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Paris Hilton - Horse accident or smacked up?

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aoi tsuki

ManDudeChild said:
Answer: Nothing, she's already been told twice.
Seriously, that's fucked up.

If she did get beat, and it wasn't consensual, then the fucker should get tossed in prison and raped.


I'm also trying to figure out what phone that is. It's not a T610, T630, Z600 or K700i... out of the other recent high-end SEs (since she probably won't be walking around with a Z200) the only one I can think of now is the P900/910. Never seen the back of that one so I have no idea if that's really it or not.
aoi tsuki said:
Seriously, that's fucked up.

If she did get beat, and it wasn't consensual, then the fucker should get tossed in prison and raped.

Hey I agree, I was just delivering the "punch line". That's really how the "joke" goes.

aoi tsuki

Fowler said:
I'm also trying to figure out what phone that is. It's not a T610, T630, Z600 or K700i... out of the other recent high-end SEs (since she probably won't be walking around with a Z200) the only one I can think of now is the P900/910. Never seen the back of that one so I have no idea if that's really it or not.
Yeah it looks like the back of a P910. i'm surprised she'd go for such a high-end phone and not one of the smaller, cuter ones.

ManDudeChild said:
Hey I agree, I was just delivering the "punch line". That's really how the "joke" goes.
i understand, although personally i doubt i could tell any part of a joke about hitting a woman.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
"punch line", your wrong for that. :p

But I think we all agree that no woman deserves to get hit by a man. I mean look at her, she could get her ass kicked by a cat. One swipe and she would go down. I hope Nick Carter didn't really do that, or Big Daddy Hilton might have him done away with.


ManDudeChild said:
Answer: Nothing, she's already been told twice.

haha...sorry, I shouldn't laugh but it's a good joke :)

Nick Carter is a bitch who'd I'd love to thrash if this is true.
Grizzlyjin said:
"punch line", your wrong for that. :p

But I think we all agree that no woman deserves to get hit by a man. I mean look at her, she could get her ass kicked by a cat. One swipe and she would go down. I hope Nick Carter didn't really do that, or Big Daddy Hilton might have him done away with.

For sure, I don't think anyone in this thread has even implied they think it's deserved. I think what most are saying, it's certainly what I was saying with my first post, is that although it's wrong and if Nick Carter did that he should get ass raped, that it's hard to sympathize with a person such as Paris Hilton.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
ManDudeChild said:
For sure, I don't think anyone in this thread has even implied they think it's deserved. I think what most are saying, it's certainly what I was saying with my first post, is that although it's wrong and if Nick Carter did that he should get ass raped, that it's hard to sympathize with a person such as Paris Hilton.

Yeah, I can understand that. But that Nicole Richie girl is even worse, I bet she beats up her dad. Poor Lionel. :(

aoi tsuki

Unless you've been physically abused, empathy/empathize would be more accurate words to use. But what has Hilton done to deserve or even come close to deserving abuse?
It all boils down to jealousy.

I personally think she's gorgeous, and she seems nice enough for someone who has had everything done for her for her entire life. As someone said earlier in the thread, it's not her fault she was born into riches.


Mike Works said:
Wonder how many girls will show up with faux bruised lips next week



Poor girl. Even if she is rich, hate to see a girl get beat up like that. My sister has fallen off her horse several times, and she always looks all beat up. One time she landed on a pile of logs or something and ended up in the hospital.


I have to say, the Hilton hatred is pretty funny...even more so if the only reason is due to her being fortunate enough to be heir to a huge fortune. It isn't money we were ever gonna see, so why hate her for it? I just hate the overexposure...she's really done nothing to earn it and has little in the way of talent that I can see. But hey, blame the media for that.
Shinobi said:
I have to say, the Hilton hatred is pretty funny...even more so if the only reason is due to her being fortunate enough to be heir to a huge fortune. It isn't money we were ever gonna see, so why hate her for it? I just hate the overexposure...she's really done nothing to earn it and has little in the way of talent that I can see. But hey, blame the media for that.

There's my reason right there. Those hating because of the money are douche bags, it's not like a person chooses what they're born into. However, the fact this ... lets go with promiscuous, person is given all this exposure when there are genuinely talented people that aren't getting it is just sickening. Then there's the fact our society makes this crap acceptable by watching it. What did she do, get boned by some fat dude and put it on tape. It's barely a step up from whore.


Yeah, her popularity is just bewildering to me. The sad thing is that she was getting press even before her little tape, because of all these parties that she liked to host. But hey, whatever...I don't know of her doing wrong by anyone or screwing someone over, so she isn't someone I'd waste my time hating.


I'm not even a fan of Paris and I can't feel anything but sorry for her. Assuming Nick didi this, who the hell does he think he is? I can't think of anything more that defines the term "pussy" than a man getting violent over his wife/girlfriend's fortune.
Shinobi said:
Yeah, her popularity is just bewildering to me. The sad thing is that she was getting press even before her little tape, because of all these parties that she liked to host. But hey, whatever...I don't know of her doing wrong by anyone or screwing someone over, so she isn't someone I'd waste my time hating.

A little bewildering is an understatement in my opinion. Parties and taped sex shouldn't grant a person ANY exposure. It's all so vain and pathetic really.


I have no problem when her being rich...if that were the case i'd hate all rich people. I don't even have a problem with the fact that she was born rich, because if that were the case i'd hate her sister too. I just can't stand her...she's vapid and clueless, and the sad thing is that Nicole is much worse, but this isn't about Nicole. She just seems to be doing shit for the sake of doing it, like this album of hers that she's "working" on. I've heard her describe it two different ways in two different interviews...she doesn't even know what the hell kind of music she's making, and why is she making music period? To be exposed. At least her sister is going to fashion school, and has designed some handbags which were flying off the shelves in Japan. Paris is just such a twit.
Come on people she really doesn't look that beat up. She probably bruises very easily. I wouldn't be surprised if those injuries were caused by her tripping in her heels and someone trying to grab her arm. I mean those are really light, bruises. I have seen girls more busted up coming in too fast for a kiss.
BigGreenMat said:
I have seen girls more busted up coming in too fast for a kiss.

Damn son, take it easy on the ladies!

*smack* "Damnit woman! You know my nerves are shot! Slow down when you're trying to get a peck - you know I don't want to hurt you!"
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