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Pence becomes 1st vice president to address March for Life

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By that reasoning, you would be an anti biotic as well. If a pregnant woman is murdered, it's considered a double homicide. Our nation has weird double standards. I believe that all life is precious. And I believe everyone is valuable, including everyone on this forum. Including you good sir. :)

I am pro choice, I delineate the difference between biology and dignity. If biology is so precious to you, how do you justify the industrial farming complex?
That's just it. It's not their body that's being killed, it's another human being's. A baby with it's own separate DNA. Life is valuable and very precious.

So too bad for women who get raped and might be forced to have a child that they might not be able to provide for?

The woman is carrying the baby, so it should be her decision. The government has no business telling a woman what can or cannot do to her body.


Enough of these pre-school politics
finger pointing, generalizing
You are not a savior, you are not a warrior

Gagging on your ignorance, you couldnt figure life out
Even if you had a map

Yet you're so quick with your worthless facts
enlightened by some holy fucking vision

She tries to explain and you refuse to hear
Now the state owns her rights
Is that what you want?

You call yourself pro-life?
I call you pro murder

Your small minded thinking is not a solution



Junior Member
But you don't believe women should have a choice over their own bodies, which is in my opinion disgusting.

It is my belief that the baby inside her is another person. A separate body. Besides, I think adoption is a really good option nowadays. There are 40 parents looking to adopt for every 1 child available.

I was almost aborted when I was a baby. If that had happened, I wouldn't exist right now. If that had happened to any of you, you wouldn't be alive right now either. And I think you're all awesome!


It is my belief that the baby inside her is another person. A separate body. Besides, I think adoption is a really good option nowadays. There are 40 parents looking to adopt for every 1 child available.

I was almost aborted when I was a baby. If that had happened, I wouldn't exist right now. If that had happened to any of you, you wouldn't be alive right now either. And I think you're all awesome!

So what a woman wants doesn't matter?


This is one of the few things to come out of this administration that I don't have a problem with. I don't think I'll ever budge on my conviction of the unborn deserving protection and life. It's interesting to find myself wishing I'd participated in both this and the Women's March.

edit: I'm not interested in debating this, btw. Not because I don't care, or it doesn't matter, but because such issues are not fruitfully discussed online amongst relative strangers. It goes nowhere every time.


Junior Member
So too bad for women who get raped and might be forced to have a child that they might not be able to provide for?

The woman is carrying the baby, so it should be her decision. The government has no business telling a woman what can or cannot do to her body.

Rape is wrong. Period. But an evil action doesn't cancel out another evil action, my friend. :)


Why does it always come to this argument? This isn't the norm.

Neither is carrying a fetus until it's viable and then getting an abortion.

Neither is abortion as contraception.

I'd bet money that rape abortions are more common than those two things, and those are used as propaganda by the right in order to outlaw the actual norm.

Rape is wrong. Period. But an evil action doesn't cancel out another evil action, my friend. :)

The only other evil action is forcing someone to carry a rape baby to term rather than letting her get an abortion while it's still a lump of cells.


The fact that you rally against the extreme is complicit that you will abide by it.

I'm glad you were able to get all of my views on the subject from that one post.

I just don't think it's as simple as saying "it's either all allowed or all banned".
That's just it. It's not their body that's being killed, it's another human being's. A baby with it's own separate DNA. Life is valuable and very precious.

If you're a man I hope you never masturbate or have sex with protection or else you're killing millions of potential human beings. If you're a woman, well, better get pregnant as often as you can or else you're wasting your eggs.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
So what a woman wants doesn't matter?

If you actually think it's a human then no what she wants doesn't matter.

I'm pro choice, but I don't think that life begins at conception.

I do think the pro life argument is logical if you actually believe life begins at conception though.


It is my belief that the baby inside her is another person. A separate body. Besides, I think adoption is a really good option nowadays. There are 40 parents looking to adopt for every 1 child available.



If you actually think it's a human then no what she wants doesn't matter.

I'm pro choice, but I don't think that life begins at conception.

I do think the pro life argument is logical if you actually believe life begins at conception though.

Well it does as it is her body. No one has a right to tell you what you can and can't do with your own body.
I'm glad you were able to get all of my views on the subject from that one post.

I just don't think it's as simple as saying "it's either all allowed or all banned".

It's the right that made it a a binary choice, Pro choice doesn't mean abort every fetus. It's left to agency. Pro life limits the reality to only one option.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Well it does as it is her body.

If you actually believe it's a human then no you're killing their body. Their in this case being the baby human. So if you allow the woman a choice you're essentially saying you're OK if they choose to kill a human in their body.

I don't actually believe it's a human at conception though.


UGH. Fuck off with this shit. Can't believe these guys. Change is inevitable, republicans, just accept it! Sooner or later all the old men in power are going to be dead and they won't be able to do anything about all this. But obviously they want to leave a legacy that makes things like this as difficult as possible so they can keep messing with people from the grave.

Two steps forward, one step backwards, one step forward, 10 step backwards.

Seriously, civilizations have failed in the past, and regressed.

Get involved right now because nothing is sure.


If you actually believe it's a human then no you're killing their body. Their in this case being the baby human. So if you allow the woman a choice you're essentially saying you're OK if they choose to kill a human in their body.

I don't actually believe it's a human at conception though.

Again, it is up to the woman what she does with a unborn baby. She may have any number of reasons to have a abortion and she has a right to one.


