] I would prefer if people join our discord server: https://discord.gg/4GxWwyD. We have a channel in there where you can post your bnet tag. We also have channels for everybody to talk and split up team comms when that time comes. Failing that, you can always add me (Annebot#1616) looking to get an invite. If I delete you afterwards no hard feelings, just Blizzard can't code and having a large friendlist kills frames.
We're going to /attempt/ to do this with both EU and NA players on an NA East server so it will be as close to the middle as we can make it for everybody. IF this ends up being unplayable we may need to figure something else out in the future, but we wanna try to let everybody play no matter where we are from. Worst case scenario is we have nights with diff regions hosting sometimes.
What we'll actually be doing: We're just gonna split everybody into teams and play a few maps out with comp rules on for a bit. We'll try our best to balance teams with the general skill levels of who we know is playing, roles, and how things go as we play. The idea is to come in and have some fun games, get to know the other posters, and just try to have a good time. After the main rounds of matches have been done, I have no problem letting everybody turn the server into silly custom games to just hang out in. We may try some goofy ass ways to make comp teams too, who knows.
There's a pretty likely chance we will have more than 12 people. We can put people in spectator slots if they wanna hang out. We will be nice and take turns to rotate in and out of playing with the spectators as we go. If for some reason we get a ton of people don't feel bad if you don't get into the lobby. Maybe space will open up or you can catch us at the next one.
Expect this to last a couple hours ish for the main games. After we've had our fill I'll turn the server over to whoever wants to keep playing and doing custom nonsense.
Remember, this is to have fun. It's okay to try and make cool plays and show off, and I encourage good natured ribbing between players that know each other. Don't get too salty though or start calling people out hardcore. This is for the community to come together and have some fun and meet other people to play with. Let's try and have some nice things. Myself and caeser (the other mod in the discord) reserve the right to kick anybody we feel is out of line.
This open for all skill levels bronze-top 500. Again, we'll try to balance it out and help people go along with the games. If you really feel like you're not quite ready to play for whatever reason, feel free to hang out in the comms and spectate.
I have no qualms if somebody wants to stream from their POV. I probably won't be streaming it myself but who knows.
It sucks because you are not taking advantage of the bonus sr like this
Gonna be a long climb.
Reminder this is in less than a day.
This has been my last hour and a half in quick play minus the win ofcourse and I'm not even doing bad. :[![]()
Tiltwatch today.
Might take the rest of the weekend off and play more Persona. Come back fresh for the event on Tuesday.
I signed on briefly this afternoon but the stack was full, went back to Zelda and finally got more weapon slots, felt like forever.We needed you Owzers. Literally didn't win a single game.
Where's Owzers?
I promise I will not make fun of your failed ults ever again.
And charges too.
You can't keep this promise.
I might just have some drinks and get back on if there is a group. That was the secret yesterday.
Fuck Overwatch man, two great games that won't do me wrong just sitting there, and I still come back.
Should be on soonWhere are you Owzers??
Story of my life. Nier, and KOFXIV, and Dark Souls 3 DLC just sitting there rn.There's too many other games right now...but I keep playing overwatch
I live for minute long staggers on supports lol
Blizzard should bring back no fall off damage McCree. Those were fun times.
Let's hope they do buff reaper at least, with everyone whining about Orisa sucking any buff to her could bring back tank meta all over again.They should honestly make him a Tank Buster again, along with beefing up Reaper so he can do his job (as since said meta was introduced, Reaper hasn't recovered from it).
They read Anne's climbing guide.Destroyed by a good Phamercy combo. Fuck that shit.
Someone said that even a decent a Pharmercy could carry through the plat and diamond, who was that smart individual?....
That team wasn't near our skill level, and that Pharmercy was nothing special. But it worked.
i probably should switched mccree earlier. i started concentrate on they mercy when i switched. such a pain to hit a constant GA'ing mercy.She landed her shots. That's all that matters. I could barely get some shots off before she killed me. I only managed to kill her a few times when the Mercy died or left to help someone else.
We didn't even try Pharmercy combo tonight. Maybe next time.
i probably should switched mccree earlier. i started concentrate on they mercy when i switched. such a pain to hit a constant GA'ing mercy.
i let the team down.
Just won with Butchin.
I played Pharah.
Dunno what you guys were doing earlier.
Playing great as Lucio and TracerDunno what you guys were doing earlier.
I hope you get matched up with that stack again.
What would have happened if we went pharmercy vs pharmercy