I THOUGHT this changed. Is it just with Tuesday's patch? It's really annoying.
Yeah this is happening to me a lot more lately. Especially frustrating when I fuck up an amazing Pharah or Genji hook because it places them on the ground next to me when they were almost 90 degrees above me.
Cause I wasn't there to stream it. I failed blueAnd there you have it. It was the opposite for me.
thankfully it's only ever really happened to me in qp but it's always hilarious when someone leaves our team but then we pretty much immediately steamroll after they go lolDown 0v2 on Oasis, we get 80% of point. Tank leaves. We manage to take it back due to my kickass riptires and we would have kept it too... why do people leave so much in Comp? Shit makes no sense. Comebacks are totally possible and it wasn't even super one sided rounds.
Cause I wasn't there to stream it. I failed blue![]()
Okay, I'll be very blunt about it.
Everyone on the team that I was on went their merry way to go and spawn camp the enemy team on Temple of Anubis Point 2, while it was obvious that said enemy team was building ult charge to go and steam roll us to the last point, which they followed up on.
Stuff that like makes my blood boil, especially when I was trying to tell my team to not leave said point. :/
There is much more, but that's the gist of it.
Yeah, it's not something I see them changing because there's no real overt complaint towards it, but a source of frustration definitely stems from the game having a mandatory need for a third of the team to be comprised of what is the least popular role.
aaaand I lost again. Stupid me trying to fill and play healer...
Triple tank setup? Well let's not go junkrat, and definitely not reaper, that would be silly
Didn't see the game so can't say much about it, but its just inhouse man shouldn't make your blood boil.
Yeah, unfortunately you can only do so much yourself.I dont mind healing, I main support but its crearly obvious two supports are a must , feels like I am in a WoW's raid , Main tank, off tank, tank healer and and off healer for the rest of the group.
If you're defending B and you fight them at the choke near their spawn it is sometimes possible to play this in a way that allows you to get back in position before the other team gets to the actual control point. Maybe that's what they were trying to do.Okay, I'll be very blunt about it.
Everyone on the team that I was on went their merry way to go and spawn camp the enemy team on Temple of Anubis Point 2, while it was obvious that said enemy team was building ult charge to go and steam roll us to the last point, which they followed up on.
Stuff that like makes my blood boil, especially when I was trying to tell my team to not leave said point. :/
There is much more, but that's the gist of it.
Have they commented on Mei being literally worthless right now?
Thank goodnessYah, Mei has been fixed bu they can't get the full patch out yet. They said something like "wish we could have it out for the weekend, but other things gotta happen with it".
🌝Ana's been broken for months though. :3c
It's crazy it doesn't give you the achievement with All Heroes, AND the game is being patched to make normal Uprising Legendary even harder, AND the people who used glitches for the achievement will still have it.That's good to know, thanks.
I beat Legendary with randoms in All Heroes yesterday. It was pretty easy with Orisa, Rein, Bastion, and Mercy. We didn't have much time left, but I think you're gonna be barely beating it no matter how well you do, they really don't give you shit for time.
Good Comp games with GAF stack tonight. We stomped a few teams with decisive wins. No tilting from ND too. 😉
Good games PS4 peeps
Boosted me to plat![]()
Not only is blue in plat now, but I got the genji legendary skin from our final win so I'm a genji main now.
Hurray for everybody!
I need to add mercy to my hero pool.
We don't need anymore Mercy mains. I just play her in QP if I wanna relax.
I might need to get proficient with Pharah again. I don't play her much anymore. I feel much better playing Soldier these days for Comp. But I'll mess with her more in QP games. Good Pharahs are too much of a threat.
Yeah I'm trying to get proficient with Tracer and Pharah for Comp. Soldier is pretty easy to get down but he's incredibly easy to play and I'd rather let someone else do that.
Any legends out there who've got the Uprising on Legendary down? Been trying all day with various friends and have been within a couple shots of killing the final Orisa but ultimately running out of time. Trying to beat it before they patch the door exploit.
I play Tracer.
Well, easy to play doesn't mean they're actually good with them. We've had randoms who insta-locked Soldiers during our sessions and they couldn't kill anything. Too much of a risk to let someone else play him when I'm super proficient with him now. I'm good enough to consistently take out Pharahs as long as they don't use a Pharmercy combo. Hate that shit.