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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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ISIS is an idea, an ideology. Starting another half assed war in the middle east will just make it worse.

Libya, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan. If you really want to destroy entities like ISIS in these countries they need to be made safe, stable and prosperous. Destabilizing these countries and encouraging poorly thought out regime change is a terrible idea.

In a sea of war, poverty and despair groups like ISIS and Al Quadia will thrive. Especially when you throw religious fundamentalism into the mix

Well said.

Maninthemirror, you really should read this post.
Al Qaeda in Iraq died because they got hounded out by an even worse ideology in Isis. I meant al Qaeda in Afghanistan in previous post

You make it sound like Afghanistan is a great success story. We've pretty much resigned to the fact that it's going to be a permanent occupation and people are still dying there. Honestly, I'm getting really tired of you ignoring all the valid problems with your dumbass 'let's go eradicate them and come home in time for Christmas' solution. Like it's a Sylvester Stallone movie and the credits roll in 2 hours and everybody goes home feeling satisfied.


strange why they arent saying anything. Maybe afraid of more backlash?
Makes the "hunt" probably easier now.

Besides, we don't really need to know just now, and I guess it couild escalate quickly (there were people stupid enough to assault the random muslim last time). They need to be careful with their speaches.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Source to this claim??

apologies, didn't wanna make it sound like it was as sourced claim - there were rumours about it but I don't think a "real" source has been posted (search this thread for "washington" to see posts about it) - my friend read the rumours and is scared based on them.
What makes you sure that those refugees are 100% refugees?
There is no way to track whos who.

Nobody is coming into Europe and over borders armed to the teeth. Let's settle down.

If anything this should embolden a caring and compassionate stance on those that wish to find peace.


you can't put a price on sparks
This is rather interesting. ISIS almost immediately claimed responsibility for the Russian jet. But for this....no one has claimed responsibility yet.

IDK if it is true or not, but I heard on NPR/news (not today) that ISIS has yet to claim something that they didn't do.

so them not claiming something, makes me think Al Qaeda could be a potential. certainly seems like something they would do since it is a large one-off event, and they've been sidestepped by ISIS as of late.
apologies, didn't wanna make it sound like it was as sourced claim - there were rumours about it but I don't think a "real" source has been posted (search this thread for "washington" to see posts about it) - my friend read the rumours and is scared based on them.

Im with ur friend. I work and live in cental london scary times indeed
likely one of the suicide bombers

In Iraq we would gather body parts after a suicide attack. Once we gathered and assembled the remain we used biometrics to ID them. At one point I had to jam my hand into a skull to roll the eyes into position to take eye scans. The investigation will probably do the same.
Was World War II justified when the UK declared war on Germany?

Yes. Yes, it was

which was mostly just a paper act at that point. Had the bombardment of London (and other areas) started right at the declaration of war, Germany would have easily forced Brittan to surrender. They didn't because they were preoccupied elsewhere.

This is a very bad example of a successful retaliation declaration. The US responding to Pearl Harbor would be a better example, because it already had a formidable production capacity that nobody could reach (Brittan, by comparison, had neither of those at the time). Being right doesn't make might.
ISIS is an idea, an ideology. Starting another half assed war in the middle east will just make it worse.

Libya, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan. If you really want to destroy entities like ISIS in these countries they need to be made safe, stable and prosperous. Destabilizing these countries and encouraging poorly thought out regime change is a terrible idea.

In a sea of war, poverty and despair groups like ISIS and Al Quadia will thrive. Especially when you throw religious fundamentalism into the mix

Isis is an idea built on oil and caliphate that's how they run. Remove the oil you remove their funding remove their control you remove their influence and you remove baghdadi and you remove the caliphate in Iraq. Then it's just a terror organization with no direction and it wilts just like al Qaeda wilted in Afghanistan

You want a recent example ? How the Pakistani army has destroyed the Taliban and terrorists in pakistan after the 120 children died in Peshawar. Taliban are completely destroyed within 6 months
What makes you sure that those refugees are 100% refugees?
There is no way to track whos who.

This thread is insane! Sure potentially ISIS members could be disguised as refugees, but why bother? They have other ways of getting in. In fact there are enough of them who are already European citizens.
Finally managed to get home (I live quite close to where the attacks happened). I was at a birthday party with my wife. My mom was taking our 3-year-old to eat out not 10 minutes on foot from where the reports were coming from. Although at the time it happened they were supposed to be home and in bed, I couldn't get a hold of them. Managed to reach them only at midnigt. Harrowing.

