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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
My friend has plans to fly to London and Paris next week, she's freaking out right now because of the "London, Rome and Washington are next" comment.
I know this isn't the time to be selfish, but I was in Paris very recently with my daughter and this whole thing has hit me quite hard. Can't believe the scale of it.


Oh wow.. never thought about looking at so much people supporting a war, inocents die there for a few, guys, please think about it.

You all think ISIS was born just because? Other countries have been invading middle east for some time now, basically they are just responding for all that hate they have been accumulating, answering to that with war will only make the cycle go on and on.

I'm no expert, so I'm sorry if I can't offer an answer, but in my country we are taught that war is not an option. Attacking fear with fear just don't make peace as you think.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Just hope that a capture would lead to more information, but this may not correlate with the reality of these situations.

Right, I understand that and I'm sure lots of people in government and such would like that information, but the reality on the ground is unlikely to match that.
Sure, let's just find the president of ISIS* in the ISIS capital, and put sanctions on the ISIS government.

As much as I'd love to simply "attack ISIS" I don't think there's any way to. They're a loose network of cells that operate all over the world. How do you go to war with "that?"

isis is an actual semi-governmental entity with a leader that controls territory though. they aren't al-qaeda
Any update on who did this and why? Is it still Charlie hebdo?

Terrorists and I think the game is over now. I hope this finally Spurs west to actually kill off Isis like they did al Qaeda in Afghanistan

My question is why are we waiting on a miracle for them to be not terrorists, no one else is doing it


Paris gaf here. It happened in my street.

Shit is unreal.

Some terrorists are on the run. Police told us to stay inside at all costs for next day until they get a better hold of the situation.

Stay safe friend, keep us updated on your well being



Though I get your point, ISIS use civilians in the lands they control as a shield to prevent attacks.

This map is garbage.


This is rather interesting. ISIS almost immediately claimed responsibility for the Russian jet. But for this....no one has claimed responsibility yet.
I can't believe what is happening. I was going to play a football match with friends when news started to break in and we didn't move from the TV in hours barely speaking.

I know people might be very angry against ISIS or whoever are causing the attack, but war is not justified, war is NEVER justified.

Battling violence with violence is never a good solution.

They are still attacking?

Sorry but this is completely wrong. You can't be serious. You can only say this when you aren't in danger of death or are completely in control of the situation. It is in our nature to defend ourselves by any means necessary (even if it means kill our attackers) otherwise we would have been extinct a long time ago.

War can be justified, now the reasons we tell ourselves to go to war may not be valid or the best reasons but War is and can be justified otherwise no Nation on earth would have to fought a war for their independence at some point and just "talk" their independence from their colonist. Or There wouldn't have been social revolts against oppressive regimes, kings, aristocracy, whatever. There are reasons that are worth dying for and self defense is one of them. If we reached that point or not is another discussion but it is something people will have to start discussing because doing noting and be a punching bad is not a solution to anything.


This is rather interesting. ISIS almost immediately claimed responsibility for the Russian jet. But for this....no one has claimed responsibility yet.

Of course they haven't. To do so would invite the entire West to come down on their heads like a tonne of bricks.

Not just drone or airstrikes, I'm talking boots on the ground
ISIS is an idea, an ideology. Starting another half assed war in the middle east will just make it worse.

Libya, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan. If you really want to destroy entities like ISIS in these countries they need to be made safe, stable and prosperous. Destabilizing these countries and encouraging poorly thought out regime change is a terrible idea.

In a sea of war, poverty and despair groups like ISIS and Al Quadia will thrive. Especially when you throw religious fundamentalism into the mix


Oh wow.. never thought about looking at so much people supporting a war, inocents die there for a few, guys, please think about it.

You all think ISIS was born just because? Other countries have been invading middle east for some time now, basically they are just responding for all that hate they have been accumulating, answering to that with war will only make the cycle go on and on.

I'm no expert, so I'm sorry if I can't offer an answer, but in my country we are taught that war is not an option. Attacking fear with fear just don't make peace as you think.

Sorry for getting all pissed at you dude.

I've got two friends in Paris, only heard from one. Lacking in sympathy for IS at the moment.
Finally managed to get home (I live quite close to where the attacks happened). I was at a birthday party with my wife. My mom was taking our 3-year-old to eat out not 10 minutes on foot from where the reports were coming from. Although at the time it happened they were supposed to be home and in bed, I couldn't get a hold of them. Managed to reach them only at midnigt. Harrowing.

This is all so surreal. On the way home I realized I have never seen my city so empty and lifeless. I still can't wrap my head around it although we all knew something like that was bound to happen. Friends and family seem to be safe but I can't help but think about all the families torn by such mindless violence.

I hope my fellow citizens will understand what it is exactly that the refugees are trying to escape. I hope everyone will not forget our values and motto. I'm not optimistic but I hope. Thanks for all the support - altthough I wish for thoughts more than prayers.

Will try to get some sleep now. Have to be in shape if I want to donate some blood tomorrow. Tomorrow will be hard.


Dude who do you think the refugees are running from?

you can't completely fault... or maybe, try and understand that there's going to be knee-jerk reactions, and very fearful responses to refugees. Despite the fact that majority are running from these problems there's bound to be some bad seeds within that bunch, and that fuels the fear mongering.

It's a mess of a fucking situation.


Dept of Homeland Sec.: No credible threats of attack on U.S.


"Attacks deadliest violence to strike France since WWII"
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