Persona Community Thread |OT6| Where 6 Comes Before 5 (No PQ or P4U spoilers!)


One thing I thought was weird though...
Why was Teddie in human form during his entire stay while the Dojimas were in the Hospital?
I can understand why he would be at Yosuke's, but it was just him and Yu there.

I'm guessing Marie is basically what the original plan for Teddie was, before he became just a Shadow and male?


One thing I thought was weird though...
Why was Teddie in human form during his entire stay while the Dojimas were in the Hospital?
I can understand why he would be at Yosuke's, but it was just him and Yu there.
They had a tendency to keep Teddie in his human form in the real world, and bear form in the TV world. I'm guessing it was just because of something simple like that/ Never really questioned it myself.
I'm guessing Marie is basically what the original plan for Teddie was, before he became just a Shadow and male?

Interesting. Props, never considered that, nor have I heard that idea before. I'll give a big maybe or maybe not. Would make sense, but little other reason to believe it.


They had a tendency to keep Teddie in his human form in the real world, and bear form in the TV world. I'm guessing it was just because of something simple like that/ Never really questioned it myself.
Yeah, but he's a bear during most of the events.
Interesting. Props, never considered that, nor have I heard that idea before. I'll give a big maybe or maybe not. Would make sense, but little other reason to believe it.
I only thought of this cause
the Wiki says that initial designs had Teddie as female. Some of Teddie's rank ups also felt a little weak, as does Marie's general integration into the story at large. Feels like they took bits away from Teddie, while Marie doesn't really feel like a "whole" either.
Though I realize
the lack of integration for Marie is largely due to the fact that this is only a port. But, given that their themes are similar and Teddie's lack of a real role too, I can see that to be the case.
I'm guessing Marie is basically what the original plan for Teddie was, before he became just a Shadow and male?

I also had the same theory, because their struggle was similar and Shadow Teddie was the only shadow encounter that had sagiri speaking through him.


Neo Member



What I mean to say is that she clearly starts off emotionally stunted. She doesn't give me the impression of someone who can healthily consent to a relationship.

She has been devoted her life to Makoto, so I see where your opinion came from.

I just like their relationship because of Persona 3's ending and (P4A spoiler)
the whole Labrys' wish being transferred to Aigis and meeting someone who is able to free her from the island.
She has been devoted her life to Makoto, so I see where your opinion came from.

I just like their relationship because of Persona 3's ending and (P4A spoiler)
the whole Labrys' wish being transferred to Aigis and meeting someone who is able to free her from the island.

Don't get me wrong. The idea of Aigis learning from Makoto and the rest of SEES and becoming more socially apt is really appealing.
I just think it would have been better if it was strictly platonic. I personally think it's kind of marred by the game's assumption you want to hump everything without a Y chromosome.

I guess i'll have to go over it again and give it a fair shake, because I remember not liking it as much as some of the others. Though to be quite honest, I dislike most of the lovers routes.

Don't get me wrong. The idea of Aigis learning from Makoto and the rest of SEES and becoming more socially apt is really appealing.
I just think it would have been better if it was strictly platonic. I personally think it's kind of marred by the game's assumption you want to hump everything without a Y chromosome.

Just wanted to highlight the bolded portions of both of these quotes. Not because there's anything outright wrong with the romance paths, but because I agree with the notion that the romance in Persona can be a bit too prevalent. I find the romance to detract rather than add to character interactions (with few exceptions).
But I still romance a different character each time, either because I have the memory of a guppy or I just don't learn.
Just wanted to highlight the bolded portions of both of these quotes. Not because there's anything outright wrong with the romance paths, but because I agree with the notion that the romance in Persona can be a bit too prevalent. I find the romance to detract rather than add to character interactions (with few exceptions).
But I still romance a different character each time, either because I have the memory of a guppy or I just don't learn.

I'm actually kind of a sap when it comes to romance. I'm just not a fan of the game making assumptions. I wouldn't be too surprised if I found out this was done on purpose to fuel waifu wars to rile the fans up.


I'm actually kind of a sap when it comes to romance. I'm just not mad about the game making assumptions. I wouldn't be too surprised if I found out this was done on purpose to fuel waifu wars to rile the fans up.

Makes sense seeing how they made Marie generally dislikable and then pushed her as the OTP.

I like to imagine P-Studio is one room in atlus where employees gather to come up with ideas on how to screw over the fanbase.
Makes sense seeing how they made Marie generally dislikable and then pushed her as the OTP.

I like to imagine P-Studio is one room in atlus where employees gather to come up with ideas on how to screw over the fanbase.

