Genesis is such a lame name. Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon R-00 or Sousei Kurogami please.
I still need to finish reading that great book. I got two chapters in and then forgot about it.
Genesis is such a lame name. Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon R-00 or Sousei Kurogami please.
お久しぶりです!さて今宵は満月の夜、みなさま如何お過ごしでしょうか・・・?お時間が許す方は是非、このあとの影時間、公式サイトにお越しください。 (ANXカタピー#P3_M
Google Translate said:Long time no see! Well tonight is the night of the full moon, ... What everyone how spend? Those who forgive your time by all means, shadow time of this later, please come to the official site. (ANX Katapi) # P3_M
While news about the 3rd movie is cool and everything, what about the second one being subbed? Or a DVD/Blu-Ray release? Haven't heard anything from that yet!
Ryoji <3
Ryoji has also been added to the character page, though his actual page hasn't been uploaded yet.
That's great news! I don't care if it's the second blu-ray or a trailer for the third movie, I'll be excited either way (but both would be best). Only twelve more hours.
According to the official site, the Midsummer Knight's Dream BD/DVD is coming on 3/11/2015 (in Japan), so I imagine Aniplex will do an overly expensive subbed version around that time.
Twelve more hours till...?
Hell yeah, there's going to be a P3 Movie update tonight at Japan midnight.
Sorry, I got my times mixed up. Thought it was noon over there when it's already midnight.
Just a question about the movies so far, what does everyone think of the singles that released alongside each movie? I think More Than One Heart is pretty good, but Fate Is In Our Hands is fantastic. Looking forward to the next song for sure.
Just a question about the movies so far, what does everyone think of the singles that released alongside each movie? I think More Than One Heart is pretty good, but Fate Is In Our Hands is fantastic. Looking forward to the next song for sure.
Seen this image going around...I gotta start fiddling more with the customization on my Accessory for Freedom Wars...
You probably just sold them a copy to Dantis.
March 11th release date for Movie #2 on Blu-Ray/DVD. Limited Edition comes with a soundtrack CD and a few other goodies.
EDIT: Bah, Serah beat me to it! ;_;
And my character is already Naoto.
And my character is already Naoto.
Also, how is freedom wars?
Also, how is freedom wars?
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuu that poster is hot
Now release the second movie on BD plz
Interesting that they're using yet another new director for the third movie. According to Anime News Network, it'll be directed by Keitaro Motonaga. The rest of the staff seems to be largely the same, except for Yoshio Tanioka, who only worked on the 2nd movie.
Yikes, that's not the greatest resume.
Yikes, that's not the greatest resume.
->School Days (TV)
I'd like to point out that the director of the 2nd movie has done all sorts of nothing, and yet it still apparently turned out even better than the 1st movie. I'm not worried. Jun Kumagai is the one truly carrying these adaptations anyhow.
'You' meaning MC and everything female, including robots that look female.
He knows what's up.
Watch out Makoto!
That first P3 movie was so outstanding, goodness I can't wait for the rest.
It was a lot better than I expected. The only bits I didn't like were the action scenes. Mega cheese.
A synopsis for Falling Down has been added to the intro page as well, but I'm not sure what it says because language.
Somehow or another, I knewyoure afraid of losing, arent you?
The season is fall. The Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squads battle against the strange Shadows is nearing its close.
To bring the Dark Hour to an end, Makoto and friends must battle the Shadows once again.
Through these battles, some face the deaths of friends and family, some become aware of the important things they must protect, and some must find meaning in the battles theyve fought so far.
And then, a new transfer student named Ryoji Mochizuki appears in Makotos class
As a new morning is welcomed, the gears of fortune once again begin to turn, and the battle surrounding each relationship begins
Sounds like we should be expecting at least a 4th movie?
Not really. There's a lot of ground to cover.Sounds like two too many.
It was pretty much confirmed there would be a total of 5 movies a while back.
also funny note: Falling Down originally had a Winter 2014 release window (according to the end of Midsummer Knight's Dream).
Falling delays.
Not really. There's a lot of ground to cover.