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Pence becomes 1st vice president to address March for Life

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Yeah all those 90 year olds constantly visiting r/the_donald
Despite the stereotype of college being super liberal, I'd say about a third to a half of the people in my economics program were very conservative socially. Gay people should be allowed to marry (call it a civil union and give them the tax benefits, but not marriage), abortions are murder, etc.

Pretty similar in math and engineering departments from what I saw. This was in LA.
The phrase "Pro abortion" is a serious red flag.

I'm not American. Abortion isn't a cultural issue to me nor is it a word that concerns me.

No one likes abortions. Let's stop this idea that women get abortions like candy. It's one of the toughest choices for a human being to make, but sometimes it's a necessary one.

That's cool. I don't disagree. The point is your gender doesn't exclusively dictate your viewpoint on this. Lots of women hate abortions.
Something like 40 percent of American women are pro-life, so, I'm sure many of them are quite okay with this.

I am fine with pro-lifers believing what they want. But why do they give a shit so much what other women do?

Just like gay rights....why do you care about other people's sex life?

Sad that they feel oppressed because of other people's freedoms
One of the most important things listed in this article is banning abortions past the week 20 mark. This was also a demand from the pro life movement.

The change to make pro-late abortions from the pro life movement seems to highlight this.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked.

How I wish Carlin were alive to see this shitshow.


That's why I think women need to be more bold, crass even, when discussing abortion rights. They shouldn't be apologetic about wanting them or having them. And I've always used the tactic of coming out by the gay rights movement as an example of this. If more women were open about their experiences, and didn't give out guilt ridden platitudes, these fuckers wouldn't feel as emboldened about passing the litany of TRAP laws we've seen over the years. These TRAP laws exist to regulate clinics out of business and to intimidate providers and nothing more. What's more, they exist because the anti choice movement knows that they can't stop legal abortions by targeting women themselves for prosecution, so they take swipes at them peripherally instead to send them the oh so subtle message that there should be consequences for their actions, while at the same time assuaging the impatience of the christian right.

Absolutely agreed.

Christian Americans dont give a FUCK about you once you are born. Pence and his ilk are horrible people.

Christian Americans don't give a shit about literally anything except the abortion issue. They lined up behind Donald goddamned Trump as their 'Christian' choice for literally no other reason than that.

I find it pretty amazing how that's the only bar to being Christian now... an issue Jesus literally never fucking mentioned at all.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Why force religion on atheists?! If you are a Christian woman then it makes sense. But I guess this isn't really about religion. It's about being cruel to women. If Jesus had existed he'd have been so ashamed of people calling themselves Christian.


Addresses March for life.

Party currently contemplating repealing healthcare that allows cancer patients, etc, to live and is for blocking refugee children from escaping the hellscape our country had a hand in creating by starting a nonsense war.

Standard republican policy. Once you're born, its all on you. Those refugees and cancer victims just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps!


Allowing them to use "life" as their "side" has done so much damage.

They should be labeled anti-choice not pro-life.

But giving them an honest label would make them feel bad, for they can't pick the good things they like while neglecting all of the bad!

It's an awfully Christian thing they're doing, too..


Why any woman would ever vote willingly for these people I will never know.

Because some women are also against abortion....

Allowing them to use "life" as their "side" has done so much damage.

They should be labeled anti-choice not pro-life.

None of the supporters are against women choosing. They are against this one particular thing and it's because they see it as taking an innocent life.


So did the media ignore the march and that's why I haven't seen the millions more people trump promised would be there comparatively? Lol

I checked and it was the top story on MSNBC, 2nd story on BBC, and 2nd story on NPR two hours ago. I'm sure Trump will suck up the attention and move it down the list by the evening news.
Oh March for Life? So they were marching for universal health care? Ending gun violence? Maternity Leave? No?

The Republican party are a bunch of hypocrite lowlife assholes who will defend the fetus but won't give a shit about the baby once he's born. These imbeciles are NOT "Pro-Life". They're "Anti-Abortion".

And as a Catholic I'm not a big fan of abortion either (I do recognize that life's full of shades of gray though) but to tell me they're Pro Life but against everything else I just said brings my piss to a boil.


god, this is awful.
a Trump impeachment would lead to social-conservatism policy surge under Pence

Liberals held hostage

exactly this, and the GOP is clearly scrambling to bring up every failed, shitty idea of the last few decades knowing there won't be any opposition, because of trash like pence


They need to remove viagra from mens insurance if they're going to try and get rid of birth control and abortions. But they won't…

Actually many ED drugs are no longer being covered, especially Viagra. This is a recent change but many insurance companies are using your exact rationale for dropping them.
I am incredibly dismayed about the whataboutisms displayed in an attempt to delegitimise the opposition.

You know damn well that pro life is regarding child birth nothing more, nothing less.
None of the supporters are against women choosing. They are against this one particular thing and it's because they see it as taking an innocent life.

Yes they are, they are by definition against them having a choice by imposing their own morality on to everybody else.


