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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Combination of airstrikes and ground troops, ground intelligence, mortars, tanks, you can't win a war with drone strikes, target ISIS and Taliban, annihilate, take out all infrastructure, take out all their petroleum facilities, then leave, no nation building.

Basically Somalia 2.0

Another terrorist breeding grounds.


You can beat IS with drones, they can't go around and attack some other city without having to get there to begin with, and their state can't function without oil or electricity or which the facilities can be easily taken out. IS is far more of a conventional enemy than AQ was.


It only increased in the middle eastern nations (with Nigeria grouped in with them)
Luckily no living being lives there. What are you trying to say mate? The poorer countries getting hit is relatively worse because of the major impact on their development and stability.


You can beat IS with drones, they can't go around and attack some other city without having to get there to begin with, and their state can't function without oil or electricity or which the facilities can be easily taken out. IS is far more of a conventional enemy than AQ was.

Indeed, because their goal is to actually conquer land to serve as their state, it's a different situation than an organization that will always be hidden.
Luckily no living being lives there. What are you trying to say mate? The poorer countries getting hit is relatively worse because of the major impact on their development and stability.

More that despite how many western countries act we are still relatively safe from terrorism, but that our actions (especially the coalition of the willing that fucked up Iraq) is a major cause in the increase in those Middle Eastern countries/


Luckily no living being lives there. What are you trying to say mate? The poorer countries getting hit is relatively worse because of the major impact on their development and stability.

That the poster before saying terrorism has increased "all over the world" was incorrect. That is all I was commenting on. I read the graph. I did not imply any political stances because I am not an international relations genius, such as yourself.


the holder of the trombone
What did you think we did with the Germans before we did all that? We killed Nazis and decimated Germany, that is why the Germans will never turn to Nazism ever again, the price of Nazism is too high for the German people to bear, the lesson was learned.

You do know decimating the Germans in ww1 is what caused the rise of Nazism in the first place?
I don't know if it already has been posted but this are the latest info being reported:

-3 coordinated team are behind the attacks
-One of the suicide bomber in the Bataclan is french and and been filed as radicalized back in 2010 and went to Turkey in 2013, might have gone to Syria at that point. His father and brother are being questioned
-2 terrorists blown themselves in the Bataclan and one died from police gunshots
-Updates from the President of what the french government is going to do are coming Monday
-The investigation is moving on to Belgium where 3 people got arrested

From BFMTV and le nouvel observateur
Indeed, because their goal is to actually conquer land to serve as their state, it's a different situation than an organization that will always be hidden.

Except that they're actually both. They use social media to spread their message and ideology. They don't care if you come to their training camp or want some highly coordinated attack. Any level of violence or chaos is encouraged, whether you attack someone with a hatchet or go on a shooting spree.


Is there any more information on the incident at the Stade de France? Has anyone worked out what happened there? It seems odd to me that at the Bataclan they got inside and started firing on people but at the Stade de France the three attackers blew themselves up killing only one other. Perhaps the security was tighter than they thought and they couldn't get in and just decided to blow themselves up?
What did you think we did with the Germans before we did all that? We killed Nazis and decimated Germany, that is why the Germans will never turn to Nazism ever again, the price of Nazism is too high for the German people to bear, the lesson was learned.

I swear, people like you need to take High School World History class again (assuming you're in the US, regardless, take the course). It was decimating Germany and shitting on them afterwards that gave rise to the Nazi party in the first place.


The west sure has shown the Islam what we've got during the crusades. And then during the iberian reconquista. They sure ain't ever coming back. But eh, what does the past concern me. We got Osama, this has finally ended it, right?

I'm also glad that the defeat of Nazi Germany has erased extreme racism from this planet forever. Everything is so simple with the cartoonish world view of a 12 year old.

Erasing racism wasn't the point of WW2. The point of WW2 was to defeat Nazi Germany and liberate Europe.

edit: And Asia.
Is there any more information on the incident at the Stade de France? Has anyone worked out what happened there? It seems odd to me that at the Bataclan they got inside and started firing on people but at the Stade de France the three attackers blew themselves up killing only one other. Perhaps the security was tighter than they thought and they couldn't get in and just decided to blow themselves up?

At least one of them tried to get inside with tickets he bought.



Basically Somalia 2.0

Another terrorist breeding grounds.

It's already a terrorism breeding ground anyway.
But the scariest part is the homegrown terrorism. There is a huge Muslim population I'm France and too many of the thugs in the suburbs turns from robbery /mugging /petty crimes to terrorism because of radicalisation in their ghettos and in prison. In this weekend massacre, at least one of them was French.
France should be extremely strict with those people on their watchlist, take back their citizenship if engaged in suspicious activities and kick them out of the country.


Except that they're actually both. They use social media to spread their message and ideology. They don't care if you come to their training camp or want some highly coordinated attack. Any level of violence or chaos is encouraged, whether you attack someone with a hatchet or go on a shooting spree.