Bastards probably find it cute. The whole 'getting off on tears' gimmick.
To be fair, I think Aigis' role in the ending of P3 is more because of her P3
sealing Death inside him 10 years ago
rather than any romantic intent. After all, she had the same role in the ending in the original P3, before she had a social link.
It's not only that,
the fact you to spend your last day with Aigis is way too forceful to me. I don't want to talk to her or be in her lap, I want to be with all my other friends, with the whole group. I mean, you don't even have a chance to fulfill your promise since by the time they arrive you're already dead. I didn't want to be with Aigis.
At least Portable fixes that mistake, but even then it's not canon.
And I think it's fair to assume the same reason there's people who don't like Yukari, Rise, or Marie.
But with Yukari you can at least turn down or choose another option in these events (excluding the shower scene). It's not like you're forced. With Rise yeah I can see why would people be annoyed by her flirting, but in the beginning of the game there were some scenes with Chie and Yukiko too so I'm okay. Yup I dislike Marie.
It's not only that,
the fact you to spend your last day with Aigis is way too forceful to me. I don't want to talk to her or be in her lap, I want to be with all my other friends, with the whole group. I mean, you don't even have a chance to fulfill your promise since by the time they arrive you're already dead. I didn't want to be with Aigis.
At least Portable fixes that mistake, but even then it's not canon.

Fair enough, I see your point. In my opinion, the changes in Portable just seem forced and awkward (in terms of content), but having the choice is a nice bonus for a New Game+


I love the way P3 ended personally. Both P3 and P4 endings are great, but P3's ending definitely wins 'the most tears shed in a game ever award.' Although I cried at P4's ending too.

I love the way P3 ended personally. Both P3 and P4 endings are great, but P3's ending definitely wins 'the most tears shed in a game ever award.' Although I cried at P4's ending too.


Already commented about P3 ending. On other hand, I feel that that the original ending for P4 was perfect, some tears man, but the Arena games ruin the moment, and I don't think having the prologue in Golden was worth it since the ending there was meh', I liked it before when they leave it open what would happen in the future.

PD: The credits for P3, The Answer, P4 and P4G (excluding Marie lol) are amazing. Best. credits. ever. I hope PQ has credits like that.


Already commented about P3 ending. On other hand, I feel that that the original ending for P4 was perfect, some tears man, but the Arena games ruin the moment, and I don't think having the prologue in Golden was worth it since the ending there was meh', I liked it before when they leave it open what would happen in the future.

Yeah, original P4 will always be the true canon ending in my heart. Although an epilogue wasn't a bad idea, just should have been an added extra rather than the ending. Oh and those designs need to get thrown in the TV.


The Golden
Epilogue really shoots itself in the foot,everyone changed and went back to their styles in Dancing All Night.

Guess Who

Dancing All Night is maximum canon. It retroactively brings every other game out of canon and establishes itself as the one true story.


The Golden
Epilogue really shoots itself in the foot,everyone changed and went back to their styles in Dancing All Night.

I thought the almighty Persona timeline wizards proved DAN took place before the epilogue? You know, all these additions between the ending in P4 and the epilogue is starting to make the character changes less, I dunno, realistic? I mean it's hard to believe they look so different in a years time, when they already spent one year with Yu and never changed appearance. The whole purpose of the epilogue was to have Yu leave Inaba for a year and return to see his friends, and be genuinely surprised at how much his friends changed. Now that Arena and DAN intrude in that year long gap, it just doesn't sit well with me.


I thought the almighty Persona timeline wizards proved DAN took place before the epilogue? You know, all these additions between the ending in P4 and the epilogue is starting to make the character changes less, I dunno, realistic? I mean it's hard to believe they look so different in a years time, when they already spent one year with Yu and never changed appearance. The whole purpose of the epilogue was to have Yu leave Inaba for a year and return to see his friends, and be genuinely surprised at how much his friends changed. Now that Arena and DAN intrude in that year long gap, it just doesn't sit well with me.

which is why I'd rather have the OG true ending, the remix for Never More in the Golden EP sounds lame too to me
I thought the almighty Persona timeline wizards proved DAN took place before the epilogue? You know, all these additions between the ending in P4 and the epilogue is starting to make the character changes less, I dunno, realistic? I mean it's hard to believe they look so different in a years time, when they already spent one year with Yu and never changed appearance. The whole purpose of the epilogue was to have Yu leave Inaba for a year and return to see his friends, and be genuinely surprised at how much his friends changed. Now that Arena and DAN intrude in that year long gap, it just doesn't sit well with me.

Well, if nothing else, it'll end up giving me a reason to write off Ultimax as non-canon.
Even if it does leave me waiting for a proper follow-up to arena's story.
Also funny how Persona Q doesn't seem that intrusive to the timeline anymore...

EDIT: Honestly, I'd rather have an irrelevant side-story
(which Q isn't really)
than something that contradicts established material. Arena by itself is harmless as a pre-epilogue story. Two arena games and DAN? Yeeeeah... no.


