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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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I am deeply shocked and sad. My thoughts goes to all the people in France, and Paris in particular.

I've been close to bursting out in tears while watching the news all night. If I wasn't working I probably would've.

Regards from your friend in Sweden.


I made this at work tonight. I'm tired of stories like this, but they're never going to stop happening, unfortunately. And the suggestion to destroy all Muslim countries would only serve to radicalize even more elsewhere and heighten the number of attacks. Looking past the fact that it's unreasonable and inhumane.
Was London named? I am going out in London tomorrow and am shitting bricks. I know I shouldn't let it affect me like this but I can't sleep.

You know you're letting the terrorists achieve their objective by getting you to shit your bricks by going about your day to day affairs in a city thats been named as a target. London will be one of the safest places in the world for a week after this.
Don't get scared by a bunch of terrorists, you stand with your fellow free thinkers and mankind, stand up in unison and say 'fuck off'.


CHEEZMO™;185421188 said:
I agree lets exterminate a fifth of the human population that will sort things right out

I'm not advocating any targeting hatred or anything of the sort...

But technically, there would be quite a few less headaches in general for at least the next half century or so if a fifth of the population just went away, regardless of societal standing.


Redmond's Baby
Just woke up to this tragic news. Insane.

And I fear that more of this will happen in near future around Europe.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
I think what he was trying to say is that these attacks will continue to happen because of some extremist elements in parts of Muslim society and there's little we can do to prevent these tragedies :(. I think he just means pluralism isn't inherently a good thing, which is a world view of many and is not equivalent to genocide, etc. Edit: But it's definitely not my world view.

I hope he's not serious about any of that crazy stuff, he just feels helpless because there's nothing we can do about this. I doubt he actually means that.
I think you should think long and hard about the sort of person you are, if this is what you believe or espouse when your defenses are down because of the drink.

I had just got home and this is the 1st i see 120+ dead in Paris. I'm sorry for my original outburst and I know not all Muslims are in accord with such things. Again I'm sorry for the knee jerk reaction


I'm not advocating any targeting hatred or anything of the sort...

But technically, there would be quite a few less headaches in general for at least the next half century or so if a fifth of the population just went away, regardless of societal standing.

This thread keeps getting better.


I assumed they tightened and reinforced security and police intelligence after the Hebdo attack at the beginning of this year.

And now another?

I do wonder of the ramifications of this day, but for now, we must stand in solidarity with France.

Liberté Égalité Fraternité


I've seen people accused of being islamophobes for saying things like women are treated poorly in islamic countries. I am by no means a Bill Maher fan and he has said some questionable things but I still think the label is overused.

I've never seen it used in that way. I've only seen it rightfully used when people make sweeping generalizations about an entire people based on a religion/culture that they share with others.


I'm not advocating any targeting hatred or anything of the sort...

But technically, there would be quite a few less headaches in general for at least the next half century or so if a fifth of the population just went away, regardless of societal standing.

Yes, exterminate my family who did nothing wrong.
Our Prime Minister just said this was the work of the devil. These actions, plus the religious element, does make me think they are, in effect, satan worshippers. Maybe they are in hell now?


I'm not advocating any targeting hatred or anything of the sort...

But technically, there would be quite a few less headaches in general for at least the next half century or so if a fifth of the population just went away, regardless of societal standing.

You'd be ok with killing me? Wow


I'm not advocating any targeting hatred or anything of the sort...

But technically, there would be quite a few less headaches in general for at least the next half century or so if a fifth of the population just went away, regardless of societal standing.

But you wouldn't be so down for that if you were one of that fifth, am I right?


You know you're letting the terrorists achieve their objective by getting you to shit your bricks by going about your day to day affairs in a city thats been named as a target. London will be one of the safest places in the world for a week after this.
Don't get scared by a bunch of terrorists, you stand with your fellow free thinkers and mankind, stand up in unison and say 'fuck off'.
You are right ofc, but that is easier said than done.

By staying home I don't mean not going to work or grocery stores, just staying out of the dangerous area(stadiums, museums and alike)

See those "dangerous areas" are exactly where I will be :-/
We might have a totally different government in Canada had this happened towards the end of the election. That's real scary.

This is a massive intelligence failure. I'm sure some people will lose some privacy over this.


I'm not advocating any targeting hatred or anything of the sort...

