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Path of Exile |OT| Loot 3.0


I loved this game for a while but I can't play it anymore. Everytime I feel the urge to play it I go in and I either get disconnected and shot back to the start menu or I lag up around an enemy and once things sync back up I'm instantly dead. This happens before I can finish a single dungeon and I remember why I stopped playing it. I'm near the end of the game and I read that the next difficulty (which I want to play as th e current one feels super easy) wiill steal XP from you when get dysync kills and that doesn't sound fun at all, especially when I can't even complete a single dungeon without this happening. It's crazy because for the first like 10 hours I played this game I didn't get a single error like this. Then they started to happen but rarely and now it's constant. All of this on the same connection in the same house. One day, I hope that can be fixed in these F2P games. I wish the game could realize something was happening and basically pause my instance (I play 100% single player so there's no multiplayer issues to worry about) until it resyncs.
Unfortunately, this game's netcode works in such a way that if it detects significant packet loss or latency, it will disconnect you to "protect" your character from dying. I'm at work now, so can't provide the link, but a dev basically described it as such about a year back on the forums.

Unfortunately, living in South America, I get this all the time. One of the hops when traffic leaves my country and goes north to New York always loses 15% or more packets, sometimes maybe a little less, but sometimes up to 30%, and I'll get constant disconnects.

Check the tech support forums, run WinMTR and post the results, and they'll tell you whether the issue is caused primarily by your ISP or not.

But yeah, this is a huge game killer for me too. Luckily it's been ok for the past two weeks, but some weekends I can't even go two minutes without DCing.


I have to say, this game is very clever in quite a few ways. I REALLY like how you can link a skill to multiple supports. The passive tree is also quite neat, but takes awhile to really get a good grasp of. The currency system/crafting mechanics are also quite clever.

The game's also quite clever in unpleasant ways too. Making respec'ing so costly is quite clever - players will end up rolling more characters and having to level all of them from 1. And with all the factors that need to come together to form the best items, the game really lives up to the company's name. Especially with the new possibilities and limitations introduced by Vaal orbs. De-syncing also happens often enough to be quite an annoyance.

I'm a bit bummed that my current zombie/skeleton/fireball/searing bond build has such a glaring weakness against corrupted bosses and Dominus. After my zombies get one-shotted my witch can't seem to take any damage. Thanks to the GAF guild members who helped me clear the corrupted areas today. I'm not sure if I should try to respec out of zombies into more life or what, or just take this character as far as I can to build currency and items for my next one. I'm kind of dreaming of an ice spear/cold snap on crit/surgeon's flask build, and maybe I'll be able to afford to focus on ES next time around.
I have to say, this game is very clever in quite a few ways. I REALLY like how you can link a skill to multiple supports. The passive tree is also quite neat, but takes awhile to really get a good grasp of. The currency system/crafting mechanics are also quite clever.

The game's also quite clever in unpleasant ways too. Making respec'ing so costly is quite clever - players will end up rolling more characters and having to level all of them from 1. And with all the factors that need to come together to form the best items, the game really lives up to the company's name. Especially with the new possibilities and limitations introduced by Vaal orbs. De-syncing also happens often enough to be quite an annoyance.

I'm a bit bummed that my current zombie/skeleton/fireball/searing bond build has such a glaring weakness against corrupted bosses and Dominus. After my zombies get one-shotted my witch can't seem to take any damage. Thanks to the GAF guild members who helped me clear the corrupted areas today. I'm not sure if I should try to respec out of zombies into more life or what, or just take this character as far as I can to build currency and items for my next one. I'm kind of dreaming of an ice spear/cold snap on crit/surgeon's flask build, and maybe I'll be able to afford to focus on ES next time around.

What difficulty level are you at? In normal, my minions creamed everybody. It was going that way on Cruel when the league ended. My witch beelined all the minion nodes first and they were pretty much maxed by Cruel. Bone Offering helps a lot with boss fights too. Of course, almost no nodes went to my witch. I was gonna fix that in Cruel, but don't know what the endgame viability of the build would turn out to be
I have to say, this game is very clever in quite a few ways. I REALLY like how you can link a skill to multiple supports. The passive tree is also quite neat, but takes awhile to really get a good grasp of. The currency system/crafting mechanics are also quite clever.

