Awesome 400k in 4 hours
If they break their goal in less than 12 hours I am going to be so happy.
Why would they skip NWN2 and its add-ons? They're magnificent.
Double Fine did the same thing and nobody questioned it.But seriously, it seems kind of arrogant not to give any specific information whatsoever about the game. I hope they devolve something before the end of the KS.
So many great games they had to leave some of them out!Why would they skip NWN2 and its add-ons? They're magnificent.
Why would they skip NWN2 and its add-ons? They're magnificent.
Why would they skip NWN2 and its add-ons? They're magnificent.
I will overcome my dislike of NWN2's interface and play MotB tonight. I hear it's pretty good.
Mask of the Betrayer was the first add-on, no?Two last addons yes but NWN2 and first addon weren't so OBSIDIAN style same as DS3.
NWN2 was ...alright. But MotB was one of the best WRPGs of the entire generation. The pacing, soundtrack, themes, and dialogue were all top notch.I will overcome my dislike of NWN2's interface and play MotB tonight. I hear it's pretty good.
I really hope they do Onyx. DSIII was so pretty. Not mind-blowing, but undoubtedly pretty.
NWN2 was ...alright. But MotB was one of the best WRPGs of the entire generation. The pacing, soundtrack, themes, and dialogue were all top notch.
I don't think I can support this project anymore.2) One guy appeared to have a shirt that said ANIME
As with all megakickstarters, it will slow down tremendously over the next few days and collapse to a trickle of funding. People will express concern that it will make even one of its stretch goals. Then it will pick up massively at the end and everyone will be happy.Noth is a beast for kickstarters. He already donated 10k.
It is absolutely amazing it reach 400k in just few hours. 1,1 mln isn't any problem.
They won't menage think out stretch goals if money will be flowing in that speed.
It's going to drastically slow down in the next few hours/days.
2.5 or 3 mil sounds about right.
I am late with the kickstarter stuff and never really looked into it I must admit but this has me interested...but someone explain to me why Obsidian didn't need a Kickstarter for Fallout New Vegas or Dungeon Siege III or any of their games in the last 20 years and they need some now...
but someone explain to me why Obsidian didn't need a Kickstarter for Fallout New Vegas or Dungeon Siege III or any of their games in the last 20 years and they need some now...
As with all megakickstarters, it will slow down tremendously over the next few days and collapse to a trickle of funding. People will express concern that it will make even one of its stretch goals. Then it will pick up massively at the end and everyone will be happy.
Oh shit.
This is the first Kickstarter I'm backing. hnnnnng.
lol don't even kid about that.This kind of project is why they built Onyx in the first place. Now they can just focus on content and not so much on technical issues and struggling with getting things working. It's also why Infinity Engine games were so packed with content. If the engine's solid most of the effort goes into actually adding stuff to the game.
Now just wait for the first technical update to prove me wrong and reveal that they're using Gamebryo!
As with all megakickstarters, it will slow down tremendously over the next few days and collapse to a trickle of funding. People will express concern that it will make even one of its stretch goals. Then it will pick up massively at the end and everyone will be happy.
Two things to note:
1) Tasteful erotica on Josh Sawyer's PC
As with all megakickstarters, it will slow down tremendously over the next few days and collapse to a trickle of funding. People will express concern that it will make even one of its stretch goals. Then it will pick up massively at the end and everyone will be happy.
Go back and read the thread, people were pretty skeptical they would even get to the second stretch goal.Planetary Annihilation had pretty consistent pledges throughout the KS campaign, with peaks in the second day and at the end.
You also get bumps throughout depending on stretchgoals. I remember wasteland 2 got a big bump when avellone came on board
1. Kickstarter wasn't around 20 years ago.
2. Kickstarter as a viable means for funding games in the mill to 5 mill range only came about less than a year ago (Thanks Based Schafer)
3. Publishers funded New Vegas and DS III, publishers are leery of funding new franchises like Project Eternity
I am late with the kickstarter stuff and never really looked into it I must admit but this has me interested...but someone explain to me why Obsidian didn't need a Kickstarter for Fallout New Vegas or Dungeon Siege III or any of their games in the last 20 years and they need some now...
lolSaw this one MCA's twitter, I think it sums up my current state of mind:
Did Wasteland 2 go up that fast? This is crazy.