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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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CNN just reported there are hostages posting on social media, begging authorities to raid the theater because the hostage takers are "slaughtering them one-by-one."

God, I pray that isn't true.
Sad to say but nothing points towards the people committing this attack having any interest in making demands or trading the hostages for something. So I can believe that the situation for those hostages is the absolute worst imaginable. I hope not, but things look grim right now.
Good luck, the borders having been open for everyone all across the EU for a long time. God fucking dammit, I hope the Paris police/army is able to catch these bastards.

border where being restored partially in france because of the big climate congress in a few weeks , who knows how closed they will be for the rest of the year


people calm down and don't believe everything you hear in times of crisis. Not all gossip you hear is true, you should remember that.


I thought I heard him say the state of emergency was for the "île de france", i.e. Paris and its surroundings, not the whole country.


This. Military won't solve anything. Israel has tried military even before its existence. US tried military. The British tried military, Russia tried military. We need a new approach because blowing up things makes things worse.

Suppose God appeared in the sky with a booming voice commanding to stop the bloodshed. Do you think the terrorists will think it's a western technology to trick them? I think they are too far into their brainwash to stop anytime soon.


CNN just reported there are hostages posting on social media, begging authorities to raid the theater because the hostage takers are "slaughtering them one-by-one."

God, I pray that isn't true.

jesus christ, please be fucking things up like usual CNN, really hope that isn't the case

Don't watch CNN's coverage. They are picking up literally everything anyone posts on social media that could maybe be true. It's terrible.

BBC broadcast is way, way calmer and skips the fear-mongering: http://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-...ng&ns_source=twitter&ns_linkname=news_central

cheers for this


Thoughts to those in Paris. It's always terrible when atrocities happen anywhere but these attacks happening in a global center really hits home that this can happen anywhere and there's little to nothing we can do without going further down a deep hole.

This is a horrible mark on history which will be remembered forever. And this shit isn't even under control right now. Can't enjoy anything right now knowing there are people trapped and certain to die.


listen to the mad man
Hey, guys, a lot of French media is covering this. Please don't post stuff from second-hand news sources. CNN re-reporting on French media re-reporting on someone's Facebook post from 30 minutes ago about a situation that's highly fluid and has changed materially since then just makes it harder for people to figure out what's going on. If you heard something and want to share it, my advice would be don't unless you're entirely sure that you heard something and that what you heard was right and that you're the first person here to hear it and that your source isn't sourcing another source.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Guys, Borders are closed automatically with declaration of State of Emergency.

My understanding at least.

Yeah, I guess. Probably just part of standard procedure.

I don't see why closing borders would be of any importance right now otherwise.


I'm confused by the closing borders thing. My mother is flying to Paris tomorrow, does that mean the flight is canceled or what?


Any confirmation on that 50 or so people who were said to have left the concert? The "one-by-one" killing thing sounds absolutely terrifying and horrid, please don't be true.


I'm crying, after suffering this myself in Madrid a ton of memories coming back... I just can't take it, what a miserable life we have to live.


my goodness.. stay strong France..

I don't even know what kind of consequences will this do..

nobody has confirmed this is related to ISIS, right?


Hollande: We know who these terrorists are. (Per translation )#ParisAttacks
— David Knowles (@writerknowles)November 13, 2015
Can someone European explain the significance of closed borders? I assume it has a lot to do with Europe's generally open borders, but it seems like that's a logical reaction to an attack of this magnitude.
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