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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Found this while looking around for statements from Swedish politicians.

Well one more stupid statement by our vice-primeminister here in Sweden.

"The very serious events in Paris can now be difficult for the climate summit in December, when over 100 heads of government are planning to participate"

That's not the thing you're supposed to say after a thing like this.

No surprise there, she is an absolute imbecile.


We can attempt to destroy Isis but unless underlying issues are fixed another terrorist group will fill the void

The problem with ISIS is that it isn't just a group of people its an ideology. And it would be extremely extremely difficult to entirely destroy an ideology.


I know people might be very angry against ISIS or whoever are causing the attack, but war is not justified, war is NEVER justified.

Battling violence with violence is never a good solution.

They are still attacking?

War is justified in order to safe the lives of other people. Or what? Lets just kindly talk down on the people who continue to murder each and everyday. SOMEONE has to stop them because they wont do that for you.


I know people might be very angry against ISIS or whoever are causing the attack, but war is not justified, war is NEVER justified.

Battling violence with violence is never a good solution.

They are still attacking?

You can't change these people. You gotta wipe them off the face of the earth.


Because "ISIS" is not a fucking target you can point to on a map, you're essentially saying let's indiscriminately bomb some brown people


Though I get your point, ISIS use civilians in the lands they control as a shield to prevent attacks.


I know people might be very angry against ISIS or whoever are causing the attack, but war is not justified, war is NEVER justified.

Battling violence with violence is never a good solution.

They are still attacking?

Was World War II justified when the UK declared war on Germany?

Yes. Yes, it was

Deleted member 286591

Unconfirmed Member
Friend was in the street of the shooting at a restaurant. Had to hide under the tables. A friend of hers was at the concert and got shot.

All that happening live, while I'm drinking beers at my favorite pub and there's nothing I can do about it. I feel so powerless and angry, I'm shaking.


I know people might be very angry against ISIS or whoever are causing the attack, but war is not justified, war is NEVER justified.

Battling violence with violence is never a good solution.

They are still attacking?

So what do you suppose we do, just idle by and let them continue to do this? Who else other than ISIS could plan something like this?


Wouldn't even be surprised if Isis is banking on this causing anti-muslim attacks, which in turn makes it then easier for them to find new recruits.


I know people might be very angry against ISIS or whoever are causing the attack, but war is not justified, war is NEVER justified.

Battling violence with violence is never a good solution.

They are still attacking?

Then what the hell are we supposed to do?

What are you going to tell the families of the loved ones that were just murdered like fucking dogs?
In the past, when people report that there may be many gunmen or multiple groups, it winds up being a single group of maybe 6 or 7 at most, with specific jobs like carrying out a suicide attack, or carrying along ammo for the gun-users so they can move from place to place.

I would not be surprised if this was another small-group attack of guys who moved quickly from location to location, to cause confusion and mislead the authorities.

I don't have a map of Paris to mark off the locations attacked, but if they are lined up in some way where they led to the theater, it would certainly confirm that.

Just curious if the locations were really spread out or lined up to where the terrorists could keep moving in mostly one direction and then make their last stand at the theater.

That's probably what the authorities are looking at to see if there are multiple groups involved and maybe still at large or if they got them all at the theater. (not including the suicide bombers at the stadium and wherever else.)
War against Afghanistan was justified for going after al Qaeda only

War against Iraq was not justified

War against Isis is the most justified any community can be, this is when you actually destroy them instead of saying diplomatic solution because past wars were waged incorrectly. Destroying them is only going to bring a good outcome

I struggle to reason a different rational other than eliminating them with force. They've demonstrated time and again that they can't be reasoned with any other way.


I know people might be very angry against ISIS or whoever are causing the attack, but war is not justified, war is NEVER justified.

Battling violence with violence is never a good solution.

They are still attacking?
I don't like war, but if there ever was a justification it's when the world is faced with an existential threat that cannot be reasoned with by any other means.
The only way to prevent a power vacuum after deposing a dictator is to a) impose a friendly government or b) annex the country. Leaving people to their own devices after vaporizing their infrastructure is the perfect recipe for this kind of garbage.

