Persona Community Thread |OT6| Where 6 Comes Before 5 (No PQ or P4U spoilers!)

Yes there is. If I wasn't lazy I would have blended it in, but I am, so I didn't. I think it looks good when you view the picture as a whole though, it just looks shonky when you focus on the actual line where the blur starts.

I've noticed that line from where you've blurred something in a few others of yours.

It seems really bizarre to me.

Finally got around to finishing some artwork for the charity. I still need to adjust the colors, blend the shadows, redraw and clean up certain areas, etc. What do you guys think of these samples so far?

Yu and Sho

Junpei and Yukari

More to come....


If anyone can contribute, maybe I'll try to submit something for the charity event. If it's still possible that is.

Mobile Suit Gooch

Grundle: The Awakening
we played Lords of the Fallen and DriveClub, delay in controls was noticeable, but I've managed to kill few monsters in Lords

I played Spelunky over it with Silva. There was some minor lag (comparable to Remote play) but it was otherwise fully playable despite us being on the North and South sides of the US.
Wanna try?

Marie confirmed as canonical love interest.

It's what God intended...
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