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Pence becomes 1st vice president to address March for Life

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So 53% of white women just made it okay for this shit... welp.

Something like 40 percent of American women are pro-life, so, I'm sure many of them are quite okay with this.

I have never quite understood whole "Pro Life" movement in US. If you are pro life why you would fight against things like abortion and birth control that also can actually save lives in some cases?

Because the larger fight is about punishing women for having sex, though they'd never admit that (and some may not even consciously realize it either).
You want less abortions? Why aren't you promoting birth-control for women? Oh right, that's not "God-given" either despite the fact that it's also used as helpful medication for some women.

Why do these men insist on trying to tell women what to do with their bodies? It's infuriating.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
As I saw a woman on Twitter say:

"You can't ban abortions, all you can do is ban safe abortions."
Yes, we'll make you have babies.

But once they're born? Fuck the baby and fuck you too. Fuck your welfare, food stamps, healthcare and everything else. Go bootstrap starve in a river.


No birth control, no abortions, keep education funding low, prevent as much harmful news about republicans from coming out... keep people poor and stupid and expand the republican voting base.


I heard some pro-lifers talking on the train to work today on their way to the march. They were saying that there's a big party tomorrow. What does an antiabortionist party look like?


It's infuriating to me that these idiots don't acknowledge the Hyde Amendment, but hey, that wouldn't get this voter bloc out.

I'd rather the $25 billion that's going to the fucking wall went to a fund to pay for abortions.

They don't acknowledge the "extreme vetting" we do for refugees either. That doesn't win them an argument. Pretending reality doesn't exist does win for them, unfortunately.


I hate to say it, but I'm so glad I can't reproduce anymore. I'm still terrified for all the women who want control of their own bodies.
So 53% of white women just made it okay for this shit... welp.

There was a lot of code in the runup to the election about wanting America to "go back to the way it used to be". That meant a lot of things, one of which was the ability to finger wag people and their rights away.

I don't know why anyone is surprised at the high amount of White women voters for Trump. Many of them are older and grew up in a world where this was the status quo. There's a reason why Republicans are vehement about voter suppression - nothing contradicts with their world view more than young fresh thinking.

I heard some pro-lifers talking on the train to work today on their way to the march. They were saying that there's a big party tomorrow. What does an antiabortionist party look like?

Dumpster pinatas.
Yeah fuck off with your religious bullshit. This is not a theocracy, and you have no right to thrust your personal religious beliefs on others via political means.

Separation of church and state is probably the most important philosophical tenet of modern history. It makes secular melting pots and the exchange of productive ideas feasible. Otherwise the world devolves into endless sectarian violence as seen currently in the middle east or the crusades historically.
Republican majorities in both chambers of Congress vow to end federal funding for Planned Parenthood, which provided more than a third of the nation's abortions in 2014. They also hope to ban most abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Trump has pledged to sign both measures if they reach his desk.

Timeless ideals? More like stone age.

I'm okay with someone practicing their religion, but not at the expense of another woman's choice.
More like middle 20th century. Abortion wasn't a big deal among Christians until American politicians needed a new hook for conservative voters.

Not all women like abortions.
That's why the "Pro-Abortions for Everyone All The Time" group never took off.


Yeah Pence is a garbage person, I'm not surprised he was there.

Pro-choice =/= pro-abortion, that's the end of that argument.

See, i disagree. Pro-choice is pro-abortion, but that's nothing to be ashamed of. Nobody's making a Kang-like "abortions for all!" It's just a private decision to be made by a woman about her body, using her best values and judgment.

Similar to a vasectomy. Vasectomies could be immoral as forced sterilizations, but it's a man's private choice about how he wants his body to function at the end of the day.

The fact that there's shame in the word is proof of how far the Right has shifted the argument. The word needs to be taken back, and ring proudly and unashamedly across the country.


I'm opposed to anime. Me not watching anime doesn't mean I'd be happy with state funded anime.

Well it's good that the state doesn't fund anime, just like they don't fund abortions!

I'm pro abortion. My point is broad questions like "why would women vote for this?" are stupid. They'd vote for it the same reason lots of men would.

Let's just be straight about where this shit came from, though. This isn't some firmly held belief brought to them from their years of devout love of Jesus Christ. It's propaganda spread through decades by the Republican party in order to create a wedge issue and solidify their base. Evangelicals were largely pro-choice and backed up those arguments with biblical passages until suddenly they weren't!

And now they're still marching because those same motherfuckers keep up the propaganda and pretend we're funding abortion factories that sell baby parts. Republicans are repugnant pieces of shit for all this crap.
I'm pro abortion. My point is broad statements like "why would women vote for this?" are stupid. They'd vote for it the same reason lots of men would.

If you vote against someones right to do something because you disapprove of it that makes you the very definition of a selfish asshole

And don't even try to say that it isn't about reducing abortions just making taxpayers not pay for it, because you know damn well our country's garbage healthcare makes it precisely so that if not for federally funded planned parenthood, there wouldn't be anywhere for poor women to get abortions

Plus they don't even use the goddamn funding for abortion anyways
No, but it's the reality about the fetus is life movement.