But technically, there would be quite a few less headaches in general for at least the next half century or so if a fifth of the population just went away, regardless of societal standing.
Dude, no. Overpopulation wouldn't be an issue if society could collectively get its shit together and live sustainably. It's possible—the problem is a lot of people don't want to give up their comforts. That, or they're uninformed or indifferent.

Curious to hear how murdering a fifth of the planet's population would help us at all though, even in our current state. People would be just as dumb and wasteful and opportunistic as ever. It's not like we were doing so much better when the human population was smaller.


What could help is if people see signs of radicalization, to do something about it. This shit doesn't happen in a vacuum. If you see a friend leaning towards radical Islam, for fucks sake tell the authorities.

These people recruit from the real world, their neighbors, friends, family need to be vigilant and combat it everywhere. You read stories about girls sneaking out and escaping to Syria because they had a Twitter relationship with some pathological wacko. People can stop this shit. And it's not just Islam, they target people for conversion too. This is a world problem and everyone needs to help.
I'm not advocating any targeting hatred or anything of the sort...

But technically, there would be quite a few less headaches in general for at least the next half century or so if a fifth of the population just went away, regardless of societal standing.

lol population numbers have nothing to do with our issues but keep that genocidal dream going i guess.


But you wouldn't be so down for that if you were one of that fifth, am I right?

Who would :p

Again, I didn't say I agreed with that precedent morally. No need to assume.

But there is a factual, or at least, statistical case for it, not that I assume most who would agree with that statement would present one, least of all in this discussion.

It was a shaky post to begin with, I don't want to steer the conversation towards a distasteful hypothetical. My mistake.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Our Prime Minister just said this was the work of the devil. These actions, plus the religious element, does make me think they are, in effect, satan worshippers. Maybe they are in hell now?

But their beliefs say they will go to heaven for this. Weird how that works.
they constantly stand up to them, more than any other group in the world.

Those people should be getting Nobel peace prizes! That is my whole thing those that stand up against extremists should be the vocal majority/minority. Its hard to tell which is which at any given time.


Dude, no. Overpopulation wouldn't be an issue if society could collectively get its shit together and live sustainably. It's possible—the problem is a lot of people don't want to give up their comforts. That, or they're uninformed or indifferent.

I agree, it wouldn't be a problem.

But buddy, that's a pretty big "if".

There are going to be stupid/ignorant people for as long as humanity exists, that's a fact.
As an Arab, i'll say that I share your frustration. You say no one speaks out against it. Well, sir; here I am. Trust me, myself and many others are hurting for the victims and are just as angry as you are at the perpetrators.

There's no point in getting angry at people who blew themselves off with explosive vests.

Where did these people come from? Who helped them? Who motivated them?
You are right ofc, but that is easier said than done.

The easiest path would be to give into hatred and just treat all people different from us as evil and to get rid of them, but thats not us. Thats them. Thats why they are the terrorists, they choose the easy path, the path of ignorance, violence, and hatred.

It times like these where we really gotta grab our balls, grip tightly, and puff our chests. Show them we're not scared of them, we will fight them. We will fight them on every plane of existence, physically, mentally, ideologically, phsychologically, spiritually.

They can blow themselves up, threaten us, even cause a country to close its borders. But we will never fear them. Because they are weak, because they are alone.

We are strong, but only strong together.
Why is genocide so easy for some people to jump to, jesus christ. That line of thought cares the shit outta me.

because they are the special snowflake that won't be apart of people that die. it's the same with people who think eugenics is good too, that they won't be the target so it's easier for them to think they are superior to others.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I don't know what to say besides what the hell......I've read through a bit but why France:(

Probably coincidence. I suspect that these attacks were planned bottom up by a group of jihadists who just happened to live in France. It's not like somebody in Raqqa looks at a map of Europe and then decides to move sleeper cell units into France. It probably doesn't even really matter so much to these people as long as the attack hits "the West". It probably could have happened just as well in Britain, the US, or even Germany.


Why is genocide so easy for some people to jump to, jesus christ. That line of thought cares the shit outta me.

Yeah, scares me too. I mean, neoGAF is one of the tamest forums I visit, the Europe Reddit has a large amount of people calling for whatever the Muslim version of the holocaust is.


People already calling for genocide and more bloodshed in retaliation. Keep being you, humanity.

On topic, this was incredibly horrible to hear. Stay safe, France.
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