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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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If this is an Islamist terrorist attack firstly the families of the victims should have all the necessary resources to help them cope. My heart goes out to them. Then we here in Europe have to make sure that we stand in solidarity with Muslims as the right will demonize them even further. They are our best chance of defeating this ideology. Decent honorable muslims must fight these ideas with the rest of us by their side. It'll probably take decades.


weird and lucky the suicide vests went off outside and apprently killed " only " one person and injured others... Imagine if they blew op in the packed crowed in the subway under the stadium : /

Wait, suicide vests? I'm confused, I thought I heard it was grenades on the news.
That's the worst part? I would say the worst part is dozens of innocent people being murdered.

Yep. If your first reaction to hearing this news is "oh shit this is gonna lead to muslim persecution" instead of "its horrifying that dozens of people are dead", then your priorities are messed up.

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a lot of my threads involve me fucking up somehow. Perhaps I'm a moron?
Telegraph is saying one of the gunmen shouted "Allah Akbar" before he started shooting.


Are you suggesting that this is staged by the government, or the "new order". Seriously? Seriously?

Preeeetty sure that's not even close to what he was saying, merely pointing out that this attack seems to have been meticulously planned in its timing.


Just got a whiff of this mess

http://www.cbsnews.com/live/ for those who don't have any source of watching

They're reporting more than 25 deaths. This is awful and disgusting.

Please stay safe France GAF. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you

Edit: Looks like it's all the way up to 40. Certainly hope not :(
I don't get the 'please don't be muslims' reaction. It doesn't really make a difference the dead who murdered them

Agreed but this is just continuing the vicious cycle that radical Muslims thrive off.

Kill innocents, then backlash happens on non radical Muslims pushing them towards radicalism
Why is this happening in France? France has been good in letting in people for immigration, right?

France has a relatively notable muslim population, due to its former colonial territories and the influence it still holds. Attacks like these feed the far right who feed persecution of minorities, which can then make it easier to radicalise. Its deliberately creating a vicious cycle.

That said, we still technically don't have confirmation of who the terrorists are or their affiliations.

Shorter version - fearmongering.
My thoughts are with the hostages at the immediate moment. Suicide bombers leaves little to the imagination that these inhuman fucks will submit.

My thoughts with the families of the deceased, as well.

Tried texting my friend who is a gaffer and developer in Paris, no response yet.

One part of me is tearing up while the other is seething with rage.
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