This anime is way too hardcore for me
This anime is way too hardcore for me
This is what happens when you ask for a dark and machoor Purse Owner.
This is what happens when you ask for a dark and machoor Purse Owner.
NichM and atlusprime
Will there be another chance to buy any of the Persona t-shirts that were being sold during AX? I bought the Thanatos one but realize I should've sized down from what I got, so I was curious if Atlus will be selling the shirts ever again.
I drew a human Metis.
That or it's turned into HigarashiThis anime is way too hardcore for me
Poor Naoto
Why is Chee a NaziThis anime is way too hardcore for me
I just listened to Dazzling Smile from the new P4 anime today. It's pretty good. The opening is OK.
*watches ending*
WTF Shihoko Hirata is Marie? The lip syncing is so off lol.
why is she naked
There should be some Euro news/events soon!
WTF Shihoko Hirata is Marie?
why is she naked
1) regarding persona q, how will each character from both teams address the protagonist you play as? since you can name both p4 & p3 mcs right at the beginning of the game regardless of which mc you play as
What do you mean? I'm guessing they'll just refer to you by your name, or "Senpaaaai~/Senseeeeei~" if you're playing as the P4 Hero.
Fake edit: Oh wait do you mean how the protagonists will refer to each other? Again, guessing just by name. I can't see a reason why they wouldn't.
remember sao hollow fragment? notwithstanding the terrible localization, you can name your chara at start of game, but the characters till call you "kirito" - literally, both in text and in voice - they call you kirito out loud
persona q has voice acting doesnt it? how will they pronounce the p3 & p4 mcs' name outload? are honorifics still present? "P4MC-kun" or "P4MC-Sempai"
remember sao hollow fragment? notwithstanding the terrible localization, you can name your chara at start of game, but the characters till call you "kirito" - literally, both in text and in voice - they call you kirito out loud
persona q has voice acting doesnt it? how will they pronounce the p3 & p4 mcs' name outload? are honorifics still present? "P4MC-kun" or "P4MC-Sempai"
P3MC is known as Sub-Leader, while P4MC has many nicknames like Senpai, Sensei, Partner, Leader, etc. Though I'm pretty sure sometimes they refer to them as "name-kun".remember sao hollow fragment? notwithstanding the terrible localization, you can name your chara at start of game, but the characters till call you "kirito" - literally, both in text and in voice - they call you kirito out loud
persona q has voice acting doesnt it? how will they pronounce the p3 & p4 mcs' name outload? are honorifics still present? "P4MC-kun" or "P4MC-Sempai"
First off, wow, that's SAO example is horrible. That's pretty hilarious that they just...ignored the fact you could name yourself completely.
Anyway, for speaking your name, I'm guessing they'll just go with their usual where any mention of the actual name is spoken as "he" or "him". If you've ever played Devil Survivor Overclocked you'll know what I'm talking about. It should be handled better than that, though, since this is being voiced with a nameable protagonist in mind from the outset.
That, or they'll come up with any manner of nickname just to avoid them saying your name. I'm thinking that's the entire reason for "partner", "leader, "sensei, "senpai" etc in Persona 4.
P3MC is known as Sub-Leader, while P4MC has many nicknames like Senpai, Sensei, Partner, Leader, etc. Though I'm pretty sure sometimes they refer to them as "name-kun".
Aigis calls him that in one of the trailers, so I assume most of the SEES at least refers him as that.sub...leader? what is that?
you name "lastname-kun"... right? assuming pq allows you to input both first and last names
The P3 cast generally refer to him as "Leader" as a nickname. It's a recurring thing in the drama CDs. Even people at Gekkoukan have apparently picked up on it, lol.
The P4 cast refer to him as "Partner" or "Senpai" usually, as they did in Persona 4.
Presumably, whoever you don't pick will be referred to as the sub leader. And of course the written name will be used in non-voiced parts.
thanking for clarification. but it very weird to imagine yukari calling p3mc leader instead of darling or more personal nickname
is there option for last name in pq naming mc?
.... have you ever played Persona 3? Yukari's about as formal as they get at times.
At any rate, you fully name both protagonists, as you did in their respective games.
One thing I'm worried about name-wise is the character limit. Trying to fit a name in with Devil Survivor's 5 character limit on a last name was awful. I hope that's not a limitation across all 3DS games.
what really?i saying this because rise is lover's tarot card, yukari is also lover's card, so i thought she will be more darling like. i think it was confirmed on gamefaqs that even if there are no social links in pq, rise still is in love with p4mc, and yukari is also like this to p3mc
what really?i think it was confirmed on gamefaqs that even if there are no social links in pq, rise still is in love with p4mc, and yukari is also like this to p3mc
Atlus games in Japanese usually have a three-character limit for first and last names respectively. I would assume Atlus will stick to the standard of expanding that to eight characters, as they have done for Persona 3, Persona 4, and Nocturne.
I've still yet to even watch the P4G anime, the screen everyone posts make it look some weird variety show or something. heh
By the way, if you're playing Destiny on PS4 remember to join the PersonaGAF clan!
Why is Chee a Nazi
I'm so confused. Am I a member or just a follower?
Request to join and I'll add you. Need to make another admin too since Sophia and Inorigo aren't going to be playing yet.
My request is pending it says.
Lol at Junpei and Yukari
I spy Soejima art!
The P3 cast generally refer to him as "Leader" as a nickname. It's a recurring thing in the drama CDs. Even people at Gekkoukan have apparently picked up on it, lol.
They should start calling him "Boss".
But that's Mitsuru. Technically, at least.
But that's Mitsuru. Technically, at least.
There should be some Euro news/events soon!
I called it!During the demo, I was told Persona Q would explore more of Kens backstory and take the character to interesting places. Hopefully Ken will be more likeable and intriguing this time around.
But the MC leads them in combat. If Mitsuru's the boss, what does that make him? Some kind of... bigger boss? A Big Boss?
Have you ever wondered what it would be like if characters from Persona 3 met with Persona 4s gang?