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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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If you retire religion, i'm sure man will find another excuse for bloodshed. Mankind is flawed.

Why don't we take that step first before we condemn mankind to eternal suffering?
Religion's big appeal is crawling under the warm infantile mantle of having the security of an after-life.
If people wake up from that delusion and realize they only have this one life here and now, I would take a bet we would have less people willing to sacrifice themselves, thinking they wake up in a better life.


She is a BBC journalist.

So this really is Mumbai 2008, take two.


I was completely shocked by that. What a lack of tact. Absolutely vulgar.

Have some respect.

I was very shocked too, the witness was obviously in shock with a terribly shaken voice, and the host kept pushing him to even describe the bodies and the number of them? WTF?

Stay strong France.


Why haven't RAID gone into the theater yet if they are getting live reports of people being executed

Because you don't know if the whole place is filled with bombs and whatnot. If they go in they might blow themselves up or something and instead of killing one by one they kill everyone.


How can these sorts of gigantic coordinated attacks slip by secret services? Disgusting. Time to take the kid gloves off in the fight against ISIS (if it's them), bombing planes and now Paris all within a few weeks time.
Because this isn't a "gigantic" coordinated attack? This seems like something that relatively few people in a few different locations in a single city with a few explosives & guns have done. And it's all the more scary because of it. Usually we find out about bigger plans, but these kinds of smaller things are far more likely to go unnoticed while still being fairly destructive & deadly events due to the extremely deadly fire power of guns.

People are tweeting from inside the theater to police - begging them to raid the building because the terrorists are going from room to room killing anyone they find hiding.

Police/Interpol/whoever needs to get in there and just hope they have good aim and good judgement and try to take out these fuckers.



If in #Paris, stay the F away from canal side of La République area. A man w AK-47 just gunned down multiple people & on run. Yes I'm okay


Sounded like maybe five shots. Reports are it was a Kalishnikov/AK-47 in a restaurant. Right by McDonald's on Quai de Valmy by canal

These tweets are 2 hours old, what are you doing?


it really fucking pisses me off when these reporters KEEP ASKING
"how is the atmosphere there/how are people reacting"..fucking seriously? Sorry...it just baffles the mind..


Because this isn't a "gigantic" coordinated attack? This seems like something that relatively few people in a few different locations in a single city with a few explosives & guns have done. And it's all the more scary because of it. Usually we find out about bigger plans, but these kinds of smaller things are far more likely to go unnoticed while still being fairly destructive & deadly events due to the extremely deadly fire power of guns.

They'll find them, and then say "they were known from secret services".

Well thank you.
That and for a modern European nation that is a logistical nightmare that you only undertake during an absolute crisis. That means no planes, no cars, no ferries, no trains, all of it is shut down from crossing the border. Something like it hasn't happened since the Iron Curtain went up.

Makes sense. Thank you for the explanation. Hard to understand the importance of it as an American.


it really fucking pisses me off when these reporters KEEP ASKING
"how is the atmosphere there/how are people reacting"..fucking seriously? Sorry...it just baffles the mind..

"how is the athmosphere in paris" "are you scared?"

where did they get their degree


Why haven't RAID gone into the theater yet if they are getting live reports of people being executed

this news is unreliable. calm down. From the times before I've learned that social media makes up all of their shit during a crisis. It's very difficult to separate parroted gossip from the actual situation.
I remember reading about the McDonald's crazy terrorist that killed people one by one, I couldn't sleep but kept thinking that something like that, with the fast tech of today and all other shit couldn't happen. And now it's happening and I don't know what to do to help these poor people, brothers, because fuck nations and distance, they are my brothers.


I needed to attend an event in Paris in three weeks. Not sure if I'm going to attend anymore to be honest.

This is sick, I hope nobody else dies. please stay safe people over there.


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
it really fucking pisses me off when these reporters KEEP ASKING
"how is the atmosphere there/how are people reacting"..fucking seriously? Sorry...it just baffles the mind..

They have to talk about something, and that's an easy question to answer. Look at CNN's footage. It's just shaky cam shots of police cars.


Suppose God appeared in the sky with a booming voice commanding to stop the bloodshed. Do you think the terrorists will think it's a western technology to trick them? I think they are too far into their brainwash to stop anytime soon.

All religions are false, but some people need such motivation to keep going. The best thing religion can give you are values to be a decent human: do not kill, love each other, help the poor, etc. The concept of gods watching us slaughter each other without doing anything is moronic. If there was "one true god" or anything of the like, there would be some kind of divine intervention. Surprise, Jesus appeared at a time where 1) technology was piss-poor and 2) people were not educated. But for some people it's easier to believe in fake stories published 2000 years ago than face the reality.
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