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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Non, monsieur, l' bagette est très bon!!

But in seriousness... I guess they are going to do whatever it takes. I think the last few days have shown the world has had enough. The French have had enough!! These prisoners are going to have a very rough time..


Non, monsieur, l' bagette est très bon!!

But in seriousness... I guess they are going to do whatever it takes. I think the last few days have shown the world has had enough. The French have had enough!! These prisoners are going to have a very rough time..

I hope so. Start by pulling their teeth one-by-one. After that, let them drink tequilla ... good slice of lemon and some salt.

The world is living in constant fear right now. The exact thing these fucknuts want. But if you fail to react to threaths ... you either risk civilian casualities or a huge dent in your ego. I understand why every country in the world right now is responding as they should. Take every threat (even if there is none) serious.

I have a feeling that ... this is only the beginning.

Stay safe everyone


In a press conference François Molins reported that of the seven detained, three were inside the apartment, two were trying to hide in the wreck after the attack and a couple was detained outside, one of them being the owner of the apartment.
How do the French go about torture?

" So you want to die a martyr, get your forty virgins ? Is that so ? Okay, then. Guys, hold him tight, get his pants down, balls on the table, I'll bring my dictionary. We'll see what's left of you once we crush your balls and how you feel spending eternity with all these virgins will laugh at you for not being a man anymore "


Glad they got those bastard alive, now it's time to talk, I appreciate how we handle the situation here, from Itélé, one got down by a Sniper but the woman blow herself up...


Good Art™
Well they were hiding not far from my place in the end! 5km roughly! I live the long of the péripherique so i hear police alarms all day.


I'm surprised these guys didn't leave the country. Seems stupid on their part to stay in France. But at least some were captured

The country is in State of Emergency with tight control of its borders, airports, ports. They most certainly wanted to stay low key until being able to act. According to official reports they could have been planning to attack La Defénse the major business district of Paris.


" So you want to die a martyr, get your forty virgins ? Is that so ? Okay, then. Guys, hold him tight, get his pants down, balls on the table, I'll bring my dictionary. We'll see what's left of you once we crush your balls and how you feel spending eternity with all these virgins will laugh at you for not being a man anymore "



I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Right after the attacks, Germany promised France "all the support" that it needs. But, of course, now that the discussion is about sending German Eurofighters into Syria, the government reacts in a reserved and refusing manner.

Not that I am a supporter of even more war in Syria—I am rather not—, but I wonder why we have an army in the first place if don't even contribute token support in situations like these where Europe calls for unity.


AFP reporting that the search at Saint Denis church has ended with no results. No detentions or materials found inside.


How do the French go about torture?

Very sensitive subject actually. During the Algerian war in the 50s, the French army did use torture against some prisoners (the technique based on electrical shocks, or "gégéne", became infamous), which triggered very negative reactions (as it should). That behaviour has been remembered and mentioned in the following tensions with northern African countries, and helps build a picture of France as "bad ennemy" to different extremist groups.
I don't think there have been open cases of French torture since (not major enough to become common knowledge anyway), but using torture now would definitely be the worst idea you could imagine. More than fanning the flames, it would be pouring napalm on it.


Very sensitive subject actually. During the Algerian war in the 50s, the French army did use torture against some prisoners (the technique based on electrical shocks, or "gégéne", became infamous), which triggered very negative reactions (as it should). That behaviour has been remembered and mentioned in the following tensions with northern African countries, and helps build a picture of France as "bad ennemy" to different extremist groups.
I don't think there have been open cases of French torture since (not major enough to become common knowledge anyway), but using torture now would definitely be the worst idea you could imagine. More than fanning the flames, it would be pouring napalm on it.

I don't think anyone would ever find out.


Right after the attacks, Germany promised France "all the support" that it needs. But, of course, now that the discussion is about sending German Eurofighters into Syria, the government reacts in a reserved and refusing manner.

Not that I am a supporter of even more war in Syria—I am rather not—, but I wonder why we have an army in the first place if don't even contribute token support in situations like these where Europe calls for unity.

Yesterday all the European defence ministers unanimously decided to activate the "mutual defence clause" of the EU treaty.

France is now having talks with other members of the EU to specify the help needed and to organise these efforts.


Some revenge fantasy here. I need to post the "Outliers"-quote again.

Civilization rests on the principle that we treat our criminals better than they treated their victims. That we not stoop to their level.
Don't let french police, don't let us fall down the well where ISIS and the likes dwells.

Stay in the realm of law. Show them that french stands and wins by it's values.
Well they were hiding not far from my place in the end! 5km roughly! I live the long of the péripherique so i hear police alarms all day.

There are some places, around Paris or in some major cities like Marseille, where the police usually won't go. Not alone, and not without a very good reason. Because police forces and even firefighters can be targeted by thrown stones, or worse. Quite shameful.

Saint-Denis is known as one of those places.

That was before the attack, however. Things may change for the better now.


Some revenge fantasy here. I need to post the "Outliers"-quote again.

Don't let french police, don't let us fall down the well where ISIS and the likes dwells.

