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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Are you suggesting she was a hostage ? The fact that she ended up blowing herself up after all should tell you something.

Am just suggesting shy she might ask for mercy. Don't know anything else but there's quite a few 'suidice bombers' who appear forced.
I'm more amazed that people aren't aware how common a tactic false surrenders are.
I'm amazed the excuses anyone would make for the suicide bomber (she's begging for mercy/she was forced to do it) when an innocent civilian died, where's the sympathy for the real victim? This is what makes our society so vulnerable to terrorism and people who want to destroy us.


any idea who those people with orange tags/armbands are?

Plainclothes cops, most probably.
From BBC:
The target of police action in the Paris suburb of St Denis is the Islamic State militant Abdelhamid Abaaoud, who was initially thought to have orchestrated the Paris attacks from Syria, police and justice sources say.


Really curious how all of this is going to change the wests approach to Suspects. I mean there are so many who are "known" but the governments do not have the manpower to keep them all under watch.

Something has to change because you cant have potentially hundreds of people running around free you know are dangerous but you give them the benefit of the doubt which is basically what happens when the government cannot maintain proper tracking.
Glad to see this scum getting smoked out. Sad to see it's come to this though. I really hope everyone pulls through this as safe as possible.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Probably not. Why would they want to give themselves away? Sniper lasers are only a thing in movies and videos games to convey what a sniper is aiming at.
There were lasers. The neighbor whose appartment was just under the terrorist one was just interviewed on Europe 1 (french radio). She said a bomb made a hole in her roof, and she saw lasers, balls flying. She heard everything for 30mn. Crazy.


I'm amazed the excuses anyone would make for the suicide bomber (she's begging for mercy/she was forced to do it) when an innocent civilian died, where's the sympathy for the real victim? This is what makes our society so vulnerable to terrorism and people who want to destroy us.

We civilians don't deal with this in everyday life. We're naive.


Has the passer by story being confirmed as false. If so these figures are promising and hopefully all the injured police make a speedy recovery.

Last I heard about it on TV (45 min ago), they mentioned that rumor was going around but that they had no way of confirming it.
I guess there are chances it got confused with the Friday explosions at Stade de France, where the only victim was a passer by.
Two people have been killed in the standoff, including a woman suicide bomber who blew herself up, the French prosecutor's office says.

Three men have also been taken into custody by special forces and a man and woman have been arrested close to the St Denis flat

Source: BBC

EDIT: The man is likely the landlord of the apartment whom BBC is reporting was asked to let the flat by a friend to 2 Belgians who 'needed somewhere to stay'.


I'm amazed the excuses anyone would make for the suicide bomber (she's begging for mercy/she was forced to do it) when an innocent civilian died, where's the sympathy for the real victim? This is what makes our society so vulnerable to terrorism and people who want to destroy us.

We must realize, even in the context of what we call the "enemy" that the individual is merely the result of a stream of circumstances, events, and experiences. It's a very tough pill to swallow, but nobody has free will. Let us not assume the people acting more affronts than us to be islands and subhuman. They're infected with dangerous thoughts, and that is what blossoms them into actions. We've left the problem of thought out of the picture.

We can have some sympathy for the people who've gone down the deep end, but our battle should not just be when they become hostile, but the entire domain of thought that, for one reason or another, made them what they are. Yet, how can we do this when we can't even accept ideas and beliefs drive behavior, and we need to collectively call out any and all affronts? This overlaps heavily with religion in general; because the ideas get a pass, people will buy into illusion. Regardless if the view is harmful or not externally, it absolutely is internally: it creates delusion. You can almost argue that the belief in a self is the progenitor to problems such as this.

"If the thinker can understand himself, then the whole problem is solved. Then he is creation, he is reality; and then what he does will not be antisocial. Virtue is not an end in itself; virtue brings freedom, and there can be freedom only when the thinker, which is the mind, ceases. That is why one has to understand the process of the mind, the ‘I’, the bundle of desires that create the ‘I’, my property, my wife, my ideas, my God. Surely it is because the thinker is so confused that his actions are confused; it is because the thinker is confused that he seeks reality, order, peace.

Because the thinker is confused, ignorant, he wants knowledge; and because the thinker is in contradiction, in conflict, he pursues ethics to control, to guide, to support him. So, if I can understand myself, the thinker, then the whole problem is solved, is it not?"
- Jiddu Krishnamurti
Hmm mixed feelings if this is true. Wish they could have got the f*cker alive. He was very well connected so they could have gotten a lot of intelligence from him.
caputring him alive doesn;t mean much. these guys will kill themselves doubt they will easily give up any intel


I wonder if the dog was checking the woman for explosives.

Nah BFM TV said the police sent it to check a room for potential danger, and it got killed as it entered. It's also that selfless dedication that makes them such good companions. I wouldn't want to be more sad about a dog than about people being killed, though, even if I love dogs.
Bon chien. :'|


From Le Monde five minutes ago:

L'opération est toujours en cours. Pour l'heure, le procureur de la République fait état du bilan suivant :

◾1 mort, la femme kamikaze ;

◾5 personnes interpellées, 4 hommes et une femme, et en garde à vue.

Le reste est au conditionnel, notamment la présence d'un terroriste encore retranché dans l'appartement.

The raid is still ongoing. For now, the authorities have confirmed the following:

- 1 dead, the female suicide bomber [in an earlier update, Le Monde said she blew herself up at the start of the raid]

- 5 arrested, 4 men and 1 woman [said earlier to be three in the apartment and two "in the vicinity"]

Everything else is unconfirmed, including the supposed presence of another terrorist still in the apartment.


Gold Member
Hmm mixed feelings if this is true. Wish they could have got the f*cker alive. He was very well connected so they could have gotten a lot of intelligence from him.

Capturing terrorists alive is almost always a losing strategy. They get to use the trial and publicity as a platform to influence potential followers, they get to plan new things in prison and they become a reason for their followers to kidnap and kill people. Best way to deal with them is to kill them unceremoniously in a raid without giving them a chance to message their followers.
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