I feel like its time to revamp how we discuss abortion as liberals.
saying pro choice is not being pro abortion is ridiculous. We ARE pro abortion.Its a valuable, safe, affordable procedure and there's no reason to distance ourselves from it. By saying we aren't pro abortion, its almost as if we're accepting that abortion is somehow immoral and worthy of distancing ourselves from.
Also, I think saying things like "why would women ever support this" or acting as if the sole reason people are pro life is because they want to control women's bodies is counter intuitive. Its a very logical moral conclusion for people, and by telling pro lifers "you're trying to control me/her/them" conversation is shut down. Abortion is a morally sticky situation, and it needs to be handled tactfully to try to convince people to change allegiances.
This is all said as an extremely pro choice person. The debate is very nuanced, and acting like its just a panel of white men controlling women for the fun of it isn't productive. Its controlled by white men, because the conservative or religious women who are opposed to abortion want white men leading their fight. They vote them in and they are representative of many of their voices. Of all the ridiculous conservative opinions to have, being opposed to abortion isn't really one of them. Its hard, its termination of "potential life" whether we ourselves see it as a bunch of cells or not, and we need to start being more understanding when we talk about it.