This is all so surreal. On the way home I realized I have never seen my city so empty and lifeless. I still can't wrap my head around it although we all knew something like that was bound to happen. Friends and family seem to be safe but I can't help but think about all the families torn by such mindless violence.

I hope my fellow citizens will understand what it is exactly that the refugees are trying to escape. I hope everyone will not forget our values and motto. I'm not optimistic but I hope. Thanks for all the support - altthough I wish for thoughts more than prayers.

Will try to get some sleep now. Have to be in shape if I want to donate some blood tomorrow. Tomorrow will be hard.

Glad you and your family are ok. Stay safe. Can't imagine what it's like there.


Finally managed to get home (I live quite close to where the attacks happened). I was at a birthday party with my wife. My mom was taking our 3-year-old to eat out not 10 minutes on foot from where the reports were coming from. Although at the time it happened they were supposed to be home and in bed, I couldn't get a hold of them. Managed to reach them only at midnigt. Harrowing.

This is all so surreal. On the way home I realized I have never seen my city so empty and lifeless. I still can't wrap my head around it although we all knew something like that was bound to happen. Friends and family seem to be safe but I can't help but think about all the families torn by such mindless violence.

I hope my fellow citizens will understand what it is exactly that the refugees are trying to escape. I hope everyone will not forget our values and motto. I'm not optimistic but I hope. Thanks for all the support - altthough I wish for thoughts more than prayers.

Will try to get some sleep now. Have to be in shape if I want to donate some blood tomorrow. Tomorrow will be hard.

Stay safe, be strong, for all the people out there needing help, this is a very difficult situation, but not forget to stay always cautious, you and your family


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Terrorists and I think the game is over now. I hope this finally Spurs west to actually kill off Isis like they did al Qaeda in Afghanistan

My question is why are we waiting on a miracle for them to be not terrorists, no one else is doing it

Al Qaeda wasn't in Iraq though. Taking Saddam down brought them in.
In Iraq we would gather body parts after a suicide attack. Once we gathered and assembled the remain we used biometrics to ID them. At one point I had to jam my hand into a skull to roll the eyes into position to take eye scans. The investigation will probably do the same.

Thanks for uh...making that clear I guess


Finally managed to get home (I live quite close to where the attacks happened). I was at a birthday party with my wife. My mom was taking our 3-year-old to eat out not 10 minutes on foot from where the reports were coming from. Although at the time it happened they were supposed to be home and in bed, I couldn't get a hold of them. Managed to reach them only at midnigt. Harrowing.

This is all so surreal. On the way home I realized I have never seen my city so empty and lifeless. I still can't wrap my head around it although we all knew something like that was bound to happen. Friends and family seem to be safe but I can't help but think about all the families torn by such mindless violence.

I hope my fellow citizens will understand what it is exactly that the refugees are trying to escape. I hope everyone will not forget our values and motto. I'm not optimistic but I hope. Thanks for all the support - altthough I wish for thoughts more than prayers.

Will try to get some sleep now. Have to be in shape if I want to donate some blood tomorrow. Tomorrow will be hard.

Beautiful post. So glad to hear that your friends and family are safe <3


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Finally managed to get home (I live quite close to where the attacks happened). I was at a birthday party with my wife. My mom was taking our 3-year-old to eat out not 10 minutes on foot from where the reports were coming from. Although at the time it happened they were supposed to be home and in bed, I couldn't get a hold of them. Managed to reach them only at midnigt. Harrowing.

This is all so surreal. On the way home I realized I have never seen my city so empty and lifeless. I still can't wrap my head around it although we all knew something like that was bound to happen. Friends and family seem to be safe but I can't help but think about all the families torn by such mindless violence.

I hope my fellow citizens will understand what it is exactly that the refugees are trying to escape. I hope everyone will not forget our values and motto. I'm not optimistic but I hope. Thanks for all the support - altthough I wish for thoughts more than prayers.

Will try to get some sleep now. Have to be in shape if I want to donate some blood tomorrow. Tomorrow will be hard.
Stay stafe and be strong


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I wonder how feasible it will be over the next days and weeks&#8212;especially for politicians&#8212;to express the opinion that the right way to respond to this event is to change nothing and continue living normally.
I realize that finding the monsters who did this, and bringing them to justice is important.

But I think this thread should be about the victims before politics.

Rest in peace. This whole situation breaks my heart.
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