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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Man this hurt so bad.
I've been to bataclan more than once before, and the number of dead people.
I coud have been me if I wasn't unemployed and poor, it could have been any one of my friends too.
It's just so wrong, it's such a famous and known theater too. It's not like there is a meaning to it like with Charlie Hebdo, that was just to kill as many people as possible.



Thank you... this all hurts. But, good to see people being strong.
Still waiting to hear from two friends, I'm seriously worried.
It's 2 AM and we're still sending/receiving texts.
Monday at the office is going to be so surreal. I fear that statistically, some of my coworkers will know people who died tonight.

The irony is that I had a close family member on a business trip to Beirut this week so it's the second time this week I'm checking on people after a terrorist attack. What the fuck.
At this point i'm just happy not to live in a very large city (Nijmegen, Netherlands). But that could change next year when i'm starting residency.

It's frightening to even think about.

It sure is, live in Venlo Netherlands myself and think I don't have to worry here, but my kid brother lives in Berlin and my sister in Amsterdam. Spoke them on the phone and they are quite upset, being in a capital right now.
What's the alternative, though? When they're actively pressing in?

I was actually for airstrikes against Assad, because the situation was as dire as this. And even with today's hindsight I think it would have been the right thing to do. It would have cut short the following years of horror which were inevitable and awful.

yeah dude, lets attack assad and his army so that ISIS can gain more power and control over that country

Iraq and Lybia just showed us, how useful these attacks can be.

Instead of that, they should go the russian way and help Assad out against IS.

At this moment i would rather see an dictator having control over that country, instead of another Iraq situation



NYT did the same thing after the Charlie Hebdo massacre.

This is one issue that the Left Wing is dead wrong on.

What did they say?

He said that the French didn't do their job and it was that attack was "brilliantly executed".

Notable quotes:

"The French did not go far enough to defeat the network that conducted the Charlie Hebdo attack"

"The French have not been expeditionary military working with us (United States) all that much in Syria"
"Weaker target (France) than us (United States) from the fact they didn't do as much to protect themselves."

"French are learning a hard lesson what's necessary to defeat the network"

Again this is from this was on MSNBC by this tool https://www.google.com/search?q=Ant...57.9380j0j1&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=91&ie=UTF-8


Unconfirmed Member
Man, that bomb threat against the hotel the German national team stayed at doesn't seem so funny anymore, there was probably something to it.
What a fucked up thing all around.


There was a game between France and Germany going on when suddenly there was a suicide bombing at a gate of the stadium, the Stade de France.
The only good news tonight is that it must be the most inefficient suicide bombers ever. I can't imagine how they managed to only kill themselves afaik in a place where there are 80000 people about to fill the streets.

I hope all your relatives are safe... And my students too :/


Remember, the whole point of attacks like this is to provoke overreaction by western nations, like the invasion of Iraq after 9/11. If anything, it's a sign that ISIS is worried about it's future by resorting to desperate acts like this.


Thoughts for all those in France..

Whoever is responsible or had knowledge of the attacks, I wish a painful terrible death....fucking cunts....


i'm considering getting a conceal carry permit.

you just never know

That's fair, although I'd advise taking some gun courses if you do so as well (assuming you aren't already experienced).

You know whats even more terrifying than someone firing into a dark theatre? An inexperienced and adrenaline loaded person trying to fire back in that dark theatre lol.


yeah dude, lets attack assad and his army so that ISIS can gain more power and control over that country

Iraq and Lybia just showed us, how useful these attacks can be.

Instead of that, they should go the russian way and help Assad out against IS.

At this moment i would rather see an dictator having control over that country, instead of another Iraq situation

I had little/no awareness of IS back then, and in that context - you are absolutely right in your analysis.

My post was only based on the context that Assad was waging a heinous war against his own people, and he had to be deposed.

Throw IS in the mix, though? Your analysis is totally right. I wasn't aware of that situation back then.


As long as there is muslim that believe what ISIS is doing is the right thing, and as long as muslims exist that think sharia law is above all law, no, ISIS will live on.

A Muslim I work with was just telling me the other day that he thinks sharia law will, at some point, be brought in for muslims in the UK. He was very keen to point out that he thought this would be a good thing. And this guy's a moderate.
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