Persona Community Thread |OT6| Where 6 Comes Before 5 (No PQ or P4U spoilers!)


The good thing about random Social Link values is that I can accidentally screw up when following a guide, but then be back on track by the end of the month.
Seriously, I always freak out when I accidentally deviate.


I always would give up doing it half way through, the closet one I got was when I maxed all the links but Temperance at rank 4.

Well he's got the best walking animation as a result. Maybe it's supposed to look goofy to heavily contrast with trying to look tough? I don't know.

hi hello

currently almost done with P4G, so I'm still trying to avoid spoilers, but I have a question for you all.

When does the Aeon social link need to be maxed by to get the true ending? I'm already on
December 3
, and viewing all the endings I can get without getting the true one, but is it still possible at this point to max the Aeon social link?
hi hello

currently almost done with P4G, so I'm still trying to avoid spoilers, but I have a question for you all.

When does the Aeon social link need to be maxed by to get the true ending? I'm already on December 3, and viewing all the endings I can get without getting the true one, but is it still possible at this point to max the Aeon social link?

Before you go to fight
Also welcome.


hi hello

currently almost done with P4G, so I'm still trying to avoid spoilers, but I have a question for you all.

When does the Aeon social link need to be maxed by to get the true ending? I'm already on December 3, and viewing all the endings I can get without getting the true one, but is it still possible at this point to max the Aeon social link?

December 22nd. (You have to finish the dungeon on the 23rd)
Before you go to fight
Also welcome.

December 22nd. (You have to finish the dungeon on the 23rd)

ok thanks

i don't know if I'll be able to do it though, I think I'm only one rank 3 and I'm not sure if it's possible to get it up to 10 in that amount of time. I guess if I can't do it I'll play again on a max social link run.

edit: also how can being intimate with 2 girls (Chie and Ayane(lol)) backfire on me in this one. I remember in Persona 3 FES that the social link just broke or somethng
ok thanks

i don't know if I'll be able to do it though, I think I'm only one rank 3 and I'm not sure if it's possible to get it up to 10 in that amount of time. I guess if I can't do it I'll play again on a max social link run.

edit: also how can being intimate with 2 girls (Chie and Ayane(lol)) backfire on me in this one. I remember in Persona 3 FES that the social link just broke or somethng

You've got plenty of time to max Aeon, just focus on it and bring an Aeon persona with you if possible.
ok thanks

i don't know if I'll be able to do it though, I think I'm only one rank 3 and I'm not sure if it's possible to get it up to 10 in that amount of time. I guess if I can't do it I'll play again on a max social link run.

edit: also how can being intimate with 2 girls (Chie and Ayane(lol)) backfire on me in this one. I remember in Persona 3 FES that the social link just broke or somethng

'backfire' depends on whether a verbal guilt trip works on you.


ok thanks

i don't know if I'll be able to do it though, I think I'm only one rank 3 and I'm not sure if it's possible to get it up to 10 in that amount of time. I guess if I can't do it I'll play again on a max social link run.

edit: also how can being intimate with 2 girls (Chie and Ayane(lol)) backfire on me in this one. I remember in Persona 3 FES that the social link just broke or somethng

Because of the quickly approaching deadline for that link in December, she's available literally every single day to hang out with. It's also one of those links that advances almost every single time you hang out with them. :)


Saw on reddit that a (recent?) build of Persona Q only had 5 characters for each name. If this is accurate, I really hope we can get those extra spaces... I don't want to play as Yu Nkami/Naruk.

On the other hand, the name I give SMT silent protagonists (besides Yu) fits perfectly with the 10 character limit.

Also, congrats Europe on finally getting smt4.

PK Gaming

Saw on reddit that a (recent?) build of Persona Q only had 5 characters for each name. If this is accurate, I really hope we can get those extra spaces... I don't want to play as Yu Nkami/Naruk.

On the other hand, the name I give SMT silent protagonists (besides Yu) fits perfectly with the 10 character limit.

Also, congrats Europe on finally getting smt4.


Ultimate Despair inducing if true...


Saw on reddit that a (recent?) build of Persona Q only had 5 characters for each name. If this is accurate, I really hope we can get those extra spaces... I don't want to play as Yu Nkami/Naruk.

On the other hand, the name I give SMT silent protagonists (besides Yu) fits perfectly with the 10 character limit.

Also, congrats Europe on finally getting smt4.

This is terrible.


Guess we have to be content with exploring the labyrinth with Yu Naruka...

That or call him Yuna Rukami.

It's not true.
It's 6.
Looks like Jose-kun will have to lead the SEES gang and Jose-kun will head up the Investigation Team.

Now that I think about it, it feels weird inputting my name now that the MCs have been characterized in outside media. Oh well.


It's not true.
It's 6. do you make it so you can't even use the canon names from other media for the MC you have to name? How the hell is this even a thing when the other character names are obviously longer(names like Mitsuru are 7 letters, so the excuse that the party members only use one name doesn't fly here)?

I am so confused.
You guys should just have fun with giving him a unique name.

Hell, name him Yosuke. You end up getting funny conversations and it plays into the fan theory that Persona 4 has the same plot as the movie/book,
Fight Club.


You guys should just have fun with giving him a unique name.

Hell, name him Yosuke. You end up getting funny conversations and it plays into the fan theory that Persona 4 has the same plot as the movie/book,
Fight Club.

I'm actually a little miffed I can't use the names I've always used for them since the Persona proper games have an 8 character limit I think it is.

It's just so odd to have a different limit in this compared to the Persona proper games. Is it an actual space limitation on the cart or something? That can't be it, can it?

PK Gaming

It's not true.
It's 6.

I see...I see.

Well that's certainly disappointing, but not ruinous. I guess we'll have to make due with another surname. It's unfortunate the protagonist's last name is displayed during text dialogue screen... do you make it so you can't even use the canon thing when the other character names are obviously longer(names like Mitsuru are 7 names from other media for the MC you have to name? How the hell is this even a letters, so the excuse that the party members only use one name doesn't fly here)?

I am so confused.

Perhaps it wasn't a priority for them. I'm guessing programming the extra spaces was a non-trivial thing, or maybe they just forgot. It's also worth considering the original version only of PQ only had like, what, 3 spaces? That said, 6 characters IS a little short. Most North American last names are definitely longer than that.


I'm actually a little miffed I can't use the names I've always used for them since the Persona proper games have an 8 character limit I think it is.

It's just so odd to have a different limit in this compared to the Persona proper games. Is it an actual space limitation on the cart or something? That can't be it, can it?

Even though the game does have to store two (I guess four...) name inputs, I refuse to believe it was a space issue... but being fair I guess it would depend on the cart size (still don't believe they couldn't allow 2 more characters).

I think it's reasonable to be slightly upset about being unable to use a name that's been heavily attached to the character, especially with ultimax being only a month old.

Alas end rant/whining do you make it so you can't even use the canon names from other media for the MC you have to name? How the hell is this even a thing when the other character names are obviously longer(names like Mitsuru are 7 letters, so the excuse that the party members only use one name doesn't fly here)?

I am so confused.

Well, if I remember right, the random name generator for the protags doesn't even have any of the "canon" names for the characters as options (no Makoto, no Yu, no Souji, etc.) So I'd guess the moral of the story is that canon names are only "canon" in outside media, not any persona RPG.

8 characters would have been better than 6, sure. But I don't think the tone needs to be this hostile when people talk about it.
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