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Overwatch |OT9| There is no Cow Hero


Any legends out there who've got the Uprising on Legendary down? Been trying all day with various friends and have been within a couple shots of killing the final Orisa but ultimately running out of time. Trying to beat it before they patch the door exploit.

I play Tracer.
I still haven't seen a single team get the payload moving. Typically people wipe on the second eradicator at the statue, or at the payload bastions.

I can only imagine how hard it will be with the abusable mechanics removed.


I played a game in the Uprising PvsE mode, where there was an airborne Native American warrior (me), a Norse spirit, a steampunk robot, and a futuristic combat robot against wave after wave of killer Omnics.

This game, man....


Well yeah but I generally see more decent/good soldiers then I do good Pharahs or Tracer.

Such a world of a difference between a good Pharah and a great one. It's terrifying.

EDIT: So I'm like 17 lootboxes in and its all whites and blues...
A great Pharah, for example, isn't going to be particularly threatened by a 76 with no other hitscan on the team.


Got pushed into playing Soldier and ended up with 3 golds. I really don't like playing Offense characters that much and think it might be my first or second match as one this season in 500 + games.


I just want to play tanks, I always choose a tank...either Rein if no one else is playing a tank, or D.va if someone else picks Rein or Zarya...but then I never have a healer.

What do you think is more important for the team? Playing the only tank, or playing the only healer? I don't mind switching to Mercy or Zenyatta, but I'm not particularly good at healing, and I think I'm a competent tank...

Zen Aku

Today my friend (Luck) and I team up with a guy who is a crazy master McCree/Roadhog main (Es) we won like 6 games straight. My friend got to master, then we picked up another guy who is a master Pharah/Soldier main (C4). The 4 of us then won 3 more and only lost 2. The games we lost are because of two players who chooses to play Sym and Hanzo the entire time and a game where we had a guy who was terrible with everything he picked up (Sombra/Dva on offense and Torb on defense when the enemy is running full dive comp)

So we basically only lost tonight when we had shitty team comp in our game.

I climbed from 3100's to 3424 (was 3478 before the losses). The 3 (or 4) of us worked so well together. People were getting hook left and right, my friend soldier just decimating people and our Pharah was just a terror. I even manages to get 5-6 Lucio boops tonight (3 to the same Rein) and killed a Genji in midair dash who was going straight for our Ana with only 25hp left. That was probably the most satisfying kill of my OW career.

I think you definitely play better as an individual when you have a group of people who communicate and play to each other strengths. We were firing on all cylinders, we hit our shots, did callouts and watched each other backs.

Hope I'll reach masters.
I just want to play tanks, I always choose a tank...either Rein if no one else is playing a tank, or D.va if someone else picks Rein or Zarya...but then I never have a healer.

What do you think is more important for the team? Playing the only tank, or playing the only healer? I don't mind switching to Mercy or Zenyatta, but I'm not particularly good at healing, and I think I'm a competent tank...

I've come to believe that the most important role to play on a team is whatever can get everyone to push the damn point.


Any legends out there who've got the Uprising on Legendary down? Been trying all day with various friends and have been within a couple shots of killing the final Orisa but ultimately running out of time. Trying to beat it before they patch the door exploit.

I play Tracer.

In the payload phase, have someone from your team run to the end of the destination, that should prohibit anything from spawning. So there's that. Maybe they patched it tho?

After that, move your team and kill the first bastion going to the right.

Then have your tracer chase the second bastion, you can actually shoot him without him shooting you by hiding behind a wall and barely seeing his weak point on his back.

Then pray your team doesn't die to a random tank bastion. And deflecting orisa's bullets to her head does insane amounts of damage.

In the random heroes, pick gengu, he can do the same thing to the bastions as tracer, but his shurikens will do 180 damage. It's insane. You can even corner peak the bastion with your ult, but it actually does less damage that the shurikens.

You can also deflect 2 shots from the tank form.



In the payload phase, have someone from your team run to the end of the destination, that should prohibit anything from spawning. So there's that. Maybe they patched it tho?

After that, move your team and kill the first bastion going to the right.

Then have your tracer chase the second bastion, you can actually shoot him without him shooting you by hiding behind a wall and barely seeing his weak point on his back.

Then pray your team doesn't die to a random tank bastion. And deflecting orisa's bullets to her head does insane amounts of damage.

In the random heroes, pick gengu, he can do the same thing to the bastions as tracer, but his shurikens will do 180 damage. It's insane. You can even corner peak the bastion with your ult, but it actually does less damage that the shurikens.

You can also deflect 2 shots from the tank form.

