I was healing everyone. But there was a different gengu in every game spamming I need healing. It was hell yesterday. I don't know what happened.
Oh I see now. Read it differently.
I was healing everyone. But there was a different gengu in every game spamming I need healing. It was hell yesterday. I don't know what happened.
I was healing everyone. But there was a different gengu in every game spamming I need healing. It was hell yesterday. I don't know what happened.
it's nice to get mail like this
3-0 solo queue
Soldier/Rein (great Soldier, meh Rein)
Zen (Could've been better)
Lucio (awesome)
That's enough for today.
I thought we had some good comp games even as a 6 stack.
That last game on volskaya was bad and I logged off because it was late already here lol.
I probably shouldn't have gone Symmetra on defense and stuck with soldier since I was pretty much having some great games with him Oh well.
I once got a "really nice Mercy, you play good man". It made my day...until the next game a Genji send me a message for not healing him. "You should've stuck with me. We would've won". Yes mate, of course I will follow you to the depths of hell so get killed ever 10 seconds.
I play Torbjörn, badly. Trollpick.
We even had a Hanzo who is super useful against Pharamercy. oh wait...
Blizzard needs to do something to nerf that combo on consoles. Not make it useless, but something so it isn't such a pain in the ass.
Anyone watching this BK Stars vs RG Wings stream?
Those constant mid air EMPs that Envy is doing with Sombra are cool.
That guy was an idiot. He must have been tilted by the Pharah
Well at least he killed her one time, which is more than what he did with McCree lol
OMG so sick. THIS is what I want.Edit:
I saw this on the overwatch sub reddit today
Blackhardt Roadhog
rofl. Some people are so desperate to be offended they don't even take the time to know what they are talking about before feeling that way.Nah karst you just insulted a whole generation because of your comments stop playing ow
I think I'm just going to become a Lucio main from now on. Whenever I stack with GAF I always seem to do best when I'm Lucio.
Play your best heroes and you will win. That's what I'm always saying but no one listens.
I think Lucio is one of my best but not the best - however I think my Lucio play style meshes the best with the GAF group's tactics and strategy.
I tried playing Tracer last night with GAF and it went...poorly. Mostly because we were trying a dive strategy on Hanamura and it looks like I don't do well with Tracer when diving on 2CPs. I can use her better on payload maps as a flanker.
Play your best heroes and you will win. That's what I'm always saying but no one listens.
Play your best heroes and you will win. That's what I'm always saying but no one listens.
I would rather have 4 DPS, 1 healer, 1 tank than a balanced comp if all 4 DPS know what they are doing.Play your best heroes and you will win. That's what I'm always saying but no one listens.
I need to play more Torb, Orisa, and Reaper ( for at least a minute), we had a mostly good record those three games especially if our dive comp could have taken point a hanamura to keep my pro Torb defense from getting a draw.
I'll be on tonight when Cappa goes to sleep and a spot opens up.
I need to play more Torb, Orisa, and Reaper ( for at least a minute), we had a mostly good record those three games especially if our dive comp could have taken point a hanamura to keep my pro Torb defense from getting a draw.
I need to play more Torb, Orisa, and Reaper ( for at least a minute), we had a mostly good record those three games especially if our dive comp could have taken point a hanamura to keep my pro Torb defense from getting a draw.
I'll be on tonight when Cappa goes to sleep and a spot opens up.
This is the way to go until diamond at least. The benefits of running a good team composition are generally overshadowed by the benefits of running a hero you can actually contribute meaningfully with at that level.Play your best heroes and you will win. That's what I'm always saying but no one listens.
If you were 61 in S1 you shouldn't have much trouble getting to diamond. This is entirely unscientific but I would say diamond now is roughly equal to 55 or somewhere thereabouts.I did my 10 placement matches and went 8 - 2 and only got 2445 which is a shame, I was carrying really hard on many of them. I played a lot in season 1 and got rank 61 but haven't played much at all since then so I guess that's a factor. I'll definitely get Platinum for the double gold points but I'm not sure if I can be bothered grinding out Diamond, we'll see.
This is the way to go until diamond at least. The benefits of running a good team composition are generally overshadowed by the benefits of running a hero you can actually contribute meaningfully with at that level.
Related, Overbuff now lets you sort hero stats by SR. One of the most interesting things that I found from doing this is that the only people who have a >50% win rate with Ana is the GMs. We can't all be meta, folks.
Play your best heroes and you will win. That's what I'm always saying but no one listens.
People keep saying I trollpick no matter what I fucking play...
I play Winston, badly. Trollpick.
I play Torbjörn, badly. Trollpick.
I play Zenyatta, badly. Trollpick.
Reinhardt, trollpick.
Symmetra, trollpick.
Mercy, trollpick.
Pharah, trollpick.
Soldier 76, trollpick.
Lucio, trollpick.
Fuck this game so much. Fuck all of it I dunno why I ever fucking bother, maybe because I spent so much money on goddamn loot boxes because I saw no other way of getting the cosmetics I liked except paying insane amounts of money to fucking MAYBE get them.
Mute chat/voice and just do your own thing. Why allow random strangers to verbally abuse you in solo Q. I even have messages blocked from non-friends on PSN just to avoid pricks. I don't need distractions while I play.
Rank is definitely relevant to determining the answer to the question "should I play attack Mei". The higher up you go the more convergent the benefits of playing a hero you know and playing a hero you need become, to the point where most people, at higher ranks, will have to learn at least two or three heroes to avoid being rendered irrelevant by counterpicks. There are a few exceptions to this at the very top, but they're aberrations and the 90-99th percentile people that populate diamond and above are still very far removed from them in terms of individual skill.It doesn't matter what rank. Even if you're in higher tiers and you play a hero you're not that good with then you will suffer anyway. I'm not against flexing, it just depends on who you flex with. Some people think I only want them to play 1-2 heroes or something. I don't honestly care who people switch to as long as they're not garbage with them and only playing them for the sake of trying to counter.
This doesn't work when no one goes healer.
This doesn't work when no one goes healer.
When it comes to GAF stacks on PS4, we have no trouble getting people to play Support. Everyone wants to play them.
The game is Rock Paper Scissors. People need to learn how to throw more than just a rock or you're just not good at the game. Everyone should have a few mains..