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Penny-Arcade: "Marketers of the Avenger Controller are thieves and liars".


They didn't. They posted some correspondence and a business's publicly available contact info.

Exactly. Stooping to his level would be going out of their way to insult him while dropping names of the celebs they know while threatening to sell his merchandise on ebay. Oh and of course they would also have to threaten to smear him like he did them.

So yea. They're nowhere near his level. He's on a level all his own.
They didn't. They posted some correspondence and a business's publicly available contact info.

Right, but Gabe's posts are getting pretty vitriolic. If his claim is that Paul is a bully and bullies suck, his reveling in this internet vigilantism is also bullying, or at the very least celebrating the byproducts of other peoples' bullying.

If he hadn't made the follow up "I'm glad all this happened to him" post, nothing would have changed, but your sense of morals might have been assuaged - would that have been better for you? :)
They didn't. They posted some correspondence and a business's publicly available contact info.

Right, but Gabe's posts are getting pretty vitriolic. If his claim is that Paul is a bully and bullies suck, his reveling in this internet vigilantism is also bullying, or at the very least celebrating the byproducts of other peoples' bullying.

Gabe said:
I have a real problem with bullies. I spent my childhood moving from school to school and I got made fun of everyplace I landed. I feel like Paul is a bully and maybe that’s why I have no sympathy here. Someday every bully meets and even bigger bully and maybe that’s me in this case.

It's just so... circular.
There's a difference between broadcasting someone's poor business sense and un-trustworthiness to the internet and reveling in the fact that the "bully" has now become the "bullied". The latest Penny Arcade post makes it seem like Gabe is taking revenge for a childhood's worth of bad experience on one stupid dude.

This is far from the first time he's done so.


If what he's saying about his wife and kids being harassed and his identity being fraudulently used is true, this has all gone too far. It's not his family's fault he's bad at his job, and he certainly doesn't deserve to have his name dragged through the mud any further than it has already.

Actions and consequences... Think before you act.... The way the internet works etc...

The guy was a douche, thought he could get away with it...Got caught, and still tried to get away with it...


maaaaaan this shyt is hilarious~!!!

I got the new iphone so I really hope he doesnt make any accessories for that, so that I wouldnt have to buy them!!

and if he did make them, I wouldnt buy them!! lol!
Actions and consequences... Think before you act.... The way the internet works etc...

The guy was a douche, thought he could get away with it...Got caught, and still tried to get away with it...

The consequences for being terrible at your job shouldn't be "my wife and kids are being harassed" and "my identity is being stolen".

Granted, he could just be lying for all we know, but c'mon. That ain't right.

Defense Force is assembling....

LOL. Yeah, no, I'm not defending Paul. Paul is a dick who sucks at his job and it's good that the internet now knows this. I'm just trying to advocate cooler heads. He's gotten his, and then some.

I'm sure Captain America would agree with me on this one
The consequences for being terrible at your job shouldn't be "my wife and kids are being harassed" and "my identity is being stolen".

Granted, he could just be lying for all we know, but c'mon. That ain't right.

By the way, we have the word of a single confirmed liar (he was impersonating other people in public - see the kotaku post where he tried to pass himself off as another person and was caught at it) that "my wife and kid are being harrassed" with zero evidence. Given that he's reaping what he's sown, it's pretty obvious that he'll grasp at any straw he can to get some sympathy.

Anyone can choose to believe him, but given his confirmed dishonest and assholishness, why would you?


Right, but Gabe's posts are getting pretty vitriolic. If his claim is that Paul is a bully and bullies suck, his reveling in this internet vigilantism is also bullying, or at the very least celebrating the byproducts of other peoples' bullying.

It's just so... circular.
That your alt, Paul?

Also don't buy that this is hurting his family or something. Sounds like something everyone says nowadays to get people to feel bad for them after being total dicks. "oh my the stress that me and my wife and kid have to put up with"...yawn. Save it. Frankly that is a line of BS and he just wants people to stop calling him for what he is.



Clicked it, expected it to be "meh" since, hey, same day and then holy shit that was awesome.


So what do you think, one more day till everyone is completely over this and hating on people for jumping on the meme late?

Unless something else happens, I give us another page before everyone is just LTTP and then the meme is already dead etc. etc.

"Alright gang, let's see who's behind this Mayor of Boston mask."

"Why, it's old man Christoforo from the haunted marketing firm!"

"I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling redditers!"

Quick, someone get on the movie rights now! Wwebsite, coming Fall 2012.


The consequences for being terrible at your job shouldn't be "my wife and kids are being harassed" and "my identity is being stolen".

Granted, he could just be lying for all we know, but c'mon. That ain't right.

LOL. Yeah, no, I'm not defending Paul. Paul is a dick who sucks at his job and it's good that the internet now knows this. I'm just trying to advocate cooler heads. He's gotten his, and then some.

I'm sure Captain America would agree with me on this one

You're correct. However, that's not Mike. That's the internet. It's a fine line but Mike finding humor in some ass hole getting what's his and personally enjoying his family getting harassed are two completely different things. I really don't think that he's finding pleasure if Paul's family is being harassed.