I thought the almighty Persona timeline wizards proved DAN took place before the epilogue?
Nope! All signs point to it taking place after the epilogue.

Also, Xenoflare, remove those fucking PQ spoilers from your post, please. NO PQ SPOILERS. Read the fucking title.

EDIT: Thanks, and sorry for getting a bit mad. Grinds my gears, is all!
Kanji x Naoto
Yu x Rise, Yukiko, Marie
Yosuke x Chie
Makoto x Yukari
Akihiko x Mitsuru
Junpei x Chidori.
Theo x FMC
Adachi x Dojima


I do find it amusing at times, but I kind of agree with Dantis in the sense that one might not consider Kanji x Naoto a thing when it's really only Kanji that feels that way.

Going off a bit, in Yukiko's s-link she asks why Yu's hanging out with her and Yu can say you're classmates/friends or love. If you say love she states she feels the same or something like that, but I wouldn't consider it romance if she secretly loves Yu and Yu decided to friendzone.

I think Adachi x Dojima is supposed to be a joke, right? Like Nanako x Junes. But then there's some stuff you see about Adachi and Dojima that would suggest some consider them actually a thing? I'm not entirely sure.

Spoilers P3
I liked the idea of FeMC x Shinji, especially since they're both supposed to die by the end of the game. The problem with this is the fact that if you go on a romantic route with Shinji then he lives and only FeMC 'dies'.
Going off a bit, in Yukiko's s-link she asks why Yu's hanging out with her and Yu can say you're classmates/friends or love. If you say love she states she feels the same or something like that, but I wouldn't consider it romance if she secretly loves Yu and Yu decided to friendzone.

The actual canon for the Yu Narukami character is that he friendzones everyone. But everyone seems to have their preferred girl/pairings anyway...which is basically admitting that "Yu Narukami" as a character doesn't exist and is ultimately just a player insert.
I think Adachi x Dojima is supposed to be a joke, right? Like Nanako x Junes. But then there's some stuff you see about Adachi and Dojima that would suggest some consider them actually a thing? I'm not entirely sure.

Spoilers P3
I liked the idea of FeMC x Shinji, especially since they're both supposed to die by the end of the game. The problem with this is the fact that if you go on a romantic route with Shinji then he lives and only FeMC 'dies'.

I think it could be said that the whole list is either a joke or wishful thinking, because barring Junpei x Chidori it's all left up to the player.

Regarding your P3 spoiler,
don't worry! Shinji's suppressants are going to kill him not long after P3 ends, so they both die anyway! There might just be a difference in time.

The actual canon for the Yu Narukami character is that he friendzones everyone. But everyone seems to have their preferred girl/pairings anyway...which is basically admitting that "Yu Narukami" as a character doesn't exist and is ultimately just a player insert.

Yup. Best to say that canon is Yu x (Whoever you like)


The actual canon for the Yu Narukami character is that he friendzones everyone. But everyone seems to have their preferred girl/pairings anyway...which is basically admitting that "Yu Narukami" as a character doesn't exist and is ultimately just a player insert.

The main char is always going to leave for wherever his parents are at the end of his year there. It's almost irresponsible of him to start a relationship with someone when he knows he'd be gone.
The main char is always going to leave for wherever his parents are at the end of his year there. It's almost irresponsible of him to start a relationship with someone when he knows he'd be gone.

I don't think so. If I'm not mistaken, there are times you make plans to return.
The actual canon for the Yu Narukami character is that he friendzones everyone. But everyone seems to have their preferred girl/pairings anyway...which is basically admitting that "Yu Narukami" as a character doesn't exist and is ultimately just a player insert.

Yeah, I just meant it's kind of similar to Kanji and Naoto in the sense that if you friendzone you get Yukiko secretly loving Yu.

And yeah, I did have 'you' written everywhere where 'Yu' was but I changed it before posting. I generally have a bad habit of saying 'you' in basically every video game since 'you' the player controls the character.

I think it could be said that the whole list is either a joke or wishful thinking, because barring Junpei x Chidori it's all left up to the player.

Regarding your P3 spoiler,
don't worry! Shinji's suppressants are going to kill him not long after P3 ends, so they both die anyway! There might just be a difference in time.

Yup. Best to say that canon is Yu x (Whoever you like)

lol. Why do they have to keep taking it? is it because Personas can still exist outside of the dark hour, so even when the dark hour is gone it can still kill the owner?

I understand everyone has their own headcanon(?) and pairing stuff, but I was referring to if there was actually a large portion of fans who believed in AdachixDojima or whether the majority are joking about it. Because there's the people who joke about it, but then some people take it really seriously. Hence waifu wars? (I didn't even know what waifus were until coming onto this thread.)
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