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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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No one (at least no one sensible) thinks that the refugees are the ones causing these attacks, but people are scared of even a few dozen ISIS terrorists being amongst the actual hundreds of thousands of refugees. With so many refugees that have no paperwork it's not that far fetched to think it's a possibility.

yeah the scary part is really that it takes only a few bad apples to slip through to create this distrust.
I don't blame anyone that sees these scenes and thinks that maybe their security is compromised by trying to give refugees help and security.


No one (at least no one sensible) thinks that the refugees are the ones causing these attacks, but people are scared of even a few dozen ISIS terrorists being amongst the actual hundreds of thousands of refugees. With so many refugees that have no paperwork it's not that far fetched to think it's a possibility.

Of course it is. But try to discuss this with the majority and they will tell you you are racist. Tell anyone you think Islam is a disease they will say to you your an islamophobe.

For the sake of Europe and the Syrian people, the world needs to take care of Isis in Syria and support a new governement so the Syrians can live there.


Source for that claim?

I support taking refugees, but it's not a far fetched idea.

Terrorist Boss: Hey, Terrorist Peon, take off your terrorist clothes and put on some regular clothes. Go join that crowd of people with no papers and pretend we killed your family.

You really think they wouldn't try that? Again, I do support taking refugees.


Sky quoting AP saying a police officer said was carnage inside theatre with attackers throwing explosives at hostages. Not sounding good so far. Will still hope. :(


if it is isis


I know it's horrible, but they should not be running...

They should fight for their land.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Except, that's how a lot of ISIS members got into the country, amongst the refugees, asking for asylum.

I would be very surprised if the terrorists were not French citizens, just like with the Charlie Hebdo attacks.

You don't have to come from Syria or Irak to associate with Islamist ideology. In fact, it takes very little infrastructure or heritage to become such a terrorist.


Woah, if you're in the area, there is a facebook notification that asks you or your friends to confirm you're safe. First time I've seen something like this. Really useful, though.


How bad would this be for Muslims in general? I have friends and family members who follow the religion, and I feel like the aftermath of this situation won't be pretty. This situation is just so awful, I cant't even express this into words. Makes me so angry and wish the West would act, but i'm no expert- of the West could have solved this problem, they would have.

My heart goes out to all the victims of this tragedy and I sincerely hope these monsters don''t claim any more lives.
Facebook has a neat safety check feature that notified me my friends have said they're safe. Its always nice to see that

I had it notify me during the hurricane in mexico too.


Thus is human nature, sadly.

Humans are the most irrational, violent creatures to walk the earth. Free will is fairly new concept to beings on this earth, and with free will, these type of things happen and will continue to happen. We are doomed to kill each other because we want to.
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