The game's also quite clever in unpleasant ways too. Making respec'ing so costly is quite clever - players will end up rolling more characters and having to level all of them from 1. And with all the factors that need to come together to form the best items, the game really lives up to the company's name. Especially with the new possibilities and limitations introduced by Vaal orbs. De-syncing also happens often enough to be quite an annoyance.

I'm a bit bummed that my current zombie/skeleton/fireball/searing bond build has such a glaring weakness against corrupted bosses and Dominus. After my zombies get one-shotted my witch can't seem to take any damage. Thanks to the GAF guild members who helped me clear the corrupted areas today. I'm not sure if I should try to respec out of zombies into more life or what, or just take this character as far as I can to build currency and items for my next one. I'm kind of dreaming of an ice spear/cold snap on crit/surgeon's flask build, and maybe I'll be able to afford to focus on ES next time around.

Corrupted areas are super hard zones. They're like one difficulty higher than the zone you're in.

Searing Bond should be able to destroy Dominus, but you probably needed to work on some survivability.


Ripped at 70 in invasion. I was in a 66 orchard map, hadn't done it before because it didn't exist back when I played the game. Well, I can tell you that map sucks donkey balls. I used the stairs at the end of the map and there were 5 blue devourers, 6+ blue weird blood throwing things, 5+ blue jumping leap slam mobs and about 15 small bug things that instantly jumped on me when I entered.


Ripped at 70 in invasion. I was in a 66 orchard map, hadn't done it before because it didn't exist back when I played the game. Well, I can tell you that map sucks donkey balls. I used the stairs at the end of the map and there were 5 blue devourers, 6+ blue weird blood throwing things, 5+ blue jumping leap slam mobs and about 15 small bug things that instantly jumped on me when I entered.
Dude, that is like one of the worst bosses in the entire game, there isn't anyone who hasn't fallen to him at one point or another. For most people it's just an automatic skip.

If you're playing Invasion, you should not be wandering into maps blindly without reading up on the bosses beforehand. Shame to lose your character to that.


Yeah, if you decide to do that map (which you shouldn't unless you're very confident in your build) stay around the edge in the boss room until you've cleared it, then activate the boss. Doesn't always work though.

I usually skip that map. In Invasion, I might skip mapping altogether though, haha...


Dude, that is like one of the worst bosses in the entire game, there isn't anyone who hasn't fallen to him at one point or another. For most people it's just an automatic skip.

If you're playing Invasion, you should not be wandering into maps blindly without reading up on the bosses beforehand. Shame to lose your character to that.

Felt overconfident after my first dried lake map and died a stupid death >.< Oh well, I don't miss that character though. I'm trying searing bonds now, but the flameblast I used up till I got searing bonds was way more fun. Does flameblast one shot mobs all the way to merciless?
Guys, what do you think it would take to convince the developers to port this game to the new consoles??? I REALLY wanna play this game but I dont have a gaming PC.


Felt overconfident after my first dried lake map and died a stupid death >.< Oh well, I don't miss that character though. I'm trying searing bonds now, but the flameblast I used up till I got searing bonds was way more fun. Does flameblast one shot mobs all the way to merciless?
Yeah, but then you have to be careful with reflect. And its effectiveness goes down in parties because of the way it works and the HP scaling.

Guys, what do you think it would take to convince the developers to port this game to the new consoles??? I REALLY wanna play this game but I dont have a gaming PC.
Gobs of money.

Your machine doesn't need to be that strong, even if this game isn't all that well optimised in spots. What do you have right now?


Felt overconfident after my first dried lake map and died a stupid death >.< Oh well, I don't miss that character though. I'm trying searing bonds now, but the flameblast I used up till I got searing bonds was way more fun. Does flameblast one shot mobs all the way to merciless?

It oneshots stuff,yep. When I did it in one of my final chars in domination, I was two-shotting lv69-70 map bosses.
Yeah, but then you have to be careful with reflect. And its effectiveness goes down in parties because of the way it works and the HP scaling.

Gobs of money.

