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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Back on topic, I think the bigger concern is that there is a chance most of the gunmen got away. We have 5 confirmed dead but a lot of different locations for the shootings. I think Paris is going to be on lockdown for awhile.


Yeah, scares me too. I mean, neoGAF is one of the tamest forums I visit, the Europe Reddit has a large amount of people calling for whatever the Muslim version of the holocaust is.

You could term it a holocaust and it would still apply.

I'd imagine Facebook is also a proverbial swamp right about now.


Next time, keep it to yourself.

I didn't bring it up.

I said it because I felt bad for the poster that said something like that and on quick reaction made a hand-wave of the topic to a different angle out of the embarrassment I felt for them.

And this is a forum.
Probably coincidence. I suspect that these attacks were planned bottom up by a group of jihadists who just happened to live in France. It's not like somebody in Raqqa looks at a map of Europe and then decides to move sleeper cell units into France. It probably doesn't even really matter so much to these people as long as the attack hits "the West". It probably could have happened just as well in Britain, the US, or even Germany.

I dunno. Many people have left their country to join ISIS. Some of them return after a few years. They need serious psychological help to cope with PTDS, but certainly don't get it.
We'll know more soon enough.
Back on topic, I think the bigger concern is that there is a chance most of the gunmen got away. We have 5 confirmed dead but a lot of different locations for the shootings. I think Paris is going to be on lockdown for awhile.

Its frightening how well coordinated the attacks seem to have been. This is a major western capital and gunmen launched heavily armed attacks on major venues across the city.


The death toll has surpassed 7/7 and Utøya by some margin now. I fear that when all's said and done we'll have a death toll that matches Madrid.

Since the mid-2000s when the London, Madrid & Mumbai bombings occurred the fear of terrorist attacks located in Europe has definitely diminished, with Utøya being more of an isolated incident unrelated to other attacks, but this year alone we've had the Charlie Hebdo attacks and now this. I really feel for the people of France. Many have said that since Charlie Hebdo another attack has felt inevitable and that sounds like a very sad state of affairs and a horrible way to live.

This tragedy is going have massive ramifications. I think the anti-Muslim and anti-refugee sentiments across Europe are only going to be exacerbated and further conflict will occur.

An extremely sad day for the civilised world.


Why is genocide so easy for some people to jump to, jesus christ. That line of thought cares the shit outta me.
One death is a tragedy, one billion deaths is a statistic.

When you extrapolate out to such a disconnected abstract level it is easy to be so callous. But put a gun in any of these posters hands, and they would have not be able to bring themselves to kill a single innocent Muslim.

Genocide requires behavioral conditioning and a mental lobotomy on your higher thinking functions - to commit genocide people must sacrifice their ability to perceive the world and the essence of their humanity.

Perhaps some Americans are primed to commit genocide just as ISIS has been primed - but it is not natural and I have faith most of GAF still has their humanity.


I'm not advocating any targeting hatred or anything of the sort...

But technically, there would be quite a few less headaches in general for at least the next half century or so if a fifth of the population just went away, regardless of societal standing.


How can someone even think something like this???
The easiest path would be to give into hatred and just treat all people different from us as evil and to get rid of them, but thats not us. Thats them. Thats why they are the terrorists, they choose the easy path, the path of ignorance, violence, and hatred.

It times like these where we really gotta grab our balls, grip tightly, and puff our chests. Show them we're not scared of them, we will fight them. We will fight them on every plane of existence, physically, mentally, ideologically, phsychologically, spiritually.

They can blow themselves up, threaten us, even cause a country to close its borders. But we will never fear them. Because they are weak, because they are alone.

We are strong, but only strong together.

Eh. Our word for their actions betrays the fact that were afraid of what they do. It makes sense to fear such monstrous, inhuman behavior. It doesn't mean we have to back down, but we're only fooling ourselves if we act like we're unaffected.


"They killed 150 of us. Let's kill a billion of them."

The irony is so thick I can barely breathe...

In what is basically a news thread, after quite a few permabans in waiting openly referring to genocide, you decide to muse about wiping out a chunk of the population?

*pukes in mouth* was probably the least knee-jerky reaction you got, guy.

I think you have me mistaken for the guy who actually posted something like advocating genocide. What I was responding to was someone else responding to the genocide guy saying how a removing a fifth of the population was all bad. In a targeted case, of course. In any case really, of course. But, I popped in literally 10 seconds before I read the post that made me want to post that to alleviate my own personal embarrassment for the genocide guy. It was a bad quick-reaction.