Really, Mike isn't even burning anything down or going on the attack, himself. The internet is a series of ass holes with flamethrowers and gasoline. All Mike did was point the troops and they marched. I don't think even a lick of flame is being directed towards anybody but Ocean Marketting/Stratagy. There's nothing to be mad at PA about this.
You're correct. However, that's not Mike. That's the internet. It's a fine line but Mike finding humor in some ass hole getting what's his and personally enjoying his family getting harassed are two completely different things. I really don't think that he's finding pleasure if Paul's family is being harassed.

Really, Mike isn't even burning anything down or going on the attack, himself. The internet is a series of ass holes with flamethrowers and gasoline. All Mike did was point the troops and they marched. I don't think even a lick of flame is being directed towards anybody but Ocean Marketting/Stratagy. There's nothing to be mad at PA about this.

^^^pretty much.

That's no different when /b/ find a target ..internet is a beast that you don't want against you , especially in this day and age. It's just impossible to get back on if you're in the wrong in the first place


I'm losing a bit of respect for the Penny Arcade guys here, and I really love them. Paul may be a piece of shit but being the bigger man seems like a better thing to do rather than dragging someone through the mud over the internet.

I dunno. It just seems cruel, and a bit of a power trip.


It's not the first time Mike has done this. He drags beef onto the internet more than he should, such as this one time where he got into a web fight with sci-fi author Harlan Ellison over a misunderstanding at a convention. It's not one of his better qualities.

That said, this is one time where I can support it, because customers shouldn't be subjected to shitty service.
The consequences for being terrible at your job shouldn't be "my wife and kids are being harassed" and "my identity is being stolen".

Granted, he could just be lying for all we know, but c'mon. That ain't right.

Are you new to the internets? Have you heard of 4chan? This shit happens all the time.
I used to be beaten every day when I was at school so I understand where Mike is coming from but if you act on that trauma then you're just repeating a behavioural cycle...


benevolent sexism
I used to be beaten every day when I was at school so I understand where Mike is coming from but if you act on that trauma then you're just repeating a behavioural cycle...

An alternative framing of the situation is that bullying a bully is punishing a wrongdoer, which I think most people would endorse. The fact that the Ocean guy eventually apologized and realized he was behaving imprudently is some evidence that the cycle isn't just being perpetuated.


Jesus, I can see being in this thread will be poor for my health. First I'm "outraged," next I'm "the defense force", and now I'm Paul himself.

Guess the jig is up, I'm actually Bobby Kotick and my favorite game is Angry Birds.

While I do agree that enough is enough, I think you're thinking too highly of the guys at Penny-Arcade; while they may have started the ball, it's gained momentum of it's own at this point. Unless there's an update where he's doing more than taking delight in the course of events of the day, I don't really see how anything can be attributed to him now besides a bad case of schadenfreude.

I do agree that since the "bully" here has been squelched and his job lost that any further ridicule of him should just focus on what he's done up to this point, if that, and not towards him and his family. Though, I don't really believe his family is being hassled, to be honest.


I used to be beaten every day when I was at school so I understand where Mike is coming from but if you act on that trauma then you're just repeating a behavioural cycle...
Paul called out PA guys. PA responds on their site. They have the right. Paul gets ripped a new one and for the best of humanity/the interwebz. Who wants this shit head being their CS rep? Who needs this asshole as an employee? Why are customers being belittled by this guy?


Is it really a cycle if the person you're bullying is a CEO of his own company or whatever who really should know better?
Call me an also-ran but since I'm doing some social media mkt I got on board at work too.


Don't do this.


I like how some of you keep believing this is the FIRST time Paul have pulled this stunt. The only first thing that ever happened was that he finally got caught.

As for bullies, I don't think they ever learn from their mistakes til they address their own rage issues.


I like how some of you keep believing this is the FIRST time Paul have pulled this stunt. The only first thing that ever happened was that he finally got caught.

As for bullies, I don't think they ever learn from their mistakes til they address their own rage issues.

I'm curious though. Is this just the second time or was there a third or more times as well? Brandon's comment to Kotaku, the real one that is, makes me think that this is Paul's MO and there should be more cases of this.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
You guys really need to look up "non-apology apology" on Wikipedia. Save your sympathy for someone who deserves it. Google "crocodile tears" while you're at it also.
This is getting really ugly. Its like 20 car pile up where all you can do is watch.

Im sure this guy is as big of an ass in real life as he is on the internet but his wife and kid dont deserve to be punished as well. What really throws me off is what Mike said on Penny-Arcade in the update where he says he doesnt give a fuck and is willing to lose everything to make sure this guy goes down as well.

I mean jeeze. At some point you call yourself the bigger man and settle for the ass whooping thats already been dealt.


works for Gamestop (lol)
I like how some of you keep believing this is the FIRST time Paul have pulled this stunt. The only first thing that ever happened was that he finally got caught.

I'm not sure who's believing this. But the fact that he's done this before is what makes this whole thing disgusting


Mostly naysayers and defense force if there ever is one. :\ Just thought to bold the iteration again for those who skimmed through the thread.



the reddit thread keeps on giving. Video of our pal complaining about the noise at his apartment. Apparently threatened a bunch of people over it, claimed he was on a chamber of commerce (when he's not), etc.
Everything about this...

Wow. He was still masquerading with his phony connections back then.

Edit: The video description is so sad. Threatening with his social media "numbers." How pathetic.
I think the real victim is the inventor who is having to watch his product he created with good intentions be tarnished because one guy behaves like a jackass.
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