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Penny-Arcade: "Marketers of the Avenger Controller are thieves and liars".


one link from the examiner showed his "awesome" customer service back in June... if he was outed back then, this would never have happened.

I'm glad PA got the ball rolling
I bet this guy wishes he would have said "Sorry about the delay, for your trouble I am taking $15 off for you. Thank you for choosing our controller."
What an ass.
Here's one for the ''Mike can be a gigantic asshole when he's put in a certain position'' (and I love him for that).

Anyone remember that terrible podcast called ''Jordan Jesse Go Go Go'' or something where Mike and Jerry were invited to?

Long story short, they were invited to this podcast that took place in a stranger's apartment where they arrived an hour early because, as they later found out, there was a PR communication problem, so they had to push the interview an hour later. But to them at the time, the guy was late and it pissed them off to no end. However to Jerry, and especially Mike, waiting for someone who's late, in a stranger's apartment, to do an interview with people you don't really connect with, can take its toll. Especially when the said ''interview'' is just the hosts talking about random stuff without trying to engage you, the interviewee.


I went to college with Jesse Thorn. He's a prick.

So when I found out that my other mortal enemy, Penny Arcade, was going to be on his show (which has not changed since college)....

It was like a weird Reverse Car Wreck Christmas.

Gabe just tweeted this, an Interview with Paul from MSNBC

Some choice nuggets

"I didn't know who that guy at Penny Arcade was," he admitted. "If I had known, I would have treated the situation a little better. PAX is a great show. What he does is what I've been idlolizing since I was a kid. It's admirable he's put that together. He has a lot of connections, ones I want too."

"I don't know the mayor of Boston," he admitted. "That was taken totally out of context, I was just joking around. I am from Boston, though, and I know a lot of people who own clubs. I know some influential people, like the guy who runs the door at the convention center.

In the nearer term, Christoforo has entertained the idea of doing some Internet videos himself, and even considered going to PAX East, held in Boston this April, with a shirt tauntingly saying 'I'm Paul Christoforo' on it. "I'm not sure I'd actually do that, since I don't want to get in any fights," he clarified.


I take it everyone saw Kyle Orland's follow up with the dude? Doesn't help his case...


"It hasn't affected my business yet," he said. "Clients have brought it up, but they've mainly laughed about it. I haven't lost any clients."

Either this is a lie or he doesn't have any other clients.

"I didn't know who that guy at Penny Arcade was," he admitted. "If I had known, I would have treated the situation a little better. PAX is a great show. What he does is what I've been idolizing since I was a kid. It's admirable he's put that together. He has a lot of connections, ones I want too."

38-years-old, huh? Also, he still doesn't understand that you don't treat PEOPLE that way, not just people who can damage your business and reputation.

"I don't know the mayor of Boston," he admitted. "That was taken totally out of context, I was just joking around. I am from Boston, though, and I know a lot of people who own clubs. I know some influential people, like the guy who runs the door at the convention center.

He also apparently doesn't know what "context" means since his entire stupid email exchange was posted on the internet in one post.

Everything he says is stupid. He's completely hopeless.


he's received over 7,000 e-mails in the past 24 hours, some containing threats against him and his wife and two-month-old son.

Now assuming the SOB isn't lying then that's without a doubt going too fucking far. Shit on him sure but if he's not full of shit, targeting his wife and kid is with death threats is without a doubt beyond fucking insane and crossing a line.

Yet despite all the drama, Christoforo said he hasn't lost any of his other accounts, aside from Avenger. "It hasn't affected my business yet," he said. "Clients have brought it up, but they've mainly laughed about it. I haven't lost any clients."

And yet there he is right back to being a douchebag. Oh You didn't hurt me. HAHAHA. Fucking prick.

"If I had known, I would have treated the situation a little better."
Referring to the email thread that started the whole mess, Christoforo said that he didn't know who he was talking to in his initial, flippant response to Penny Arcade's Mike Krahulik.

Again not an apology. Oh if I wasn't such a dumbshit and knew who I was going up against I wouldn't have been a prick. Oh and he goes on to talk shit about how Penny Arcade handled it. What a piece of work.

Regarding the litany of names Christoforo's e-mail called up as potential supporters — a list that included everyone from Epic Games' Cliff Bleszinski to the mayor of Boston — he said the tactic was meant to "impress, not to threaten" and didn't come through correctly because "you can't see tone of voice in email."

Oh yes it was meant to impress. He's so full of shit.

Looking back, Christoforo is still a little shocked that what he thought would remain a private email conversation got blown into an Internet event the way it did.

Oh bullshit. He even fucking told them fine go ahead. Like he didn't know it was going to be made public. Mike even fucking told him it was going on the site.

In the nearer term, Christoforo has entertained the idea of doing some Internet videos himself, and even considered going to PAX East, held in Boston this April, with a shirt tauntingly saying 'I'm Paul Christoforo' on it. "I'm not sure I'd actually do that, since I don't want to get in any fights," he clarified.

Wow. Dumbass doesn't learn a thing. Gee I might go to PAX East and advertise I'm the jackass that got me and the product I represent banned from it. After reading this I have absolutely fucking no respect for the son of a bitch.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Cliffy B on Twitter

"@jazin1980: @therealcliffyb what did u thunk of that ocean marketing Guy name dropping ur name?" I don't recall ever meeting him. ::shrug::

One more case of "Wow the internet is still caring about THIS?".