Stay in the realm of law. Show them that french stands and wins by it's values.

I have zero doubts that that will be what will happen. No torture, I mean. France will make sure that these individuals will be prosecuted and have a chance to defend themselves in a court of law. They are criminals, not martyrs.


Some revenge fantasy here. I need to post the "Outliers"-quote again.

Don't let french police, don't let us fall down the well where ISIS and the likes dwells.

Stay in the realm of law. Show them that french stands and wins by it's values.
They wouldn't be gunning them down during a time of joy, and leaving them sprawled across a concert floor dead for the world to see.


Right after the attacks, Germany promised France "all the support" that it needs. But, of course, now that the discussion is about sending German Eurofighters into Syria, the government reacts in a reserved and refusing manner.

Not that I am a supporter of even more war in Syria—I am rather not—, but I wonder why we have an army in the first place if don't even contribute token support in situations like these where Europe calls for unity.

I agree. The goverment should start airstrikes in Syria while also take some load of the French in Mali (Like proposed) and continue to arm the kurds.
Some revenge fantasy here. I need to post the "Outliers"-quote again.

That's from the same episode where Shaw pistolwhips a guy and Reese burns another one alive to to get information that leads to the villain. Basically that torture works, without that the corrupt cop would have escaped.


Some revenge fantasy here. I need to post the "Outliers"-quote again.

Don't let french police, don't let us fall down the well where ISIS and the likes dwells.

Stay in the realm of law. Show them that french stands and wins by it's values.

There's a sound bite in Velvet Acid Christ's "Decypher" that goes;

"Force, my friends, is violence, the supreme authority, from which all other authority derives. Naked force has settled more issues in history than any other factor. The contrary opinion, that violence never solves anything, is wishful thinking at its worst. People who forget that always pay."

It's going to happen, I imagine for the greater good it has to, no matter how people feel about it.

The greater good.... Yarrp


I have zero doubts that that will be what will happen. No torture, I mean. France will make sure that these individuals will be prosecuted and have a chance to defend themselves in a court of law. They are criminals, not martyrs.
I believe in the french. Here's where we got huge scale liberty, this shouldn't where we lose it again.

They wouldn't be gunning them down during a time of joy, and leaving them sprawled across a concert floor dead for the world to see.
I was referring to the revenge fantasies some gaffers displayed in this thread. France is bigger than that.
That's from the same episode where Shaw pistolwhips a guy and Reese burns another one alive to to get information that leads to the villain. Basically that torture works, without that the corrupt cop would have escaped.
First of all, it's shown that their behaviour wasn't something good, especially on Reese's part. Secondly, my point was how great Elias quote about society was. He himself got the cop killed, because he is an Outlier. And so is Team Machine. They aren't what is refereed to in the quote.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Yesterday all the European defence ministers unanimously decided to activate the "mutual defence clause" of the EU treaty.

France is now having talks with other members of the EU to specify the help needed and to organise these efforts.

I agree. The goverment should start airstrikes in Syria while also take some load of the French in Mali (Like proposed) and continue to arm the kurds.

I do hope that Germany provides some appropriate military support. Not necessarily because I think that it is what we need to do—I am still conflicted on this issue. But if Europe sends military forces to Syria, all countries should bourdon the consequences equally. Especially because European countries like Germany are obviously targeted by ISIS-associated terrorism too. Europe needs unity in this situation, not countries that chicken out of their shared responsibility.
.First of all, it's shown that their behaviour wasn't something good, especially on Reese's part. Secondly, my point was how great Elias quote about society was. He himself got the cop killed, because he is an Outlier. And so is Team Machine. They aren't what is refereed to in the quote.

So society needs a few people who are willing to do the dirty work to keep everyone safe. Maybe a few French intelligence operatives could fill this role now.


So society needs a few people who are willing to do the dirty work to keep everyone safe. Maybe a few French intelligence operatives could fill this role now.
I think you're getting sidetracked here, but I would like a society without torture. Person of Interest is a fictional tv-series, in real life torture doesn't work that well. It's inhuman, it shouldn't happen. Not by government, not by civilists and not by some vigilantes.


I think you're getting sidetracked here, but I would like a society without torture. Person of Interest is a fictional tv-series, in real life torture doesn't work that well. It's inhuman, it shouldn't happen. Not by government, not by civilists and not by some vigilantes.

I think you may be wrong there... Anyone can be tortured, and plenty would sing like a canary
If start torturing people, we are not the civilised society we call ourselves. We are just a bunch of hypocrites. These people need to go to jail. Jail, not gas chambers, crucified, get their balls crushed or whatever else medieval thing you want them to experience.

Otherwise we are no better than the people we hate. And yes, I believe we can be kept safe without need to torture. Torturing hurts more innocents than it saves.


This was already posted yesterday and was discussed it was taken out of context.

They aren't booing the minute of silence. It's their way of demonstrating that no one gave two shits in the western world when suicide bombers killed 33 people in suruc.

It wasn't the right place perhaps but they have every right to feel that way. The chants were them naming the names of the people who died.


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