I'll add to this, I did it as Tracer with a group of randoms, we did group up though. We had over a minute left with the following strats:

Do the streets glitch, normally this isn't the issue but it makes live a little easier. When in the plant kill all the turret Bastions first. Do NO kill the first Orissa as killing her spawns the other Orissas. When a tank Bastion spawns fallback with your team as they WILL tear you apart otherwise, have Reinhardt pin him for stun and damage. Having a good Reinhardt is mandatory as his charges do a major part of the damage and stuns. Remember that stationary Bastions when dislocated walk back to their original positions. Always focus the Bastions as a team and move as a team as the Reins shield is a life saver. As for hero specific tips, for the powerplant phase:

Tracer: try to focus the minions and the specials from time to time as these can put out quite some flanking damage, basically crowd control, hit the Eradicators in the back so their shield breaks allowing Torb to do some damage. Farm pulse bombs for Bastions and Orissa's, nice thing, you can play peek-a-boo with the turret Bastions, just fire a couple of shots in his core on the back and they will focus on you, hide, repeat, this can take some heat of your team.

Torb: don't bother with the turret in the last phase as it usually dies too quick, aim for headshots as you are a major source of DPS, if people die molton core and res them but keep aware of the surroundings, preferably with Mercy healing you, also molton core if you are nearly dying, being out of positions is team suicide. Did I metion headshots?

Mercy: didn't play as her but heal, save res for Reinhardt, unless there are downed people in the open. Don't bother damage boosting, whip out your pistol and farm ult.

Reinhardt: play conservatively your shield protects your team, engage turret Bastions with a charge (preferably move them as far as possibly), hit some swings and if he goes back into turret mode put your shield up to protect your team and allow them to finish them. When a tank Bastion arrives back up and the team should follow you. If you block his shot close range they do some damage to the Bastion itself. Get a good charge on him and hammer him down. Repeat with Orissa's.

I might have gone a little in-depth but I found that knowing your role on Legendary is very important. Hope this helps!





Okay, I'll be very blunt about it.

Everyone on the team that I was on went their merry way to go and spawn camp the enemy team on Temple of Anubis Point 2, while it was obvious that said enemy team was building ult charge to go and steam roll us to the last point, which they followed up on.

Stuff that like makes my blood boil, especially when I was trying to tell my team to not leave said point. :/

There is much more, but that's the gist of it.

Got it recorded. Your team wasn't spawn camping us. They were pushed up a bit far from the point and got punished but only pharah and tracer were beyond the obelisks outside the point.


Man, grinding lootboxes in QP solo without a group EXP bonus is savage.

Edit: man, screw these lootboxes. Got a legendary and it was a dupe Lucio skin. Sigh


Man, grinding lootboxes in QP solo without a group EXP bonus is savage.

Edit: man, screw these lootboxes. Got a legendary and it was a dupe Lucio skin. Sigh

Try getting 3 Torb (orange jumper) legendaries in a row, then 500C in the 4th.

At least I got McCree's but I don't even play him.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Opened 9 boxes ... no Mercy skin.

f*ck it, gonna buy a bunch of boxes tonite.
Played two comp matches solo q. Nobody took a healer on either one, so I thought "shit, I'm learning Mercy" and oh, two wins.

Not that I'm actually any good with Mercy, but at least the team composition was okay after I picked her.

Didn't have the guts to queue for a third time in fear of "that group" lol.
The amount of Lucios who think they can 1v1 my DPS heroes post patch is downright adorable.

you think it's 1vs1 then then turn a corner and it becomes 1v3.

i had a match where it was me vs tracer and genji. was going fine until someone else turned up lol.


I'm tired of teams going full tilt mode the moment you pick hanzo, I have won games getting triples on objective, I admit I'm still too inconsistent with him, but I'm confident I can do well enough with him.

What's more infuriating is the fact that they will only (sometimes) acknowledge you did great if you win, if you lose they will always use Hanzo as a scapegoat regardless of how well you did.

9/10 times a Hanzo or widowmaker takes the roll my teams have lost. These characters are fucking terrible in a game full of shields, tanks, healers, console controls, and garbage level design. The weird thing is that they're super popular inspite of their glaring flaws. You can't find a QP match that doesn't feature them.

Solider 76 is so good he makes the entire DPS class obsolete. There are some serious balancing issues in overwatch that continue to persist.
Holy crap at these Lucio changes...

I've been playing a lot of quickplay lately, and it seems like the teams are 100% okay with a Lucio being the only healer... except almost every Lucio wants to be DSPStanky now and wall ride to melee Pharahs to death.

We essentially have no healer anymore and asking a Lucio to be more mindful of their healing backfires immediately.