But you care enough to notice that the Internet still cares?
I hope this guy gets blacklisted from every form of customer service for the rest of his life. I would've known better when I was 16 at my first customer service job to not act like that. He doesn't deserve to work with any kind of customers ever again, it's obviously above his intelligence.


Now assuming the SOB isn't lying then that's without a doubt going too fucking far. Shit on him sure but if he's not full of shit, targeting his wife and kid is with death threats is without a doubt beyond fucking insane and crossing a line.


As for the rest of the article, how can he be so bad at damage control and spinning things? :|


pretty sure the most important part of the msnbc article is this...

So what lessons has Christoforo taken from his brush with Internet infamy? "I'll definitely stay away from customer service emails," he said. "I could have nipped this all in the bud by being a little nicer. You never know who knows who, and lesson learned. We all have bad days and they caught me on one."

smh....this guy will NEVER change
I take it everyone saw Kyle Orland's follow up with the dude? Doesn't help his case...

Glad to see he has not let up on his douchebaggery

Regarding the litany of names Christoforo's e-mail called up as potential supporters — a list that included everyone from Epic Games' Cliff Bleszinski to the mayor of Boston — he said the tactic was meant to "impress, not to threaten" and didn't come through correctly because "you can't see tone of voice in email."

"I don't know the mayor of Boston," he admitted.
"That was taken totally out of context, I was just joking around. I am from Boston, though, and I know a lot of people who own clubs. I know some influential people, like the guy who runs the door at the convention center.


Truly unbelievable. This thread is growing faster than I can follow.

Haven't seen this parody posted in this thread yet...

Ocean Marketing FAIL

The internet is really quick. That was funny and it was my first time seeing it as this thread is way too big to read.

But yeah I think that if you answer your customers like Paul did in that emails chain then you must be ready for these emails to be shared with the rest of the world. It works both way. You can't really complain about the internet being a jerk to you when you where a jerk on the internet in the first place.

People are really going too far if they are threatening his life or that of his family though.


This says all that needs to be known. For him it's ok to be an asshole as long as it doesn't get exposed.

Yeah, he's been consistant in his reponses and "apologies". He regrets getting caught, "underestimating" the original customer, regrets the way it played out, etc. He does not regret being a lying, plagerizing asshole.

As Gabe said, he's sorry he got caught.

Just got caught up on the thread...the Geico tweet, the youbube parody, the backtracking...good god. This shot the first two hours I was in the office today. :lol


benevolent sexism
38-years-old, huh? Also, he still doesn't understand that you don't treat PEOPLE that way, not just people who can damage your business and reputation.

His comment about idolization is probably referring to Mike Krahulik's success with a self-started business (rather than his being a fan of PA since he was a kid or anything like that.)

But you're nonetheless correct that this guy is a fuckup and an idiot through and through.

On the general topic, I agree that people should stop harassing him at this point. His reputation was destroyed, and that's the appropriate result of being a dick and screwing people over. It doesn't need to go on beyond that.


user-friendly man-cashews
But you care enough to notice that the Internet still cares?
And you cared enough to notice that I cared that the internet still cared.

Just candidly surprised how that story is still going on and the shit still happening around it. Crazy, don't you think?
And yet all the best podcast hosts went to Jesse Thorn for his professionalism and quality. Weird.

Jesse Thorn always had to explain my jokes to people. Literally, every single joke that I ever made within earshot of him had to be explained. This was his mission.

He had an improv club, and I had a much smaller, less popular one. This didn't stop him from having an ex-member of our club on his show to badmouth us.

He's a class act.

Boy Detective Jordan Morris, however, is kind, caring, funny, and engaging. I do not know why he is with Thorn.

Gabe just tweeted this, an Interview with Paul from MSNBC

Some choice nuggets

This is my favorite choice nugget:

"I could have nipped this all in the bud by being a little nicer. You never know who knows who, and lesson learned. We all have bad days and they caught me on one."

Clearly every customer is not equal in Christoforo's warped mind. Only important customers deserve good service. What a douche.


I really think Ocean Marketing should use the PT Barnum quote as their motto

"I don't care what they say about me, just make sure they spell my name right."


"Ultimately, if I was able to control the customer, it never would have happened. I've dealt with thousands and thousands of customers with similar complaints, they were all asking the same question. When is it big enough that it hits the news? When it hits Penny Arcade, when it hits a guy who has the biggest affiliations in the industry."

even at this point he doesn't understand that it wasn't bad luck that this one customer went to the media,

but instead he could all have avoided this by not lying, not making fun and not threatining a paying costumer in the first place. I have no words.


Jesus Christ. Alright, GAF, you fuckin' win, I guess this guy did/does sorta deserve some kind of extended shaming.

Heh, I specifically thought of you while reading that article and wondered what your thoughts might be about the guy after reading that. After that article he really is completely indefensible, you can see that he's learned nothing from all of this.


Even after 24 hours of harassment, it's obvious from the interview that he hasn't learned anything. Do you think another 24 hours will finally do it? Maybe someone should email Penny Arcade and ask if we, the internet, should try another 24 hours of harassment to get the point across. Nah, probably not, Mike will just ask to be removed from our mailing list.


i dont know whats worst - that idiot from ocean marketing, or the internet mob mentality that took over afterwards.

I don't know what's worse, the idiot from Ocean Marketing or the people who think that he doesn't deserve what he's getting.
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