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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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So I just saw a news about a train crash in France? Is it even true?

Not saying it's related to this event, but I'm just wondering if it's true or not. Or maybe old news used by media to get a few clicks.


I agree with you, but I feel bad calling people stupid to be afraid. We have really good lives in the west, a lot of us aren't used to... This sort of thing. I imagine that people in Paris right now are terrified, and almost every ounce of their human nature is going to tell them to keep away the immigrants, to be wary of Muslims, to avoid large events, etc. For those who can fight that, I have nothing for respect, for those who can't, I just feel bad for.

There's nothing stupid about fear itself, especially given the context which as you said is understandable, but when one allows it to promote terrible and dangerous policies, ideologies, agendas etc, that's when things get messier.


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So you don't think ISIS wouldn't twist that a christian force is on muslim soil? They wouldn't enjoy capturing troops and videoing them getting tortured. ISIS would step up their PR badly if troops were on the ground. Yes the may end up losing in the end but not before the twist some other persons thoughts.

They'd likely do all of that, but what alternative do you suggest?


yeah they " found passports " on bodies of blown up kamikaze, like the found passport of the pilots in 9/11 I always have a hard time figuring out how but okay
Isn't the point of suicide attacks to blast shrapnel outwards? It's not as if items haven't survived more drstructive explosions.
So I just saw a news about a train crash in France? Is it even true?

Not saying it's related to this event, but I'm just wondering if it's true or not. Or maybe old news used by media to get a few clicks.
It is. 100% unrelated. It's an accident involving a high speed train they were testing.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Yes but the concept of self sacrifice for a "greater good" is hardly unique to religion or Islam. People who believe in Ideologies from communism to nationalism have commited these attacks.

But reaping the ultimate reward for doing so instead of sacrificing yourself is a difference that should not be denied. The expectation of paradise turns a self-transcending sacrifice into an act that can easily be motivated by much more egoistic considerations.


Just what exactly does ISIS want to achieve? I swear there's still a question mark over it no?
Terror. They can't take the western countries by military might, but they can instil fear and strengthen their reputation so more radicals will flock to them. Furthermore by tarnishing all Muslims in the eye of the western countries, they lay the groundwork for racism and us-vs-them in all communities, driving once again muslims who experienced racism and fear to them.



Friends Arena, Stockholm.


Totally wronger about Nintendo's business decisions.
It's possible that they think passport will be destroyed in suicide attacks? Also, if they get stopped they have ID ready? Even still, I agree, weird.

It's not that weird. You just said one reason...they didn't want their plan to get screwed up by getting stopped by the police on the way. Another probable explanation is that they want their passport to be found. That's how they get their martyrdom status. Also, their goal could be to introduce more chaos in the immigration situation in Europe.


People overreacting are part of the problem.

Still, I expect the UKIP/BNP types are masturbating furiously about all of this.

Over reacting to what?

How should one react to 8 dudes shooting hundreds easy as you like?

We can help refugees without exposing ourselves to a huge security risk.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
The war cost the people of the United States a lot of money, yes, but the defense contractors and military industrial complex in general made out like absolute bandits. Billions and billions of dollars in profits.

They are licking their chops at this. I hope Europe isnt duped like we were.
Just what exactly does ISIS want to achieve? I swear there's still a question mark over it no?

No?. I mean I know this is all confusing for most people, understanding why and how Muslims separate themselves and basically are in a civil war in mostly all the Middle east, but ISIS goal is pretty clear. Create a Caliphate (which they have and are just trying to expand) and gather all the Sunni Muslims under it and attack anyone that attacks their way of life and existence.

Is not hard to understand.


I hear shouting in between the gunshots... to me it sounds like 'on the ground' but I have a feeling it's something else?

This is fucking horrible...

If you talk about the guy (who made the video) repeating "qu'est ce qu'il se passe?" it means "what's happening?".

A few details: the person who made this video is a journalist at Le Monde, after this video he rescued some people (to bring them in his building) he was shot in the left arm (but he's ok now) they rescued an American person who was severly injured.

On the woman hanging at the window at the end says "I'll let go, I'm pregnant" so another woman go to help her.


Totally wronger about Nintendo's business decisions.
Over reacting to what?

How should one react to 8 dudes shooting hundreds easy as you like?

We can help refugees without exposing ourselves to a huge security risk.

Apparently countries should just keep near open boarders, no matter what the risk. It's ridiculous. Completely closing the boarders is probably a bit much, but the numbers they let in should be reduced and more strict background checks should be enforced.


Still stupid though. Turn away thousands of persecuted people who face death, torture, starvation, poverty, war, rape etc, because of an insignificant chance something bad may happen to me as a result of an even more insignificant number of twats? No thanks. I'd rather not let cowardice or selfishness Lord over me, and do the more selfless and humane thing, and save a far greater number of lives. We have intelligence services and security to manage the rest, and so far in the UK they've done a fairly decent job.
I'd say it's more selfish than stupid. If it severely reduces the chances of an attack like this happening in Britain then people will be quick to choose that, rather than take the risk of letting someone like these terrorists enter the country. As minimal as that risk actually is.

Fear breeds that kind of mentality in people. Just be thankful that a majority will likely disagree with the petition.
Maybe they found the passports, and this is just wild speculation, because they didn't want to get detained on failing to carry an ID. It would kind of muck up their mission.

Ockham's razor and all....


Some of elaborate excuses/theories I'm reading of people trying to over analyze how these terrorists operated and carried out their acts and trying to paint the whole thing as some false flag operation or how the terrorists did this to screw over the refugees is crazy. They did this to kill people. They were likely carrying passports to not get caught. I doubt anyone planted passports on their corpses.