Like I said I probably shouldn't have done it. And especially, like you said in this thread.

But I don't want to get rolled into something I shouldn't because of, frankly, a pretty useless esoteric post with nothing to egregious about it.


How can someone even think something like this???

I don't know why don't ask the guy who actually does?


The Amiga Brotherhood
Back on topic, I think the bigger concern is that there is a chance most of the gunmen got away. We have 5 confirmed dead but a lot of different locations for the shootings. I think Paris is going to be on lockdown for awhile.

Latest from the BBC was 8 attackers, 7 blew themselves up. One shot and killed at the theatre.

It was 4 at the theatre, 3 at the stadium, and one on another street.


The easiest path would be to give into hatred and just treat all people different from us as evil and to get rid of them, but thats not us. Thats them. Thats why they are the terrorists, they choose the easy path, the path of ignorance, violence, and hatred.

It times like these where we really gotta grab our balls, grip tightly, and puff our chests. Show them we're not scared of them, we will fight them. We will fight them on every plane of existence, physically, mentally, ideologically, phsychologically, spiritually.

They can blow themselves up, threaten us, even cause a country to close its borders. But we will never fear them. Because they are weak, because they are alone.

We are strong, but only strong together.

I like this post very much.

Remember, becoming like ISIS to destroy ISIS means that we have been infected by their memetic ideology - they will have won in all but namesake. This might not be a fight we can win through entirely peaceful measures, but we must hold onto our humanity during the more trying times and emerge with our morality intact to create a better future... or else history will repeat itself.
The death toll has surpassed 7/7 and Utøya by some margin now. I fear that when all's said and done we'll have a death toll that matches Madrid.

Since the mid-2000s when the London, Madrid & Mumbai bombings occurred the fear of terrorist attacks located in Europe has definitely diminished, with Utøya being more of an isolated incident unrelated to other attacks, but this year alone we've had the Charlie Hebdo attacks and now this. I really feel for the people of France. Many have said that since Charlie Hebdo another attack has felt inevitable and that sounds like a very sad state of affairs and a horrible way to live.

This tragedy is going have massive ramifications. I think the anti-Muslim and anti-refugee sentiments across Europe are only going to be exacerbated and further conflict will occur.

An extremely sad day for the civilised world.

I felt like the whole terrorist fearing thing was fanning out towards the late 2000s/early 2010s. But with the rise of ISIS it's never felt like a bigger menace, even directly post-9/11


Heartbreaking. I don't even know what to say. RIP to the victims.

This tragedy is going have massive ramifications. I think the anti-Muslim and anti-refugee sentiments across Europe are only going to be exacerbated and further conflict will occur.

An extremely sad day for the civilised world.

Yes, I fear so.
Hollande has an example which worked

Operation Zarb-e-Azb (Urdu: آپریشن ضربِ عضب‎ ALA-LC: Āpres̱ẖan Ẓarb-i ʿAẓb pronounced [ɑːpreːʃən zərb-e əzb]) is a joint military offensive being conducted by the Pakistan Armed Forces against various militant groups, including the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, al-Qaeda, Jundallah and the Haqqani network.[5] The operation was launched on 15 June 2014 in North Waziristan along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border as a renewed effort against militancy in the wake of the 8 June attack on Jinnah International Airport in Karachi, for which the TTP and the IMU claimed responsibility.[34][35] Part of the ongoing war in North-West Pakistan, up to 30,000 Pakistani soldiers are involved in Zarb-e-Azb, described as a "comprehensive operation" to flush out all foreign and local militants hiding in North Waziristan.[36] The operation has received widespread support from the Pakistani political, defence and civilian sectors. As a consequence, overall security situation improved and terrorist attacks in Pakistan dropped to a six-year low since 2008.[37]


More than 3000 militants killed
Pakisfan Taliban in disarray
More than 1500 arrested
Up to 20,000 weapons confiscated
Terror attacks down 70% yoy

This is in a year inside tribal areas.

This wasn't a bunker buster campaign it was systematic killing and removal village by village . This is how you get Isis to its knees
Latest from the BBC was 8 attackers, 7 blew themselves up. One shot and killed at the theatre.

It was 4 at the theatre, 3 at the stadium, and one on another street.

Yep. Just read that and was coming to clear it up. Sounds like 4-5 police officers were killed by the suicide vests at the theater. Those guys knew what they were running into and still charged in.


i'd replace violence with force, but i dunno how esoteric y'all wanna get

Yeah violence sounds dirty; Force sounds much cleaner- And speaking of cleaner why do we have to call it genocide, can't we call it 'human tidy up' doesn't that sound more pleasant?