Your machine doesn't need to be that strong, even if this game isn't all that well optimised in spots. What do you have right now?

yea, that would be helpful………... if I had a windows based computer. I got a old college macbook I had from back in 05. Don't got a gaming PC no more since the home invasion when I was at work.


Guys, what do you think it would take to convince the developers to port this game to the new consoles??? I REALLY wanna play this game but I dont have a gaming PC.

Game is not really portable in current state to consoles, because of how some skills work and they dont have plans for conversion anyway.


I -really- want to play invasion. The sense of stress I feel when I play Invasion is unreal. I'm literally sweating and swaying in my seat.

The only issue is that I don't know the game all that well. I levelled a firestorm witch to 45 and got to the ledge in Cruel and then realised my build was atrocious and am now at level 21 on a summoner scion (this is all on ambush)

I'm going to give Invasion a crack later, I got to 12ish to get all the skills for a summoner in that league as well.

I kinda just wish I had a good party to play with.


Invasion is a bit screwy still with how the bosses do damage. It's not just that they hit hard, some can hit very fast and one of the worst burst damage seems to do chaos damage, which not many people adequately prepare for.

Don't let it discourage you. Even seasoned players are dropping like flies in this league.


I know, I really want to be able to reach 90 for the achievement, I know it's going to be basically impossible but I at least want to try.

I'm just not really knowledgeable as to what builds are good beyond 'lololol searing'


I know, I really want to be able to reach 90 for the achievement, I know it's going to be basically impossible but I at least want to try.

I'm just not really knowledgeable as to what builds are good beyond 'lololol searing'
Hitting 90 on even the softcore league is nearly impossible. Most people don't even get past 85. I've been stuck at 87 for two months. The XP at this point slows down to a trickle and there's always some reason--usually desync, bad map mods or cheap bosses--that do you in.

Just fyi, you're never gonna hit 90 on Invasion, so don't set it as a goal. Ambush, sure, if you get a leveling party or have a tanky invincible build. But not Invasion. :p


So, remember how I was moaning about how my build was flawed and broken as I was thinking that I probably shouldn't have invested into both fire and minions? I did have a bunch of unspent passive points because I hadn't decide where to put them, and decided to invest 5 into life nodes, bringing me from ~1200 life to ~1600, and also grab hex master to use with temporal chains. My witch is still pretty fragile, but slowing down bosses can let me kite them more easily and I managed to solo dominus on cruel without dying or porting back, which made me pretty happy since I had to rely on a party to beat him on normal. It also helped that I knew what to do this time and didn't panic when he used the ability that makes everywhere but next to him take constant damage. Temporal chains that don't expire is quite good though; it really made all the difference.

Using poe.xyz.is to find and buy what you need can be really, really useful. There was some earlier advice to preserve currency but I thought some upgrades were just too good. I've bought 4 things so far and while 1 was a wash, I really appreciate the other 3 pickups I made. First off was a concentrated effect for 1.5c which basically boosted my fireball dps by 50%. Then there was a 4L heatshiver (+1 fire gems helmet) for 2 chance that I planned to use as an upgrade to the +1 fire gem 3L wand I was using at the time, but had to go back on since I had like 30% resist all on my helm slot at the time that I couldn't afford to swap out (for negative resists on heatshiver, at that). Next was a 4L helm with +2 minion gems for 2.5c which raised my ~1600 hp zombies to ~2700 and allowed me to attach the minion resist support too! And finally a 4L +2 fire gem staff for 2c which gave me another 50% or so dps by upping the level of the fireball gem again and allowing me to attach fire pen.

The funny and kind of depressing thing is that even after investing so much to make my fireball strong, it's only recently that its dps has finally started to significantly overtake my unlinked searing bond. The latter is still super useful for groups and to damage priority targets in the middle of a crowd.

Handy Fake

I adore this game. Definitely not getting the best out of it as I'm on my second character, and generally just farming around Vaal and the Docks in Standard League, and haven't actually beaten the game yet. Having too much fun loot-hunting.


I just started leveling a Flameblast Templar! Goddamnit. :lol

Oh well, Flameblast is fun to use, gonna make it work somehow. Haven't had a chance to check how it performs yet.

