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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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This guy on stream is speaking the fucking truth:

Attacks like this are only the beginning and we have to deal with this. We HAVE to be prepared, we gotta. If the terror and fear overcomes us those fucks already won.


A curfew declared? Is it that easy to declare martial law? Also, I thought it was interesting that the guest on BBC said 'the military has been in the streets since January.' If that's true, isn't that weird?

What the fuck is going on?

Not weird considering the Charlie Hebdo attack from January; France has military guards patrolling big public areas


Nifty AND saffron-colored!
Who is this dude talking on the Skynews?

i have no idea, but i switched back to al jazeera. saying shit like "i'm surprised people are surprised something like this happened" and "this is our reality now" like what the fuck


The bar switched on the news. Everyone is calmed and safe. As the métro is closed and i live far in the suburbs i'm just waiting for everything is done so i cloud get safely to me sisters place near where i am


I can't imagine what it must be like for the average Muslim when an act of terror like this happens. They have to know it's just going to fuel the anti-Islam groups around the world and make things worse.
It's especially rough for women since they get picked on the most.
What the fuck do these people hope to accomplish by such acts? What a world we live in.
A re ignition of the crusades, I guess.
For Christ's sake, I hope at least one of the bastard is captured alive for interrogation to discover if there are other members of the cell.
I really want to hear what they have to say.


So the guy on cnn says the French media doesn't report up to the minute of what's happening due to the possibility of the terrorists watching inside the theater. Gee...if only America would take fucking note.


Homme not on this leg of tour

Bands hadn't entered stage yet

Unconfirmed from this thread

Homme is supposedly not with them on this leg of the tour. Also, Chris Goss, longtime friend and collaborator of Homme/Hughes and the other members of the band, has heard that the band made it to a police station.


He wasn't on the tour with them in Europe and the band was outside according to social media when the attacks happened and are safe.

I wasn't just worried about Josh, so thank God they all made out unscathed. My first thought was that terrorists would first take the band hostage, for media exposition. Thank God it wasn't the case...


I understand they need witness reports, but this guy on SKY is the worst. Talking about how he wishes he had a gun and guessing that 'it's probably french people doing this'


This guy on stream is speaking the fucking truth:

Attacks like this are only the beginning and we have to deal with this. We HAVE to be prepared, we gotta. If the terror and fear overcomes us those fucks already won. Don't be foolish and think that after this it will be over. It won't. Probably not for a long time unfortunately. I know it IS terrifying. I know it is mind-boggling but we have to keep together and show those mindless fucks that they will not suceed with their shit.


This guy on stream is speaking the fucking truth:

Attacks like this are only the beginning and we have to deal with this. We HAVE to be prepared, we gotta. If the terror and fear overcomes us those fucks already won.

The things is, attacks like this you just can't prepare for. Unless you'd suggest we all start carrying guns everytime we go out.

You can only hope intelligence services are on to the groups organising these kind of attacks before they happen. But there will always be attacks that slip trough.
I just read something that pissed me off so badly.

I can't fucking imagine the level of idiocy it would take for someone to try and use these attacks to shame fucking college students in America.


Let's move on from comparisons. They aren't particularly helpful at the best of times, and since we currently don't have much information, the speculation is just derailing the thread.


It was just an opinion. Give it a rest.

Yeah the same lame fallacy you see in every topic about terrorism. And if you don't want people to disagree with your opinions, don't post them on a message board instead of saying 'give it a rest'.


I turned off the tv because I thought it was an exageration of events, so I turned to neogaf to read what is really happening and it is true.
Wtf is the purpose? Who planned this? Just kill?


My heart is with you Paris. I hope these terrorists are tried and brought to Justice and that we do eventually find a solution to all this endless horror.


I turned off the tv because I thought it was an exageration of events, so I turned to neogaf to read what is really happening and it is true.
Wtf is the purpose? Who planned this? Just kill?

Yes, that is what ISIS/bokoharam/etc etc etc do.


The guy they had on Sky News was speaking the truth about what's going on, and of course they cut him off. Wouldn't want to be "controversial", would we?


Maxis Redwood
I never thought Id be nervous about travelling around Europe.... but man all this shit is in France has me nervous about my trip to germany, belgium and netherlands next week...

Yup. Supposed to get on a plane for Warsaw tomorrow, and then travel on to Lyon, France this week. Likely an irrational fear, yes... but it sure doesn't make you feel comfortable about boarding that flight.
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