What are the advantages of doing a jumping charge?
This probably. Only time I've seen a jumping charge.
What are the advantages of doing a jumping charge?
Is it just sprays for harder uprising difficulties?
Mode is real boring after the first time, shoulda done some randomisation.
Those are like the only modes worth doing it onIkr?? Already kinda bored of it. It's very, very repetitive. I got all the achievements except for finishing it on Expert and Legendary. And i think that i will not even bother.
On the other hand All Heroes version can still be fun, so i will probably play it more for loot boxes... next week.
Mei is broken after the patch.
You mean Lucio?Meiis broken after the patch.
You mean Lucio?![]()
So they've nerfed loot boxes right? Not got a single item higher then a blue so far this patch.
What are the advantages of doing a jumping charge?
Nice. I'm gonna try this out in training mode. Thanks for the tip!when you charge normally, there's like a second delay...as oppossed to when you're jumping charge, that second delay is removed. I've charged people who got caught off gaurd by it because they didn't see me winding up. (but I've also missed people that I wouldn't have missed before because they moved slightly and I didn't see it/sense it. It's basically just a charge that goes off faster, but its a little hard to master cause your view is obstructed when you jump, and the people you were going to charge might have moved. it's situational.
So they've nerfed loot boxes right? Not got a single item higher then a blue so far this patch.
I have returned.
The Tracer God of PS4 is back.
They should probably nerf the charge of Sound Barrier now. Another 25%.
Hmm, maybe. It does charge quite fast now. But isn't the range of it also reduced?
I hate the range for the speed boost - few times I was left in the dust out of spawn. And once as soldier I was sprinting in the speed boost and got too far ahead of lucio and had to slow down to stay in the aura. It's taking some getting used to, but it doesn't really feel natural
Range is the same. It wasn't in the patch notes so seems like it was PTR only.
I hate Mystery Heros. I want to earn loot boxes, but this random bullshit makes winning a frustrating coin toss.
I have returned.
The Tracer God of PS4 is back.
Mei is broken after the patch.
That account was made so I could freely play Tracer on my main.I don't see the issue, you created an account just to play Lucio! Have you finally accepted your god given tracer talent?!
I'm outta hereSombra has new translocater voice lines! I also give props to the blizz team for giving the other character voice lines in the new brawl. Such a nice detail they could have easily not done.
Aaaand Mercy skin as the 4th legendary today.
I don't play Mercy, I just like to kill them ;(
So they've nerfed loot boxes right? Not got a single item higher then a blue so far this patch.
So they've nerfed loot boxes right? Not got a single item higher then a blue so far this patch.
You are both wrong and don't understand circumstantial evidence.Bad luck for you. Epic and Legendary drop rates continue to be higher during events. My first 3 boxes each yielded a legendary and I got more not too long after.
I'll trade you the tracer skin I just got for that.
Ugh I not even a huge fan of Tracer's skin. It is alright I guess.
You are both wrong and don't understand circumstantial evidence.
Bad luck for you. Epic and Legendary drop rates continue to be higher during events. My first 3 boxes each yielded a legendary and I got more not too long after.
game about omnic rights
every pve mode is about slaughtering hundreds of omnics
I appreciate the effort put into these PvE things. But they have no staying power for me past like one or two times through.
Wtf Mei is unplayable
Super annoying, the entire enemy team was running this fast spammy shit like genji and tracer and the only hard counter doesn't work.
I thought Bastions and the like aren't Omnics.game about omnic rights
every pve mode is about slaughtering hundreds of omnics