So ummm is there a way to like zoom out further than the mouse wheel allows?


Someone link me a good cheap noob build that will be able to get me deep into the game. I'm currently following this. Hope it works!

Also, just hit level 20 in invasion.

The Bladeback Guardian and Shivershell invasions have probably shortened my life by about ten years due to the stress while fighting them.


From the patch notes (my bold):

Balance Changes:

Substantially rebalanced Invasion bosses, including changing their abilities. Many of the more extreme ones are now easier and some of the weaker ones are harder. We've changed the behaviour of bosses that used to be able to kill you before you saw them. Some Corrupted Secret Area bosses were updated in this process also.

I lol'd

Pre patch...happily playing away....DEAD!!?


Pretty much. Burst damage on some of them was nuts.

The one that ended my first characters life was in the dark. All I saw was a pack of tentacled miscreations, which are not unusual in Sins 3, then it rains thorns and I see the "Resurrect" button. Oh well.
Been playing a lot since the patch (I'm Shawkatt in the guild). Having a blast. The RnG has been nice to me recently, got a few nice items. Figuring out their worth is the hard part. Do want to play invasion, but I'd like to be a lot more knowledgeable, been watching twitch streams, those dudes know their stuff.

It still amazes me that this game is free. Blizzard should be embarassed by the turd they put out. I've had no urge to reinstall D3 even with the loot 2.0, PoE is just too good.


Last 3 deaths in invasion have been around a corner thinking I'm safe because the boss isn't coming for me.

This last one wasn't even a sharp corner or door way. Was just the sewers bending and bam. DED

Desync really destroys the experience.


Main reason why I refuse to touch any form of hardcore in these games. Give me an offline experience with hardcore? I'd eat that up, but losing a character to something I have no control over is ridiculous. Experienced some pretty terrible desync last night, a tonne of enemies around, all of a sudden they stop attacking and I can't hurt them. I know it's desync so I drop a portal, spent the next probably 30 seconds doing nothing until it synced up again, a few explosions happened and I'm greeted with the resurrect dialogue. The game managed to process me dropping the portal at least.

Invasion certaintly does sound fun but give me a softcore version thanks.


I died to something like that twice. First time I didn't even know what was happening because I had no enemies on screen. As soon as I ran into some I noticed they were behaving strangely. Eventually they stopped moving and I pressed F1 to see my ping had flatlined. Dunno for how long I was dead at that point, but I was pretty sure I was gone long before I knew. Why the game didn't log me out is still a mystery to me.
The second time I probably lost connection to the server, but I had just zoned in, so the 45 second logout rule or whatever applied. But again, I was not logged out automatically.

Sucks, but softcore puts me to sleep.

Card Boy

What is desync exactly? And isn't D3 the same?

When you walk through a large group of monsters and the game takes you back like 2-4 seconds without warning sometimes almost and even killing you.

D3 has it aswell and its unplayable for Australians. I shouldn't be rewarding shitty development but i will be getting the PS4 version because i am weak.


What is desync exactly? And isn't D3 the same?

There's a good post here. It's essentially the delay between your actions and the server processing it, if your actions create some form of bottleneck in data and it doesn't reach the server/back to you in time you'll experience desync. D3 differs in that it's designed a little better around it.


Basically, the game doesn't trust the client to report the correct actions. Everything you do is synced to the server, i.e. it asks wether or not that action was 'legal' or possible. This is done to prevent cheating.
Problem: Connections aren't perfect. Meaning the client and server are never perfectly in sync, which means that client and server get de-synced more and more as time goes by, requiring both to re-sync. Usually (always?) to the state the server sees, not to the state the client sees. When that happens you may not even notice, but sometimes you get yanked acrosse the screen, possibly back into a pack of enemies that you've just avoided.

You can mitigate the severity of de-sync somewhat by avoiding high movement skills, leaping over enemies without Unwavering Stance (otherwise you might get stunne mid-air and not know it), avoid running through packs of enemies, cast with shift held down, so you character doesn't move to an enemy server-side and then leave you in a room full of death when you get re-synced, etc. Basically, anything that might increase the difference between client state and server state more rapidly/drastically than usual. Yes it sucks.
Another way to deal with it is to have type /oos or have an macro set up for it and hit it every now and then when you feel you might be in danger.