I don't mind Lucio being where he is, but the mentality that he can still be a solo healer hasn't shifted yet.

That said, it makes me want yet another proper healer/support as the next character.


9/10 times a Hanzo or widowmaker takes the roll my teams have lost. These characters are fucking terrible in a game full of shields, tanks, healers, console controls, and garbage level design. The weird thing is that they're super popular inspite of their glaring flaws. You can't find a QP match that doesn't feature them.

Solider 76 is so good he makes the entire DPS class obsolete. There are some serious balancing issues in overwatch that continue to persist.

What do tanks and healers do vs snipers? lmao.


9/10 times a Hanzo or widowmaker takes the roll my teams have lost. These characters are fucking terrible in a game full of shields, tanks, healers, console controls, and garbage level design. The weird thing is that they're super popular inspite of their glaring flaws. You can't find a QP match that doesn't feature them.

Solider 76 is so good he makes the entire DPS class obsolete. There are some serious balancing issues in overwatch that continue to persist.
Maybe I'm part of the problem but I see QP as a way for me to play heroes that I can't in comp. games. Winning or losing had no doesn't matter so why not use whatever hero I find the most fun at the moment?
Maybe I'm part of the problem but I see QP as a way for me to play heroes that I can't in comp. games. Winning or losing had no doesn't matter so why not use whatever hero I find the most fun at the moment?

I always thought that this is what QP is for.

I almost exclusively play Hanzo in QP because I know I don't ever get to play him in Comp, and rolling the dice to play him in Mystery Heroes isn't really a viable option.


QP is much more enjoyable when you're just practicing and not care about winning or losing. Although I do hate when people aren't even going for the objectives. Had a few matches where people didn't bother to go cap points.
QP is much more enjoyable when you're just practicing and not care about winning or losing. Although I do hate when people aren't even going for the objectives. Had a few matches where people didn't bother to go cap points.

Give it time. QP is a wasteland of snipers mains and no Tanks.

No one knows what a payload is anymore.
I totally agree with QP being practice mode for different heroes, that what it is for me too.

But I also find it completely unplayable and hardly any practice at all. You're finally trying out Orisa, your team has no healer, enemy has no healer, no team fights at all just constant trickle. It doesn't feel anything like a real game, so is it actually practice?

It hits this sweet spot of not really being anything. I find it mind numbingly boring most of the time, even in a group it's still going to be a complete garbage team comp, so unlike anything you would ever play in comp that it is meaningless.

If someone in the Gaf group wanted to play Orisa, Sombra, etc. I can't tell them to play more in QP, that's useless. I would tell them to tell us beforehand, and armed with that knowledge we will try to make a team that fits the character better in comp.

QP is good for a warmup to make sure your aim isn't awful before the first comp game. Other than that it is garbage.
The Uprising Event is a great way to learn a hero.

Maybe on like a base level of what their skills are, how they interplay with others, etc.

But predictable enemy movement makes it night/day vs playing against people. Especially with a character like Orisa, whose primary fire benefits drastically by some intuition of how people react and where to lead your shots.
Maybe on like a base level of what their skills are, how they interplay with others, etc.

But predictable enemy movement makes it night/day vs playing against people. Especially with a character like Orisa, whose primary fire benefits drastically by some intuition of how people react and where to lead your shots.

That's a general skill, though.


I'll be making a separate thread soon about the Overwatch Heroes of the Storm content, but I suspect this is the upcoming Zarya skin given the Genji skin they just added to Heroes is Oni Genji.




I totally agree with QP being practice mode for different heroes, that what it is for me too.

But I also find it completely unplayable and hardly any practice at all. You're finally trying out Orisa, your team has no healer, enemy has no healer, no team fights at all just constant trickle. It doesn't feel anything like a real game, so is it actually practice?

It hits this sweet spot of not really being anything. I find it mind numbingly boring most of the time, even in a group it's still going to be a complete garbage team comp, so unlike anything you would ever play in comp that it is meaningless.

If someone in the Gaf group wanted to play Orisa, Sombra, etc. I can't tell them to play more in QP, that's useless. I would tell them to tell us beforehand, and armed with that knowledge we will try to make a team that fits the character better in comp.

QP is good for a warmup to make sure your aim isn't awful before the first comp game. Other than that it is garbage.

Just gotta adopt my mentality, pick whoever the fuck you want in Comp, as long as you're not playing like a dumpster fire.


I'll be making a separate thread soon about the Overwatch Heroes of the Storm content, but I suspect this is the upcoming Zarya skin given the Genji skin they just added to Heroes is Oni Genji.


If this doesn't happen now I'm gonna be pretty sad

The cannon is too cool
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