That's just it. It's not their body that's being killed, it's another human being's. A baby with it's own separate DNA. Life is valuable and very precious.

It's their bodies to do what they please. If that is abort a unwanted child then that is their choice to get it aborted. No one has a right to stop a women having a choice.


I feel like its time to revamp how we discuss abortion as liberals.
saying pro choice is not being pro abortion is ridiculous. We ARE pro abortion.Its a valuable, safe, affordable procedure and there's no reason to distance ourselves from it. By saying we aren't pro abortion, its almost as if we're accepting that abortion is somehow immoral and worthy of distancing ourselves from.

Also, I think saying things like "why would women ever support this" or acting as if the sole reason people are pro life is because they want to control women's bodies is counter intuitive. Its a very logical moral conclusion for people, and by telling pro lifers "you're trying to control me/her/them" conversation is shut down. Abortion is a morally sticky situation, and it needs to be handled tactfully to try to convince people to change allegiances.

This is all said as an extremely pro choice person. The debate is very nuanced, and acting like its just a panel of white men controlling women for the fun of it isn't productive. Its controlled by white men, because the conservative or religious women who are opposed to abortion want white men leading their fight. They vote them in and they are representative of many of their voices. Of all the ridiculous conservative opinions to have, being opposed to abortion isn't really one of them. Its hard, its termination of "potential life" whether we ourselves see it as a bunch of cells or not, and we need to start being more understanding when we talk about it.


Junior Member
If a zygote is life, perhaps you should abstain from anti biotics.

By that reasoning, you would be an anti biotic as well. If a pregnant woman is murdered, it's considered a double homicide. Our nation has weird double standards. I believe that all life is precious. And I believe everyone is valuable, including everyone on this forum. Including you good sir. :)


That's just it. It's not their body that's being killed, it's another human being's. A baby with it's own separate DNA. Life is valuable and very precious.

Another human being, no matter how 'valuable' or precious you think it is doesn't have the right to your body. Women should have bodily autonomy, and if you don't allow them the choice of abortion, then that means they do not.

I'd also love to hear why you think it's valuable and precious. We have tons of starving children on the earth already. Something like a third of all pregnancies are also miscarried. It doesn't seem terribly valuable and/or precious to me, honestly.

I think we should treat it with as much preciousness and value as the parents wish to.


By that reasoning, you would be an anti biotic as well. If a pregnant woman is murdered, it's considered a double homicide. Our nation has weird double standards. I believe that all life is precious. And I believe everyone is valuable, including everyone on this forum. Including you good sir. :)

But you don't believe women should have a choice over their own bodies, which is in my opinion disgusting.
By that reasoning, you would be an anti biotic as well. If a pregnant woman is murdered, it's considered a double homicide. Our nation has weird double standards. I believe that all life is precious. And I believe everyone is valuable, including everyone on this forum. Including you good sir. :)

So, time for the age-old question.

At what point is a pregnant woman two lives? The moment of conception? Or have you generously decided on a specific point in time that those cells are officially a person?


UGH. Fuck off with this shit. Can't believe these guys. Change is inevitable, republicans, just accept it! Sooner or later all the old men in power are going to be dead and they won't be able to do anything about all this. But obviously they want to leave a legacy that makes things like this as difficult as possible so they can keep messing with people from the grave.
The public's opinion on abortion hasn't changed, it is going to be an argument for a long time. this isn't like gay marriage where millenials overwhelmingly are for it,
I feel like its time to revamp how we discuss abortion as liberals.
saying pro choice is not being pro abortion is ridiculous. We ARE pro abortion.Its a valuable, safe, affordable procedure and there's no reason to distance ourselves from it. By saying we aren't pro abortion, its almost as if we're accepting that abortion is somehow immoral and worthy of distancing ourselves from.

Also, I think saying things like "why would women ever support this" or acting as if the sole reason people are pro life is because they want to control women's bodies is counter intuitive. Its a very logical moral conclusion for people, and by telling pro lifers "you're trying to control me/her/them" conversation is shut down. Abortion is a morally sticky situation, and it needs to be handled tactfully to try to convince people to change allegiances.

This is all said as an extremely pro choice person. The debate is very nuanced, and acting like its just a panel of white men controlling women for the fun of it isn't productive. Its controlled by white men, because the conservative or religious women who are opposed to abortion want white men leading their fight. They vote them in and they are representative of many of their voices. Of all the ridiculous conservative opinions to have, being opposed to abortion isn't really one of them. Its hard, its termination of "potential life" whether we ourselves see it as a bunch of cells or not, and we need to start being more understanding when we talk about it.
This is all true. It's really frustrating to see liberals argue that it is men wanting control over women's bodies. Pro-lifers believe that it is government sanctioned murder and you aren't convincing anyone with that argument.
Grats women of the US, you're incapable of making your choices with your body. Gotta let old white men tell you exactly what to do.

These fucking disgusting republicans.

53% of white women believe this, as this is what they voted for.

Susan B. Anthony would be proud, as she also let her hate for other races override her decision making.
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