The thing is the later will be strongly diminished if the former is dealt with. A lot of the terrorists went to Syria. It's basically another place like Afghanistan was before 9/11, where people go to train then come back to attack.


I swear, people like you need to take High School World History class again (assuming you're in the US, regardless, take the course). It was decimating Germany and shitting on them afterwards that gave rise to the Nazi party in the first place.

Maybe you should take a refresher? The Nazi party came to power because of the economic recession and hyper inflation in Germany. The Germans were looking for a way out, and Hitler gave them the illusion that he had the solution and knew what to do.
The thing is the later will be strongly diminished if the former is dealt with. A lot of the terrorists went to Syria. It's basically another place like Afghanistan was before 9/11, where people go to train then come back to attack.

But you have to look at the big picture. Afghanistan, Iraq, now Syria. Where's next? Libya? Egypt? Yemen?

The list just goes on. The world grows more globalized every year and focusing on some piece of land is backwards. You have to look forward and see where this is going.


I swear, people like you need to take High School World History class again (assuming you're in the US, regardless, take the course). It was decimating Germany and shitting on them afterwards that gave rise to the Nazi party in the first place.

Germany was again devastated in ww2. There were no Nazi party or extremist party in power anymore afterward.
Maybe you should take a refresher? The Nazi party came to power because of the economic recession and hyper inflation in Germany. The Germans were looking for a way out, and Hitler gave them the illusion that he had the solution and knew what to do.

The recession happened because of the terms of the Versailles treaty which was basically the capitulation of Germany from WW1.


Maybe you should take a refresher? The Nazi party came to power because of the economic recession and hyper inflation in Germany. The Germans were looking for a way out, and Hitler gave them the illusion that he had the solution and knew what to do.
It's both


We have been so worried about my aunt since we haven't heard from her, turns out she left Paris mere hours before the start of the attacks, she is in Chile now and I am so thankful of that. She doesn't know when she'll be able to go back, or even if she wants to go back anymore. Stay safe FranceGAF.




Just saw the 48 Hours special and the segment on Eagles of Death Metal. Why do the media keep trying to expect the band is an actual death metal band?
Just saw that someone from our school here in SoCal was killed in the attacks

I didn't personally know her, but one of my professors did
You can beat IS with drones, they can't go around and attack some other city without having to get there to begin with, and their state can't function without oil or electricity or which the facilities can be easily taken out. IS is far more of a conventional enemy than AQ was.

While I definitely agree with your assessment, even if we snap our fingers and vanquish IS tomorrow, they would only be replaced by some other organization.

Look at how we got here anyway, First the enemy was the Taliban, then Al Queda, Now it's ISIS... The war can never be truly "won".
While I definitely agree with your assessment, even if we snap our fingers and vanquish IS tomorrow, they would only be replaced by some other organization.

Look at how we got here anyway, First the enemy was the Taliban, then Al Queda, Now it's ISIS... The war can never be truly "won".

Not sure this kind of defeatist attitude really helps? ISIS are harder to deal with than the likes of AQ because they can't even be engaged with politically in any sense, ISIS are very much their own brand of medieval extremism. Yes more conflict may arise in the vacuum left by ISIS, but that doesn't mean eliminating them is futile.


Just saw the 48 Hours special and the segment on Eagles of Death Metal. Why do the media keep trying to expect the band is an actual death metal band?

Why wouldn't people expect that? It's a dumb name for a band of their genre. Actually, it's a dumb name in general.


Why wouldn't people expect that? It's a dumb name for a band of their genre. Actually, it's a dumb name in general.

Because no death metal band would name themselves that?

It's not a dumb name. It's great. It's tongue in cheek, like most of their music.
Not sure this kind of defeatist attitude really helps? ISIS are harder to deal with than the likes of AQ because they can't even be engaged with politically in any sense, ISIS are very much their own brand of medieval extremism. Yes more conflict may arise in the vacuum left by ISIS, but that doesn't mean eliminating them is futile.

By all means wipe them out, no qualms there. This is war.

I was commenting on people thinking we don't live in the third dimension of reality, and killing ISIS means we all go back to living in some world without violence.
So an image of the man who started the #StopGamerGate2014 hashtag (who happens to be Sikh) was photoshopped by someone (to include a Qu'ran and army vest) and presented online as him being one of the terrorists which was picked up and re-transmitted by at least one news network. How gross, both the people who generated the image (which I'm sure we can guess who) as well as the news agency for not doing any investigation and falling for an obviously photoshopped image. I know that may all be a bit off-topic but I just can't believe someone tried to take advantage of this tragedy to ruin an innocent man's life because he disagrees with them over video games.
Just saw that someone from our school here in SoCal was killed in the attacks

I didn't personally know her, but one of my professors did

I heard, at CSUSM we got the message since we have classes abroad. None of the students from my school got injured but we heard someone is the CSU system did


So the man who started the #StopGamerGate2014 hashtag (who happens to be Sikh) has his image photoshopped (to include a Qu'ran and army vest) and presented online as him being one of the terrorists which was picked up and re-transmitted by at least one news network. How gross, both the people who generated the image (which I'm sure we can guess who) as well as the news agency for not doing any investigation and falling for an obviously photoshopped image. I know that may all be a bit off-topic but I just can't believe someone tried to take advantage of this tragedy to ruin an innocent man's life because he disagrees with them over video games.

