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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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From Sky news stream.

Police shouting at people nearby to close their windows and stay indoors. Unconfirmed reports from local news outlets of multiple police injuries.

Edit: Reports of 1 fatality. Unsure whether it is police or suspects.
Unrelated, but a blast in Nigeria kills 32 - Boko Haram.


Getting surprisingly little coverage in the mainstream.
lol if any major country in the world has terrorists forcing 13 year old girls to become human bombs, the outrage will be tremendous. But for bokuharam, its just an ordinary day. The shit they pulls will make any sane person blood boil. Sadly no one outside a few african countries would want to interfere with them.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
If anything is worse than ISIS it's definitely Boko Haram.
So authorities thought Abaaoud was in Syria after fleeing a gun battle in Belgium in January but either was in Europe the whole time or made it back from Syria undetected?

That's pretty fucked up.



the army arrives


So authorities thought Abaaoud was in Syria after fleeing a gun battle in Belgium in January but either was in Europe the whole time or made it back from Syria undetected?

That's pretty fucked up.
He wasn't involved in the shoot-out itself, the terrorists in Verviers all got killed. He was connected to them through his earlier conviction, for which he couldn't be arrested as he was in Syria at that point. He was arrested temporarily in Greece just after the January shootout.


What constitutes a "massive explosion"? Like, the whole building is gone, or like the size of a room?

I would guess the explosions were grenades of some sort. There were about 5 explosions that sounded practically identical. Massive is probably a overstatement. One things for sure there is no one coming out of the room alive would be my guess. between explosions and gun fire being exchanged this will be a last stand thing


BFM TV : Three policemen lightly wounded, one woman exploded herself, one terrorist killed by sniper.
Three people arrested according to sky, and the explosions were probably the police going in and arresting them. Seems it worked, as they got 3 alive.
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