Diablo 3 doesn't trust the client either, as far as I know, but mitigates this by reducing the amount of checks that need to happen between client and server. Hence you won't notice much delay even if you have a pretty high ping. The bar that indicates it will therefore stay green at latencies of 150ms and more. You still get rubber-banding, which is esentially getting re-synced to what the server sees, just as in PoE, but it#s less common.
So far I've lost both my best characters at lv17 to invading enemies, fuck. First my Internal Blow Marauder, and just now my Spectral Throw Scion.

lost the Scion to a bear trapping, fireball throwing asshole. Fuck


So far I've lost both my best characters at lv17 to invading enemies, fuck. First my Internal Blow Marauder, and just now my Spectral Throw Scion.

lost the Scion to a bear trapping, fireball throwing asshole. Fuck

I just got two-shotted from outside the screen in the act 3 sewers at level 30, I can feel your pain xD

Judging by the projectile it was either one of those crazy alchemists, or one of those weird looking flowers that spit at you.

I honestly don't know what to try now, as the spec I tried wasn't that great, and very mana hungry.
I just got two-shotted from outside the screen in the act 3 sewers at level 30, I can feel your pain xD

Judging by the projectile it was either one of those crazy alchemists, or one of those weird looking flowers that spit at you.

I honestly don't know what to try now, as the spec I tried wasn't that great, and very mana hungry.

I do not step one foot into the sewers till I am at least level 35 after my first HC summoner died there to a rare alchemist with faster attack and crit, I was totally heart broken because I was just about to head out to a meeting and figured I'd get a run in to finish the golden bust quest, that was a shitty meeting.

Any mega mana hungry build can be fixed a bit with mana leech gems or mana leech on attack from gloves. I know when I first played Ethereal Knives it was a pain in the ass till I got my hands on a mana leech gem so I no longer had to use clarity for my mana, instead just running with hatred as I leveled for that sweet, sweet deeps boost. As for what to play, lets just toss a list out:

Summoner, Aura-whore, Ethereal knives, trappers (So easy and good), element equal. trapper, ground slammer, incinerate, (Double totem)Sporker, double totem whatever-you-want-because-spell/ranged-totem-is-a-thing (just use searing bonds with maybe a trap support gem to cast your other spells), Elemental prolif'er, blender, lightning arrow, pointblank lightning/icewall arrower, elemental wander, phy. wander (Only if you hate life and all good things), Righteous fire, Spooky toss, Crit daggers (with spooky toss for ranged; cast on crit is pretty funny with spooky toss crits), iron will freezing pulse, flicker strike (King of desync), double claw build (with mega life leech, as long as you don't get one shot, you'll heal it all up), face breaker with Dominating Blow (For extra laughs run a fracture map and have the whole map fight for you).


Went with a good ol' Spectral throw mace Scion, and facerolled my way back to act 3, now I just have to be careful xD

Btw is there still a GAF guild ?


I'm back at lvl 70 on my third invasion character and started some meeps. I've noticed maps are way bigger now than they were before, which is a good thing, but now I'm constantly getting ele weakness, enfeeble or vulnerability on rolls, which sucks. Especially since invasion bosses are stupid. One of the snake bosses invasion bosses I encountered in a map does a puncture move that only ticks for 1 second but does like 2.5k+ dmg over that duration. It's kinda hard to cleanse it before it has already done significant damage. Normal mob punctures do absolutely nothing to my hp in comparision, my hp regen is faster than the bleed.
I need some mapping tips on how to increase my map count and get higher level maps. I'm rolling fleet/pack size + random modifier 66 maps currently that get me around 35% IIQ and I'm only getting back one map for each map I do. Is 35% IIQ a good number to shoot for initially?


You can build a small pool of 66 maps if you do Lunaris 3 or Crypt runs. The latter is probably safer, since you can more easily tell if The Maker of Rain is near (tentacled miscreation boss, scary).

There's no secret recipe really. Aiming for high IIQ is the way to go regardless. Just gotta get RNGeesus to bless you.
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