So, what is the attendance figures so far? Has it come anywhere close to what took place last Saturday? Do you see any more of Saturday's march going on in the next 4 years? And if so, particularly in the case of women and choice, do they have a shot of dwarfing it?
So, what is the attendance figures so far? Has it come anywhere close to what took place last Saturday? Do you see any more of Saturday's march going on in the next 4 years? And if so, particularly in the case of women and choice, do they have a shot of dwarfing it?

If attendance is lacking they will blame it on all the potentially pro lifers who were aborted


Ya'll really need to get out more, I've met tons of women who are pro-life but are otherwise liberal economically (religious and non-religious). While I'm pro-choice we kind of have to admit that for a lot of people it ain't black and white.


Pretty sad knowing an entire generation of young people are buying this regressive bullshit.

Dat power of religious/batshit indoctrination...


Not all women like abortions.
I'm pretty sure all women like medical care. Which is always directly tied to these laws.

And this is just the practical view. I already know that it's useless to argue against the removal of overall rights based on personal convictions. However hypocritical it may be.

Nice choice of words btw. Really shows you know what you're talking about.

Edit: Anime = Abortion is a new one though. Nice going.


I have never quite understood whole "Pro Life" movement in US. If you are pro life why you would fight against things like abortion and birth control that also can actually save lives in some cases?

Because they consider a fetus to be a living being instead of a mass of cells on its way to becoming one.

In certain states like my own, New York, you can get hit with a double homicide for killing a mother carrying a child regardless of stage.
Well it's good that the state doesn't fund anime, just like they don't fund abortions!

Let's just be straight about where this shit came from, though. This isn't some firmly held belief brought to them from their years of devout love of Jesus Christ. It's propaganda spread through decades by the Republican party in order to create a wedge issue and solidify their base. Evangelicals were largely pro-choice and backed up those arguments with biblical passages until suddenly they weren't!

And now they're still marching because those same motherfuckers keep up the propaganda and pretend we're funding abortion factories that sell baby parts. Republicans are repugnant pieces of shit for all this crap.

That's why I think women need to be more bold, crass even, when discussing abortion rights. They shouldn't be apologetic about wanting them or having them. And I've always used the tactic of coming out by the gay rights movement as an example of this. If more women were open about their experiences, and didn't give out guilt ridden platitudes, these fuckers wouldn't feel as emboldened about passing the litany of TRAP laws we've seen over the years. These TRAP laws exist to regulate clinics out of business and to intimidate providers and nothing more. What's more, they exist because the anti choice movement knows that they can't stop legal abortions by targeting women themselves for prosecution, so they take swipes at them peripherally instead to send them the oh so subtle message that there should be consequences for their actions, while at the same time assuaging the impatience of the christian right.


If the republicans gut the filibuster to put some evil fucker on the bench, I hope when democrats inevitably get in power the put the most liberal ass mother fucker on there ever.

I question ever seeing a democrat dominated executive, legislative, and judicial branch simultaneously in our lifetime

Republicans will rig this system in their favor

Government has been failing the voices of minorities and women since the inception of this country


I'm pro abortion. My point is broad questions like "why would women vote for this?" are stupid. They'd vote for it the same reason lots of men would.

The phrase "Pro abortion" is a serious red flag.

Why ? I'm pro abortion too, if only to remove the stigma associated with it. Doesn't mean I think having an abortion is like having a party.

I've seen it used as a strawman too frequently as the side pro lifers oppose. Which is purposefully disingenous.


And don't even try to say that it isn't about reducing abortions just making taxpayers not pay for it, because you know damn well our country's garbage healthcare makes it precisely so that if not for federally funded planned parenthood, there wouldn't be anywhere for poor women to get abortions
There already barely is tbh. I watched a documentary about abortions in the US a while ago and it was terrifying. Republicans have been taking measures against everything they can to make it difficult.
At some point they had to turn down a 13yo rape victim because of a lack of personnel, to get an abortion she would have had to travel to a different state for 3 whole days and pay another few thousand dollars.
Timeless ideal indeed.

"Pro abortion" is a serious red flag.
Why ? I'm pro abortion too, if only to remove the stigma associated with it. Doesn't mean I think having an abortion is like having a party.


Is March for Life just regarding the issue of abortion? Do they also have anti-war, pro welfare policies to help sustain living life or just aren't concerned?
If they gave a shit about reducing abortions (because outlawing abortion will NOT get rid of abortion), why not encourage all teenage girls and women to get an IUD, or use other types of birth control? Why not fight for a better social safety net, so no one has to raise children in poverty? Why not mandate generous paid family leave and fund daycare, so women are not financially and socially penalized for having children? ...wait, don't tell me, it's because of men's god-given right to subjugate women!

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