Latest from the BBC was 8 attackers, 7 blew themselves up. One shot and killed at the theatre.

It was 4 at the theatre, 3 at the stadium, and one on another street.

So according to the Wikipedia page, the following attacks happened:

- 2 restaurants close to each other
- another restaurant
- the stadium
- the theater (4)

So were the restaurant and stadium attackers the same people?


The death toll has surpassed 7/7 and Utøya by some margin now. I fear that when all's said and done we'll have a death toll that matches Madrid.

Since the mid-2000s when the London, Madrid & Mumbai bombings occurred the fear of terrorist attacks located in Europe has definitely diminished, with Utøya being more of an isolated incident unrelated to other attacks, but this year alone we've had the Charlie Hebdo attacks and now this. I really feel for the people of France. Many have said that since Charlie Hebdo another attack has felt inevitable and that sounds like a very sad state of affairs and a horrible way to live.

This tragedy is going have massive ramifications. I think the anti-Muslim and anti-refugee sentiments across Europe are only going to be exacerbated and further conflict will occur.

An extremely sad day for the civilised world.

Honestly I'd be getting worried at this point if I, or anyone close to me was a Muslim.

It's not going to get easier anytime soon.
Was London named? I am going out in London tomorrow and am shitting bricks. I know I shouldn't let it affect me like this but I can't sleep.

I wouldn't let it bother you. The whole point of terrorism is fear tactics and these cities are going to be on high alert


One death is a tragedy, one billion deaths is a statistic.

When you extrapolate out to such a disconnected abstract level it is easy to be so callous. But put a gun in any of these posters hands, and they would have not be able to bring themselves to kill a single innocent Muslim.

Genocide requires behavioral conditioning and a mental lobotomy on your higher thinking functions - to commit genocide people must sacrifice their ability to perceive the world and the essence of their humanity.

Perhaps some Americans are primed to commit genocide just as ISIS has been primed - but it is not natural and I have faith most of GAF still has their humanity.

I do too. I understand large numbers make people not think smaller and think of repercussions, and that fear makes them jump to crazy ideas, it's just scary how often I see this nowadays.

Anyways I asked this a while ago and I think the answer is no. Did they capture any of the attackers?

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe

I saw a 4 officers killed comment elsewhere that ended up being a misinterpretation of 4 attackers killed.

Hopefully it was 4 of the attackers killed then (reports are that there were 8 total now), not any police officers. Paris law enforcement was very brave.


Beat EviLore at pool.
Not confirm, but a suspected ISIS social media account claimed that NYC and DC among other important western cities will be the next possible targets... Not sure about the credibility, but better to be careful.

Hopefully it is nothing. Any sources though?

How can someone even think something like this???
Fairly easily.

You know how on Gaf, particular opinions get locked down/banned quickly? It creates a homogeneous environment, that is increasingly easy to control. Once the majority is on the same page, its easy to silence dissenting views.

If a country was largely homogeneous (same religion), there would be fewer dissenting views, which would result in a more orderly, less wild, populous.

It's not a hard concept to understand.

It's also not a realistic expectation considering the diversity of the modern world. France is an inclusive society that respects a large range of views/freedoms. That openness makes them a target.
Not confirm, but a suspected ISIS social media account claimed that NYC and DC among other important western cities will be the next possible targets... Not sure about the credibility, but better to be careful.

Like I said, I'm worried about a spread out attack on Black Friday. In particular I'd be worried about the Mall of America and anywhere in NYC.


Yeah violence sounds dirty; Force sounds much cleaner- And speaking of cleaner why do we have to call it genocide, can't we call it 'human tidy up' doesn't that sound more pleasant?

i was gonna make a scientific point and stuff, easy there dewdors


Not wanting to spread panic or anything, for all we know it could be cancelled, but the French national team have a match on Tuesday... against England... in London.

Going to make a prediction now. This is going to get cancelled.


Man, France will lose so much money from tourism, with closing the borders.

But I guess that's what the terrorists wanted, and they got it.


Unconfirmed Member
I feel bad. Not just for the dead and injured. But for the refugees fleeing Syria as well. I expect that after this Europe will shut their borders to all.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
I feel bad. Not for the dead and injured. But for the refugees fleeing Syria. I expect that after this Europe will shut their borders to all.

I don't think you worded that quite right....check the bolded.

Edit: He rephrased it, I'm sure he didn't mean that.
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