Seriously? That is terrible on so many levels.


So the man who started the #StopGamerGate2014 hashtag (who happens to be Sikh) has his image photoshopped (to include a Qu'ran and army vest) and presented online as him being one of the terrorists which was picked up and re-transmitted by at least one news network. How gross, both the people who generated the image (which I'm sure we can guess who) as well as the news agency for not doing any investigation and falling for an obviously photoshopped image. I know that may all be a bit off-topic but I just can't believe someone tried to take advantage of this tragedy to ruin an innocent man's life because he disagrees with them over video games.

I could have sworn I saw the shopped image here in the thread but I couldn't find it when looking. News orgs need to get their shit together
Seriously? That is terrible on so many levels.

The photo actually showed up earlier in this thread but gaffers quickly picked up that it was a fake and it has been removed. That's right, apparently we're better at verifying things than some news sources.


I could have sworn I saw the shopped image here in the thread but I couldn't find it when looking. News orgs need to get their shit together

You did. I just looked and it's been removed.
So the man who started the #StopGamerGate2014 hashtag (who happens to be Sikh) has his image photoshopped (to include a Qu'ran and army vest) and presented online as him being one of the terrorists which was picked up and re-transmitted by at least one news network. How gross, both the people who generated the image (which I'm sure we can guess who) as well as the news agency for not doing any investigation and falling for an obviously photoshopped image. I can't believe they tried to advantage of this tragedy to ruin an innocent man's life because he disagrees with them over video games.

Yep and now everyone's favorite (read no one's favorite) asshole over at Breitbart is harassing him and comparing what happened to him to what the press "did" to GG and asking him if he feels bad for opposing GG since they are about "ethics in journalism"

Stay classy Breitbart, stay classy.


Yep and now everyone's favorite (read no one's favorite) asshole over at Breitbart is harassing him and comparing what happened to him to what the press "did" to GG and asking him if he feels bad for opposing GG since they are about "ethics in journalism"

Stay classy Breitbart, stay classy.

The first article Breibart released about this tragedy was titled "Musims declare war on France." Just a terrible website.


That's just silly, radical Islamic jihadism would still exist no matter who's in charge, if it isn't ISIS, it would have been Al Qaeda, it wouldn't have made these terrorists gentler and kinder.

People have different opinions about things, being tolerant of each other's ideas without resorting to hatred is what separates us from a bunch of extremists. It's almost like some people believe Americans right of center are the enemies instead of ISIS. The important thing is that we figure out how to deal with these terrorists before more innocents get attacked.

That is a total mischaracterization of what I said. The suggestion that I think everybody right of the American center is an enemy of more ferocity than ISIS is frankly fucking obscene.



Kiss the Devil -- This was the song Eagles of Death Metal were playing when the terrorists opened fire.

It's one of my favorite EODM songs and now it's basically cursed... this is some sick irony given the name of the track and its lyrics... shit.

There's actually video of the band playing it while the first gunshots go off, but I refuse to post it here.


While I definitely agree with your assessment, even if we snap our fingers and vanquish IS tomorrow, they would only be replaced by some other organization.

Look at how we got here anyway, First the enemy was the Taliban, then Al Queda, Now it's ISIS... The war can never be truly "won".
These organizations exist for a reason. If the nations of the world actually worked on the underlying causes they wouldn't have a reason to exist. ISIS for example exists partly because of the collassal clusterfuck that was the US intervention in Iraq. If the the rebuilding hadn't been handled with a mixture of selfishness and apathy, ISIS either wouldn't exist or would have been much weaker than the organization it is today. Instead of attacking ISIS, we should be attacking the reasons people have for joining them. Dismissing them as insane monsters who live only to cause terror is exactly what makes this problem perpetuate.


These organizations exist for a reason. If the nations of the world actually worked on the underlying causes they wouldn't have a reason to exist. ISIS for example exists partly because of the collassal clusterfuck that was the US intervention in Iraq. If the the rebuilding hadn't been handled with a mixture of selfishness and apathy, ISIS either wouldn't exist or would have been much weaker than the organization it is today. Instead of attacking ISIS, we should be attacking the reasons people have for joining them. Dismissing them as insane monsters who live only to cause terror is exactly what makes this problem perpetuate.

I would 100% agree with this rational line of thinking if it weren't for the fact that ISIS members are actual moustache-twirling bloodthirsty drug addled power drunk tank drifting sadist motherfuckers.

They may have had an opening position of scorn towards their "enemy" that a reasonable person could remotely empathize with but still wholly condemn their actions (like Hamas), but they drank too much of their own Kool-Aid. They are rapist pillager smack heads, who lost any shred of humanity when they started enjoying it.
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