Modern imperialism is too limp to prevent these sorts of rubber band effects. We now have the answer to the question of "wouldn't people be better off without Assad and Gadafi and Hussein?" We're trying our damndest to prevent this in Afghanistan, but it we honestly don't know if it's possible to salvage a smoothly running democratic state when radical extremism has taken root.

Pretty much spot on. I'd only add that imposing democracy on people who aren't familiar with it and haven't historically practiced it is a dodgy proposition, even without the interference of extremists.
I know people might be very angry against ISIS or whoever are causing the attack, but war is not justified, war is NEVER justified.

Battling violence with violence is never a good solution.

They are still attacking?

War is certainly justified if there is an aggressor attacking you. Are you supposed to sit back and let them kill your people and do nothing? I'm not saying let the world send troops to battle Isis but saying war can never be justified is stupid

By this logic you wouldn't be justified destroying the Nazi regime even after finding out about concentration camps


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I know people might be very angry against ISIS or whoever are causing the attack, but war is not justified, war is NEVER justified.

Battling violence with violence is never a good solution.

They are still attacking?

How do you propose stopping ISIS?


Mine is pretty and pink
Rödskägg;185408615 said:
It sure was stupid but just to be fair she tweeted her condolences right before this one. She also removed it when people got upset. Awful timing though.

She's kinda known for her pretty shitty statements.

Good that she at least tweeted her condoleances .


There is no easy solution to the Middle East. Its basically in a state of Religious Civil War. Even if the West were to get out completely it would not suddenly make things better. In many ways it could get even worse where it becomes open warfare between The two sides instead of proxy wars


The Birthday Skeleton
To be honest , You cant destroy ISIS.

This is false. You can't destroy extremism. But you can destroy ISIS. ISIS is all about the Caliphate. It's not like the other terrorists who can scatter around if needed. Their whole existence is linked to that territory that they occupy in Syria and Iraq. Defeat that and take that away from them and they are done. Extremism will still be around, but let's not forget that ISIS is the worst kind of extremism that we faced, beyond the religious justification directly into the an army of serial killers.


I know people might be very angry against ISIS or whoever are causing the attack, but war is not justified, war is NEVER justified.

Battling violence with violence is never a good solution.

They are still attacking?
Ok, so whats your plan then? War IS a necessary evil. We've been just sitting by long enough, things will not get better until something is done. I hope this is it.


I know people might be very angry against ISIS or whoever are causing the attack, but war is not justified, war is NEVER justified.

Battling violence with violence is never a good solution.

They are still attacking?

if war is never justified how do you defend yourself? Nazi Germany would be alive and well if war is not justified in extreme cases.


I know people might be very angry against ISIS or whoever are causing the attack, but war is not justified, war is NEVER justified.

Battling violence with violence is never a good solution.

They are still attacking?

We created ISIS (or more specifically, George Bush and Dick Cheney created them), WE must clean up the mess.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
My thoughts are with all the victims, I still can't comprehend this...

Extremist groups are so scary. ISIS can rot in hell.


I know people might be very angry against ISIS or whoever are causing the attack, but war is not justified, war is NEVER justified.

Battling violence with violence is never a good solution.

They are still attacking?

oh boy. seriously? Pacifism can wipe out an entire race/peoples.

Check some history.


How do you propose stopping ISIS?

We need to provide help to the local governments where they are active, which is first and foremost in Iraq, Syria, and Libya, but there's not much of a government in the later case since it was taken down, the one in Iraq is a bit of a mess since the Baath party was wiped out, and the West is desperately trying to take down Syria's government, so not much really.


I know people might be very angry against ISIS or whoever are causing the attack, but war is not justified, war is NEVER justified.

Battling violence with violence is never a good solution.
Yes, the world should have had let Hitler have his way with killing of an entire people and enslaving all of Europe.



Geraldo just had a pretty emotional moment on Fox News with his daughter on the phone, who was in the stadium at the time of the attacks.


I know people might be very angry against ISIS or whoever are causing the attack, but war is not justified, war is NEVER justified.

Battling violence with violence is never a good solution.

They are still attacking?

How do you respond to someone or a group, or a population that will only accept total fealty to their religion and a barbaric version of Sharia Law? ...and those people will use violence/war as the ONLY means if you do not accept it?
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