Will their actions have blowback on the refugee populations? Most likely, especially if these guys sneaked in among all the legitimate refugees trying to flee ISIS. That would be really unfortunate but at the same time, hopefully give some cause for some of these European countries to have a bit more order in accepting these refugees. I just don't think ISIS carried out this attack to get at the refugees so much as just wanting to kill Western civilians on Western soil and make a big show of it.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Just what exactly does ISIS want to achieve? I swear there's still a question mark over it no?

To make people in these countries angry or fearful enough to hurt themselves (by curtailing freedoms, stoke xenophobia, starting a costly ground invasion, etc). That how asymetrical warfare works.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Europe is in a state of shock right now. Fear about potential crazies (probably including second and third generation radicals) is going to be around.

yeah they " found passports " on bodies of blown up kamikaze, like the found passport of the pilots in 9/11 I always have a hard time figuring out how but okay

...The French police reportedly found passports, period, end of story. Doesn't seem that unlikely either since ISIS might have even wanted them to be found despite seven of them ultimately blowing themselves up. Are you really trying to make this a conspiracy theory?


yeah they " found passports " on bodies of blown up kamikaze, like the found passport of the pilots in 9/11 I always have a hard time figuring out how but okay

Well, I mean to get on those planes the 9/11 hijackers would have needed the passports, no? But this situation, it doesn't seem like there's much of a reason for them to be there.

There's nothing stupid about fear itself, especially given the context which as you said is understandable, but when one allows it to promote terrible and dangerous policies, ideologies, agendas etc, that's when things get messier.
If I were to guess I would say it's a mixture of apathy and fear. The general UK population can do nothing to resolve things in the Middle East (and I'd argue that most people don't even understand what is happening there), and due to the fear brought about by these kind of terror attacks, people would rather close the borders and separate themselves from the conflict and the fall out (including refugees, immigrants) because they fear involvement will invite more terror at the hands of Islamic extremists.
Apparently countries should just keep near open boarders, no matter what the risk. It's ridiculous. Completely closing the boarders is probably a bit much, but the numbers they let in should be reduced and more strict background checks should be enforced.

Easier said than done. How do you do background checks on a person who's from a warzone?
Just what exactly does ISIS want to achieve? I swear there's still a question mark over it no?

No, they have a quite detailed system of beliefs, areas they wish to conquer, society they wish to establish, even an endgame that ties into their belief of the end of the world.

Was put together in detail by Newsweek or Time last year.


If you talk about the guy (who made the video) repeating "qu'est ce qu'il se passe?" it means "what's happening?".

A few details: the person who made this video is a journalist at Le Monde, after this video he rescued some people (to bring them in his building) he was shot in the left arm (but he's ok now) they rescued an American person who was severly injured.

On the woman hanging at the window at the end says "I'll let go, I'm pregnant" so another woman go to help her.
Not the guy who made the video. You can hear it around 28 seconds and at other times. I'm not sure if it's from inside the venue or in the alley. What is this person saying?


Totally wronger about Nintendo's business decisions.
Just what exactly does ISIS want to achieve? I swear there's still a question mark over it no?

On 29 June 2014, the group proclaimed itself to be a worldwide caliphate, with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi being named its caliph, and renamed itself ad-Dawlah al-Islāmiyah (الدولة الإسلامية, "Islamic State" (IS)). As a caliphate, it claims religious, political and military authority over all Muslims worldwide, and that "the legality of all emirates, groups, states, and organisations, becomes null by the expansion of the khilāfah's [caliphate's] authority and arrival of its troops to their areas".



Hopefully this makes EU countries reconsider their immigration policies. Don't really care whose sensibilities this offends; it's plainly obvious that taking in even more immigrants with misogynistic, homophobic and overall intolerant attitudes is only going to exacerbate the problem.


I'd say it's more selfish than stupid. If it severely reduces the chances of an attack like this happening in Britain then people will be quick to choose that, rather than take the risk of letting someone like these terrorists enter the country. As minimal as that risk actually is.

Fear breeds that kind of mentality in people. Just be thankful that a majority will likely disagree with the petition.

Yes I'm sure the people of Paris feel stupid to see the risk as anything but minimal.
Apparently countries should just keep near open boarders, no matter what the risk. It's ridiculous. Completely closing the boarders is probably a bit much, but the numbers they let in should be reduced and more strict background checks should be enforced.

The strictest of background checks should always be done anyway. It's fucking shameful they aren't. If that means slowing down the whole process, so be it.


It's not that weird. You just said one reason...they didn't want their plan to get screwed up by getting stopped by the police on the way. Another probable explanation is that they want their passport to be found. That's how they get their martyrdom status. Also, their goal could be to introduce more chaos in the immigration situation in Europe.

Indeed. But always worth keeping similarities in mind.


Not the guy who made the video. You can hear it around 28 seconds. I'm not sure if it's from inside the venue or in the alley.

Ah, no he says "Oscar, Oscar" which must be the name of one of his friend/relative, I don't know, but it's sure he says "Oscar" again and again, not "on the ground".


It is. 100% unrelated. It's an accident involving a high speed train they were testing.
They were actually testing the rails (the line should open next year), not the train. 7 deads, if I've understand correctly, among the technicians aboad.

Most probably unrelated, indeed (should you damage the rails, you would chose a commercial line, not one closed to commercial traffic, I'd say). Still really sad... It's the first time there is casualties in a high-speed train on a high-speed line in France :/
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