Then the corners... Sigh... I played against a guy yesterday who just ran down the wing to win corners intentionally and he scored 5 goals from corners against me. Like wtf, how can you not hate yourself if you play like that?
Is it me or are crosses way OP this year? How are people crossing so accurately? It feels like everyone is trying to be Sam Allardyce.
I lost a game, 4 goals from headers (from everywhere, close/far from the goal) and 3 goals shooting while holding R2 (ronaldo never miss those). Seriously, do people have fun winning like this? Playing on those small "bugs", just to score? Where is the fun in that? I lost 7x2 and for the first time I quit the game because it was annoying, the guy was literally alone, inside the penalty area, in front of my GK and he went to the side just to cross to ronaldo. Wtf.
Just so that it doesn't seem like I am a bad loser lol, yday I lost 5x1 and was completely ok with it, it was one of the best games even. Started loving 4x0 (it was my first match with Borussia Dortmund coach so I was completely lost), then on half time made some adjustments and then it was ok. First half I didn't shoot any ball, zero. The other team 8
Ps. I won 3 of my last 5 games, I'm not as bad as I seem