Well it does as it is her body. No one has a right to tell you what you can and can't do with your own body.

But they do when it comes to things you can put into your body for health reasons with consumption and drugs etc.


If you're a man I hope you never masturbate or have sex with protection or else you're killing millions of potential human beings. If you're a woman, well, better get pregnant as often as you can or else you're wasting your eggs.

Lol, well said.


Party like it's 1853...fucking hell in less than a week it is all crumbling down but you have to fight this america,get of your ass and protest..

As V always said "People should not be afraid of their goverment,goverment should be afraid of their people"
Do "pro-life" "activists" also intend to enforce laws that force the fetus' father to provide for it once it is born and until it becomes an adult, or do they only care about the woman's side of the deal?
Adoption is incredibly expensive and selective though.

And I don't think you'd want to absolve someone the choice of carrying a baby they don't want. If you don't want the baby, you want to get rid of it asap.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Again, it is up to the woman what she does with a unborn baby. She may have any number of reasons to have a abortion and she has a right to one.

So you're OK with killing of an innocent human then? Cause in your logic chain you've established it's a human.

Again I'm pro choice. I don't believe it's a human at this point though.


It is my belief that the baby inside her is another person. A separate body. Besides, I think adoption is a really good option nowadays. There are 40 parents looking to adopt for every 1 child available.

I was almost aborted when I was a baby. If that had happened, I wouldn't exist right now. If that had happened to any of you, you wouldn't be alive right now either. And I think you're all awesome!

But it didn't, and we are here. This is a poor logical train of thought because the easy (and just as irrational) response is to say people who have done terribly evil things in history could have been aborted, but weren't.

Determinism isn't on your side in this case.


Junior Member
But it's totally ok for the mother or parents to abandon a child they never wanted because of rape or their protection malfunctioning?

No sir, it is not. It is not OK. But that's another issue altogether. If we as individuals start to value life, then it would eradicate this kind of thing from ever happening.


Adoption is incredibly expensive and selective though.

The adoption angle also basically assumes the only reason people get abortions is because they don't want the resulting baby.

Complications exist and the mother's life could be in danger. She could have been raped. The fetus itself may be a complete lost cause.

Also hilarious seeing some pro-life website wax philosophically on why mothers wouldn't want to keep their fetus and put it up for adoption. Gee, perhaps because there's no funding to help them with that shit? You think some poor mother can/should spend 9 months pregnant and risk getting fired/working less only to give it up afterwards? Perhaps the pro-lifers should help out more with that shit.

No sir, it is not. It is not OK. But that's another issue altogether. If we as individuals start to value life, then it would eradicate this kind of thing from ever happening.

Wait... are you blaming rape rates with people being pro-choice? Because it certainly sounds like you are.


It is my belief that the baby inside her is another person. A separate body. Besides, I think adoption is a really good option nowadays. There are 40 parents looking to adopt for every 1 child available.

I was almost aborted when I was a baby. If that had happened, I wouldn't exist right now. If that had happened to any of you, you wouldn't be alive right now either. And I think you're all awesome!

Birth is crazy expensive, especially if you are American in a world with Donald Trump and not wealthy. There is also a lot of pain and psychological and health issues to consider that the women would not have to go through but you would make her.

I am only for abortions when they are very early personally.


So you're OK with killing of an innocent human then? Cause in your logic chain you've established it's a human.

Again I'm pro choice. I don't believe it's a human at this point though.

Unborn child yes. Their are many reasons why a woman doesn't want to have a child and she deserves the right to choose.
Reposting from the article

Republican majorities in both chambers of Congress vow to end federal funding for Planned Parenthood, which provided more than a third of the nation's abortions in 2014. They also hope to ban most abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Trump has pledged to sign both measures if they reach his desk.
Absolutely agreed.

Christian Americans don't give a shit about literally anything except the abortion issue. They lined up behind Donald goddamned Trump as their 'Christian' choice for literally no other reason than that.

I find it pretty amazing how that's the only bar to being Christian now... an issue Jesus literally never fucking mentioned at all.

I should also point out that TRAP laws give the anti choicers plausible cover by allowing them to be as punitive to women without having to deal with all the legislative consequences of carrying out their most extreme agenda, which is to penalize women legally. If abortion is murder, why don't they make a call to penalize the women who seek out and obtain them? They know to do that they wouldn't have a lick of credibility among women if they did. Coupled with the unfortunate fact that most young women today take Roe V. Wade for granted, the anti choice movement has been very careful in wording their message over the years while incrementally gutting abortion rights across the nation for the past 40+ years. It's why the republicans freaked out when Donald Trump said that he felt that women who had abortions should face punishment back in March with Chris Matthews. They freaked out, but really, that's the logical conclusion to their stance. Why wouldn't Trump. who has no record of public service think that the GOP doesn't want that when they've constantly pushed the notion that it's murder?

For all the heat that comedians like Sarah Silverman and Lena Dunham got over their crass abortion humor, they were trying to start a dialogue. IMO, they shouldn't have backed off and made asses of themselves when in reality they were completely in the right. It's why I thought the Bojack Horseman episode, Brapp Brapp! Pew Pew! was fricking awesome in how unapologetic it was in its message. And the final scene with Diane talking to that girl at the Planned Parrothood at the end of the episode was the byline that made the episode pay off. I wish alot of serious mainstream shows could be a bold as Bojack was in its depiction of this issue -- particularly the polemical nature of the issue itself.
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