Just woke up and saw the news,this is horrible 
118 is in the theatre.
40 in the other attacks.
So if the war with the West doesn't end up with the apocalypse, but with their elimination, wouldn't that deem their believes to be false?
That's fair, although I'd advise taking some gun courses if you do so as well (assuming you aren't already experienced).
You know whats even more terrifying than someone firing into a dark theatre? An inexperienced and adrenaline loaded person trying to fire back in that dark theatre lol.
the fuck are they doing?!
"When we pulled back we allowed the energy to form to create ISIS" @JebBush "Hopefully this will be a catalyst to the president to lead"
Jeb keeping it classy.
Thoughts for all those in France..
Whoever is responsible or had knowledge of the attacks, I wish a painful terrible death....fucking cunts....
I live in France, far from the capital though.
Absolutely NO mention about any involvement from ISIS on any media here.
Can't stop watching television, I'm confused, sad and scared.
Also wondering....How will France react and which European city is next?
Sky news has just reported 168 deaths across the different locations. 118 is only for the concert venue...
this picture is from January.
It wasn't inside, and usually suicide bombings have very low casualties (1 to 3), certainly not always. It are hostage situations that are much worse.The only good news tonight is that it must be the most inefficient suicide bombers ever. I can't imagine how they managed to only kill themselves afaik in a place where there are 80000 people about to fill the streets.
I hope all your relatives are safe... And my students too :/
That's from January though...
Exactly who are we going to war with? These acts were carried out, most likely, by French citizens that became radicalized (if this was an act of islamic extremism)
Before you start calling people who have just suffered a major terrorist attack dummies, maybe you should stay informed enough to know that this picture is old.
Now get out of here if you have nothing to contribute.
1,500 troops mobilized. Does this mean Martial Law is in effect? I haven't heard any mention of it.
I had little/no awareness of IS back then, and in that context - you are absolutely right in your analysis.
My post was only based on the context that Assad was waging a heinous war against his own people, and he had to be deposed.
Throw IS in the mix, though? Your analysis is totally right. I wasn't aware of that situation back then.
Oh, yeesh. Oh, man.
That is absolutely true re Western intervention. But imagine the fatalist worst-case scenario: what if, when we don't act, we are all killed and the entire western world is destroyed?
That's a ridiculous idea, but that's what I mean philosophically. When it becomes a direct attack, what else can you do? Defend or attack back.
I totally agree with you that being cautious and careful is the best way for every nation/state/group to operate, same goes for every human, too - but that is not how IS are operating. They are operating in brash, destructive attack. If we sit and be cautious/careful, it might leave us exposed. What else do you do?
PS the sentence 'Assad is awful but under his rule, Syria was a relatively safe, stable country' sounds absolutely ridiculous and like you're apologising for Assad's actions in the long-run
A Muslim I work with was just telling me the other day that he thinks sharia law will, at some point, be brought in for muslims in the UK. He was very keen to point out that he thought this would be a good thing. And this guy's a moderate.
Rome, Italy.
this is their final target
they believe that according to prophecy when they attack rome it will begin the end of the world
Here is Reuters translation of François Hollandes address from around 11pm on Friday evening (UK time):
My dear compatriots,
As I speak, terrorist attacks of unprecedented proportions are underway in the Paris area. There are dozens killed, there are many injured. It is a horror.
We have, on my decision, mobilised all forces possible to neutralise the terrorists and make all concerned areas safe. I have also asked for military reinforcements. They are currently in the Paris area, to ensure that no new attack can take place. I have also called a cabinet meeting that will be held in a few minutes.
Two decisions will be taken: a state of emergency will be declared, which means that some places will be closed, traffic may be banned , and there will also be searches which may be decided throughout Ile de France (greater Paris). The state of emergency will be proclaimed throughout the territory (of France).
The second decision I have made is to close the borders. We must ensure that no one enters to commit any crimes and that those who have committed the crimes that we have unfortunately seen can also be arrested if they should leave the territory.
This is a terrible ordeal which once again assails us. We know where it comes from, who these criminals are, who these terrorists are.
In these difficult moments, we must - and Im thinking of the many victims, their families and the injured - show compassion and solidarity. But we must also show unity and calm.
Faced with terror, France must be strong, it must be great and the state authorities must be firm. We will be.
We must also call on everyone to be responsible.
What the terrorists want is to scare us and fill us with dread. There is indeed reason to be afraid. There is dread, but in the face of this dread, there is a nation that knows how to defend itself, that knows how to mobilise its forces and, once again, will defeat the terrorists.
French citizens, we have not completed the operations. There are still some that are extremely difficult. Its at this moment that the security forces are staging an assault, especially in a place in Paris.
I ask you to keep all your trust in what we can do with the security forces to protect our nation from terrorist acts.
Long live the Republic and long live France.
A Muslim I work with was just telling me the other day that he thinks sharia law will, at some point, be brought in for muslims in the UK. He was very keen to point out that he thought this would be a good thing. And this guy's a moderate.
I dont think you understand the feeling of sheer terror. This is not a movie and we dont know that many details of the massacre. Not every situation is lucky enough to have trainen military men around to save the situation like recently.What I want to know is why didnt the people in the theatre attack the terrorists?
Surely they must know that they would most likely be killed anyway?
How is this Reuters?
they're wrong.
Thankfully it's 118 total.
About 80 died at the Bataclan ...
People leaving stade de france while singing La Marseilleise: https://t.co/DOlwQYqRYZ
Des attaques simultanées se sont déroulées vendredi 13 novembre dans sept lieux à Paris et à Saint-Denis, faisant au moins 112 morts, et de très nombreux blessés selon nos informations.
they're wrong.
Thankfully it's 118 total.
About 80 died at the Bataclan ...
Update - Deputy Mayor of Paris says 118 people killed inside Bataclan concert hall
People leaving stade de france while singing La Marseilleise: https://t.co/DOlwQYqRYZ
wow this is FOX News levels bad
Um, suddenly not so keen on seeing The Force Awakens opening night.
Im more concerned about Americans shooting up the theatersFuck that. Don't ever let them change us.
MSNBC had a "counter-terrorism official" who said that this attack had the "hallmarks of al-Qaeda". So who knows....
I said Assad was and is awful, but you must admit Syria was better off before than it is now.
"When we pulled back we allowed the energy to form to create ISIS" @JebBush "Hopefully this will be a catalyst to the president to lead"
Jeb keeping it classy.
A Muslim I work with was just telling me the other day that he thinks sharia law will, at some point, be brought in for muslims in the UK. He was very keen to point out that he thought this would be a good thing. And this guy's a moderate.