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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Though I get your point, ISIS use civilians in the lands they control as a shield to prevent attacks.

Nigeria is not under ISIS control, dafaq
Isis is run by oil and caliphate. Where will baghdadi run? Wherever he runs he dies, kill him and the concept of caliphate there is over and you have done 30% or the job

Then kill the militants

That does 80% of the job

Then kill them where the rest hide

Look at al Qaeda now, they are limping trying to survive, bring Isis to that level


I don't like war, but if there ever was a justification it's when the world is faced with an existential threat that cannot be reasoned with by any other means.

Sure, let's just find the president of ISIS* in the ISIS capital, and put sanctions on the ISIS government.

As much as I'd love to simply "attack ISIS" I don't think there's any way to. They're a loose network of cells that operate all over the world. How do you go to war with "that?"


Fox News are also now reporting that there are "numerous" armed terrorists on the run, free, in the streets of Paris right now.


Paris gaf here. It happened in my street.

Shit is unreal.

Some terrorists are on the run. Police told us to stay inside at all costs for next day until they get a better hold of the situation.
Jeez. Haven't been following this shit at all. Just saw it now and is drunk off my ass. Can't imagine what this shit will lead to. Don't know what to say.


RIP. Frigging terrible.

France should really up their security and intel, Charlie Hebdo isn't even that long ago.

Fuck those terrorist


aka IMurRIVAL69
Man, this is really chilling to read. When I initially read this there were like 7 confirmed deaths. Sickening to think of the planning that went into this.

My thoughts and condolences to the people of France.


my ex knows someone who was attending the concert, a person i never meet but have heard a lot about her for the past five years. she was held hostage in a small room in the backstage area with a few others. no word on how she managed to survive

and apparently there was also 60 people or so hiding on the roof which they accessed through a ceiling in the backstage area.

none of this is confirmed but i still feel like throwing up
Sure, let's just find the president of ISIS in the ISIS capital, and put sanctions on the ISIS government.

As much as I'd love to simply "attack ISIS" I don't think there's any way to. They're a loose network of cells that operate all over the world. How do you go to war with "that?"
They aren't, though. They're much closer to a traditional state than, for example, al queda is.


Though I get your point, ISIS use civilians in the lands they control as a shield to prevent attacks.

What a stupid image, countires under ISIS countrol? What a load of fear mongering crap.
Please stop linking terrible false images made by some some click bait site.


Totally wronger about Nintendo's business decisions.
It says 'Areas under control'. Meaning there are areas within those countries. Not the entire country...


That was tough to watch. I feel for him.

Yeah really. Then right after is when they said other attackers were on the lose in Paris and he started begging her to not go outside, do not talk to strangers, and to just stay right where she is.

Ugh, I can't even imagine.


See let me make it simple

They use language which is far from moderate but they call themselves moderate

You agree they are moderate

You tell gaf I don't know about you but these are moderates beczuse they say they are

You are misinforming people because you fall so easily for their words as facts.

Yes they call themselves moderates you and I agree they do. But do you actually consider their words as one a moderate Muslim would use or do you think those are words a radicalist would use

Yes, I consider their words as one of moderate muslims.

I would consider people who do not believe what they do 'Muslims who reject Islamic teachings' or more simply 'Non-Devout Muslims'


Man, this is really chilling to read. When I initially read this there were like 7 confirmed deaths. Sickening to think of the planning that went into this.

My thoughts and condolences to the people of France.

Just be thankful that the 2 assholes with the explosive vests didnt detonate at the end of the football game, like originally planned. The death toll would of been a hell of a lot worse.
Geraldo just had a pretty emotional moment on Fox News with his daughter on the phone, who was in the stadium at the time of the attacks.

yeah that was impactful, say what you will about Fox news political views, but at the end of the day they have family as well, and Geraldo could've lost his daughter today(she was at the soccer game)
Neither is Egypt, that map is fucked.

I mean, they and other extremists do control some territory in those nations, but normally like, corner regions or loosely linked villages, towns and cities because desert. Not really 'they control the country'.

Edit: Wait what the fuck I just noticed South East Asia in there.
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