I hated it. "Tank killer" was a meme and it seemed like he was always used to just sneak behind the team then kill me as support.
Never buff Reaper.
Nah, he definitely needs something because he's meh at best at the moment. When Ana's ult gave speedboost, he was crucial. But every game would boil down to when you'd get the NanoBlossom. But they fixed that so you have to wait for the Nanoblade now.
On Seagull's stream, someone mentioned that his Wraith form should allow him to climb walls, as an idea for a buff that's alternative to the normal toggle/cancel buff idea. That seemed interesting.
I played on PC throughout the weekend. And damnnnn does it feel good. Some characters are obvious, like McCree and Ana, but some surprised me. I played a round as Mercy at the insistence of someone on Pharah, and she plays much smoother to me.
On the flip side, I haven't gotten the feel for Tracer yet. I'm too twitchy, I feel. I can track my shots fairly well, but my movement is so shitty. It's like the inverse my console Tracer. The same goes for Winston. I've got the "feel" for his jumps with a controller.
I'm probably going to buy the PC version now. I'm loving Ana (like, a lot a lot) but I can't play comp with randos with her. Too much reliance on your team not being brain dead. Roadhog will probably be my solo go-to.